26. Mine to Love ,mine to Fuck

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Mayura's pov:

As we stepped out of the house, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. Abhimaan's car was parked outside, and he gallantly opened the door for me. I slid into the luxurious interior, feeling a sense of safety and comfort enveloping me.

Abhimaan got in beside me, his eyes flicking towards me with concern. I knew he had questions burning in his mind, but he was restraining himself, understanding that I needed time to process everything.

As he started driving, I reached out and placed my hand on his arm. He glanced at me, his eyes softening. "You can ask me," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

Abhimaan's grip on the steering wheel tightened, and he nodded slightly. "What happened there, Mayura?" he asked, his voice low and gentle.

I took a deep breath, the events of the past hour replaying in my mind. "My family never liked me, Abhimaan," I said, my voice flat. "I don't know the reason. My father was always behind money and power...they never cared for my happiness. So, it's nothing new."

Abhimaan's face darkened, his jaw clenched in anger. "They don't deserve you, Mayura," he said, his voice firm. "You deserve all the love and happiness in the world."

I smiled weakly, feeling a sense of gratitude towards this man who loved me unconditionally. "I have you now, Abhimaan," I said, my eyes meeting his. "And that's all that matters."

As we drove, Abhimaan's eyes never left the road, but I could sense his mind racing with thoughts. He was deep in contemplation, his brow furrowed in concern.

Suddenly, he spoke up, his voice low and gentle. "Mayura, did you know about this deal before our marriage?" he asked, his eyes flicking towards me for a brief moment.

My heart skipped a beat. I had been dreading this question, knowing it would lead to a conversation I wasn't ready for. I remained silent, my eyes fixed on my hands, which were clasped together in my lap.

Abhimaan's gaze lingered on me, searching for answers. He had always assumed I was aware of the business deal that had brought us together, that I had willingly entered into this arrangement. But the truth was far more complicated.

I didn't want to hurt him, didn't want to shatter the illusion he had of our marriage. So, I remained silent, hoping the question would fade away, hoping he would never discover the truth.

But Abhimaan's eyes narrowed, his mind working overtime. He sensed there was more to the story, that I was hiding something from him.
As I remained silent, Abhimaan's eyes widened, and his grip on the steering wheel tightened. It was as if the realization had hit him like a ton of bricks. He looked at me, his eyes searching, and then it dawned on him - I hadn't known about the deal before our marriage.

"You didn't know," he stated, his voice barely above a whisper. It was a mix of shock, disbelief, and anger.

I quickly apologized, my words tumbling out in a rush. "Abhimaan, I'm so sorry...I don't know what to say...I'm just so sorry." I wasn't even sure what I was apologizing for - for not knowing, for not speaking up, for potentially hurting him.

Abhimaan's face was a mask of tension, his jaw clenched, and his eyes blazing with a mix of emotions. He was struggling to process this new information, to reconcile the fact that his wife had been kept in the dark about their own marriage.

The air in the car was thick with tension, heavy with unspoken words.

As we sped down the empty road, my heart raced with fear. Abhimaan's silence was deafening, and I worried that he might abandon me too. Suddenly, he swerved to the side and slammed on the brakes. The car skidded to a halt, and he jumped out, leaving me alone in the darkness.

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