8. She's different

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As I listened to the conversation unfolding around me, my mind raced with a whirlwind of thoughts

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As I listened to the conversation unfolding around me, my mind raced with a whirlwind of thoughts. The reality of his departure, the fact that he was leaving for his palace while I would be accompanying him, felt overwhelming. Here, in this familiar setting, I had Maa, Papa, Aryan, and Riya. They were my family, the people who had become a source of comfort and support. The thought of leaving them behind, moving to his palace where I would be alone with him, sent a shiver down my spine.

I kept my gaze fixed on my plate, my heart heavy with the weight of what was to come. I couldn’t bring myself to look at him, the man whose presence was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore. What would it be like to live with him in that grand, empty palace, away from the warmth of my current home? The uncertainty of it all was almost unbearable.

Trying to distract myself from these unsettling thoughts, I focused on my meal. But the thought of my future in his palace loomed large, and I couldn't shake the anxiety that accompanied it. My fingers tightened around my fork as I wrestled with the emotions swirling inside me. I had to find a way to maintain some semblance of normalcy, to hold on to a piece of who I was before everything changed so drastically.

Finally, unable to hold back my concerns any longer, I gathered my courage and spoke up. “Papa, can I talk to you for a minute?” My voice was tentative, betraying my anxiety.

Papa looked at me with his warm, concerned eyes. “Of course, beti! What’s on your mind?”

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. “I was thinking… I couldn’t finish my last year of college . Can I continue my studies now?” I asked, hoping he would understand my predicament.

Papa’s face lit up with a smile, a beacon of reassurance in my sea of worries. “Arre, beti! Why are you even asking? You’re the queen! You don’t need permission from anyone, not even the king himself! You can do whatever you want, whenever you want!”

His response was like a balm to my anxious heart. I felt a surge of gratitude and relief. “Thank you, Papa! That means so much to me!”

He placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “Beta, you’re not just a daughter-in-law; you’re a part of this family. We want you to be happy and to fulfill your dreams. If that means finishing your education, then so be it! We’ll support you every step of the way,” he said, his voice imbued with warmth and encouragement.

The weight that had been pressing on my shoulders seemed to lift, and I felt a renewed sense of purpose. “Thank you, Papa. I won’t let you down!”

Papa’s eyes shone with love and pride as he replied, “Never, beti! We’ll always be proud of you, no matter what!”

The conversation brought a mix of relief and bittersweet emotions. I had been forced to leave college abruptly, a decision that was not my own but dictated by circumstances beyond my control. No one had asked for the reasons behind my sudden departure, and I had never volunteered the information. It was a painful chapter I kept hidden, one that involved my father and the traumatic events that had led to my fleeing from home.

When I had to leave college, it was not just a matter of changing my plans—it was a forced abandonment of my dreams and aspirations due to my father’s actions. I had been studying diligently, looking forward to completing my final year and achieving my academic goals. But then, my world had been turned upside down. My father’s actions, which had driven me away from home and into the uncertain refuge of a new life, had also caused me to put my education on hold.

Now, as I am prepared to move into a new phase of my life, the chance to return to my studies felt like a lifeline. It was a way to reclaim a part of myself that had been lost in the chaos of recent events. Papa’s support meant more to me than he could possibly know. It was a reminder that, despite the upheaval and the uncertainty that lay ahead, I still had the freedom to pursue my dreams, to rebuild my life according to my own terms.

As the evening continued, I found myself reflecting on the changes that had occurred in my life. The transition from being a student to becoming part of a royal family was both exhilarating and frightening. The support from my new family, especially Papa’s unwavering encouragement, was a crucial factor in helping me navigate this transition.

Living in the palace would be a new chapter, one filled with both challenges and opportunities. While the thought of being alone with Abhimaan in such a grand and unfamiliar setting was intimidating, knowing that I could pursue my education and maintain a sense of purpose gave me strength. It was a reminder that I was not entirely at the mercy of the circumstances but had the power to shape my own path.

 It was a reminder that I was not entirely at the mercy of the circumstances but had the power to shape my own path

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As I listened to Mayura’s conversation with Papa, a pang of curiosity and concern hit me. Why hadn’t she mentioned her desire to continue her education to me? I would have been more than willing to support her ambitions. In fact, I would have encouraged her to pursue her studies.

But what was she implying about her college education being interrupted maybe because of the marriage? It never occurred to me that she might think I would prevent her from studying. Education has always been something I valued deeply, and I would never stand in the way of her learning and personal growth.

A wave of regret washed over me. I realized that I hadn’t been as understanding as I should have been, nor had I created an environment where she felt comfortable discussing her concerns with me. I brushed aside these thoughts, telling myself it was likely a misunderstanding. We had a lifetime ahead to sort out these issues.

As dinner concluded and everyone began to head to their rooms, Mayura picked up a pillow, seemingly heading for the swing on the balcony. I stopped her gently. “Mayura, wait,” I said, trying to sound calm. “Why didn’t you tell me about college?”

Her eyes met mine, hesitant and guarded. “You made it clear that our marriage was just an arrangement, Mr. Shekhawat. I thought you wouldn’t care about these trivial matters.”

Her words struck me hard. I realized how my earlier comments must have made her feel, though I struggled to find the right way to express my feelings.

Instead, I fell back on my usual detached demeanor. “Tomorrow is the reception,” I said, shifting the topic. “Make sure you’re prepared.”

Mayura nodded, her voice barely whispering. “I won’t embarrass you, don’t worry.”

I didn’t mean to sound so cold, but I couldn’t help slipping into my businesslike mode. I watched her walk away, my mind still lingering on our brief conversation.

For the first time, I wondered if she was different from what I had initially assumed. I had expected her to be as cunning as her father, but Mayura seemed to possess genuine kindness and sincerity.

I began to question if I had misjudged her. There was more to her than I had initially perceived, and I felt a growing curiosity about understanding her better.

I had studied her file, noting that she had left college a year ago, but the reasons were not clear. If her departure had been related to our marriage, it would make sense why she hadn’t brought it up. This new perspective on her made me realize how I had possibly misunderstood her, and for the first time, I felt a desire to explore what lay beneath her reserved exterior.

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