Main AU: Pen

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[Devian R. x Oliver A. [Timeline: after Victor Arc]]


At that time, out of sudden his phone rang and he got a call from the hospital, saying that his middle kid was being treated there. Of course, it was shocking, so he ditched all work in a split second and sped to the hospital, hoping that the clumsy idiot was alright, not doing anything stupid. When he got there, they said that his son was involved in a street fight, defending someone from a bully so he didn't have the heart to scold Arthur who just grinned once he met him in the room. Still, he broke his hand from the fight, though, so the scolding was still given (just telling him to be careful, he ain't his son-in-law).

Arthur needed fairly intensive treatment for his injury, though, so Oliver went to the reception desk in the lobby to fill in the data and other necessary things, then planned to tell his eldest that he couldn't come tonight to discuss their restaurant collaboration. The receptionist gave him a piece of paper, he decided to sit in a quiet waiting chair while he filled it in, took out a pen from his trouser pocket and started writing. Someone suddenly sat next to him, he could feel his presence but he didn't really care.

A loud clang could be heard, making him flinch in surprise—he was so focused on writing that he was caught off guard by the sound, the pen jumped out of his hand when it happened and Oliver stared at the source of the sound in confusion. It turned out that a nurse had accidentally dropped the equipment and was picking it up at the moment, several people in the waiting room also looked no less surprised. He sighed slowly, realizing that his pen was now lying on the floor, he was going to pick it up. He leaned forward, hand reaching out to grab the pen but the man at the side did it first.

"Ah, thank you." His smile was plastered on his face when the man gave him his pen back.

"You're welcome."

His hair was black, grading dark brown at the bottom, his eyes were also as dark as night even though there weren't too serious burn scars on half of his face. He looked oddly familiar. Oliver immediately glanced away realizing he had been staring for too long and it could've been rude, he returned to filling in the data on the paper provided and the two of them fell into silence.

Although, suddenly the man asked something completely unexpected.

"You're Ollivander Afton, aren't you?"

People didn't know him as Ollivander Afton, he squinted quickly and pursed his lips as he sat away from the man. Who was he? How could he know that? All speculations emerged in his brain, bad to worst scenarios, panic. Apparently, the man noticed his unease and chuckled softly, he shifted closer. "Hey, it's okay, I won't hurt you."

"That's what they said before things got complicated," Oliver shot back sharply, another chuckle escaping the man. "You work for Victor Morgan." Now he remembered where he had seen him from.

"And I hated that asshole from the start of my job." He shrugged his shoulders. "I didn't have any other choice, and I can't resign either. It's pathetic, isn't it?" He sighed heavily, Oliver still kept his guard up in case something happened later. Anything to do with Victor Morgan was never good. "My name is Devian Richard, by the way."

"What are you doing here? We no longer have any business with Morgan."

Richard gave him a warm stare. "Tooth extraction. My teeth hurt."

Oliver still had his eyes narrowed, he sneered shortly after. "Toothache? Ridiculous."

"It's okay if you don't believe me." Richard laughed gently. "Since he died, I rarely look after his laboratories anymore. You could say I am a free man now." He winked at him teasingly, Oliver frowned and rolled his eyes, not amused, and obviously not believing him at all. "Do you have a schedule on Saturday? We can drink tea together, or just exchange stories."


"Come on."

"No." Oliver repeated the words, a little more emphasis this time as he stood up from his seat and headed towards the reception desk.

His eyes glanced at Richard after he gave the receptionist the form, Richard was still sitting there, not looking like he had any intention of approaching him and forcing his invitation. Richard's smile was still there and his gaze was still glued to him even though he had left the hospital lobby.


It was still spring at the end of the day, Oliver walked through the path with a black sling bag slung over his shoulder. The hustle and bustle of the crowd could be heard, the streets were still filled with people walking around—after all, it was the weekend. He kept walking and walking until his blue eyes collided with black eyes, making him stop in place awkwardly when he found the man he had met at the hospital at that time standing not far from him, noticing his whereabouts.

Why did this coincidence have to happen to him?

"Hey!" Of course Richard had to greeted him cheerfully, he suppressed a grumble and turned around to leave him alone. "Afton!"

That bastard—Oliver turned around again to approach him in a panic and covered his mouth. "Don't call me that in public!" he hissed in annoyance, but all he got was a chuckle from Richard, the corner of his eye twitching.

"Did you just get home from work? Want to drink tea with me?" Richard asked again, why did he look excited because he accidentally met him?


Oliver walked ahead of the man without further ado, but now Richard was tailing him like a duckling, even though he was keeping his distance.

"Hey, hey, you still remember me, don't you?"


"What about my name?"


"Want me to take you home?"


"How about I treat you some snacks first?"


Every question always ended with a refusal without a second thought from him, Oliver felt his head throb hearing all the chatter and decided not to answer any more every time Richard asked him out of curiosity. The sound of a dog barking was heard as he passed a pet shop. He stopped walking, stood in front of the shop's transparent glass wall and glared at the puppies inside. Richard was still following him and was now beside him.

He tilted his head for a moment, silently looking at the taller man's reflection in the glass. "Devian, Richard," he muttered softly, but quite audible.

Richard stared at him happily. "You still remember my name!"

"No, I'm just thinking about the names of the dogs if I decide to adopt one."

Taking the opportunity that Richard seemed dumbfounded by his words, he immediately left the place and Richard alone. He walked quickly, then he felt that no one was trying to follow him anymore, but the sound of free laughter succeeded in making him stop to look back, finding Richard laughing heartily for a few moments, before reducing his laughter and staring at him softly, his smile was warm after Richard shouted at him.

"Come have dinner with me next week, Oliver!"

His cheeks heated up at the invitation, his face turned red and he could only glance away quickly before leaving Richard completely.

Maybe he will consider the invitation.

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