Main AU: Early Morning Smoothie

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[Vincent & Michael]


Michael walked through the dark corridor of the house wearily, unable to fall asleep at all. His husband had been asleep in their room, considering that Ennard's work was a bit piled up today, he understood that—after all, he didn't want to wake Ennard just because of this problem. Then he suddenly felt thirsty, so here he was, walking towards the kitchen as the clock was almost four in the morning.

The light from the kitchen made him a little curious, maybe one of his fathers was now there. Michael jogged a little towards the destination.

"Michael, don't run, it's still early in the morning."

Turned out it was his papa.

Vincent turned to him with knitted brows, he smiled lightly and only shrugged in response. Michael sat at the dinner chair, watching his stepfather wash the dishes—he had never understood his obsession with washing dishes in the early hours of the morning.

"Papa are you not sleeping?"

"Mm, I always wake up at this time." Vincent smiled faintly at him for a moment before patting the top of his head softly and starting to clean up his other kitchen utensils. "You couldn't sleep lately? Your eye bags are visible."

Michael touched his under-eye area quickly. "Is it that obvious?"

"Kinda." he chuckled. "Even William noticed it yesterday, but he didn't want to ask because he was afraid you would feel treated like a child."

With a frown Michael pursed his lips. "Should have just told me."

Vincent exhaled a small breath, he turned again to his son. "We still have leftover berries in the fridge, would you like a smoothie?" Vincent chuckled seeing Michael immediately nod his head enthusiastically, he opened the fridge to get a bowl of berries and milk and honey. He placed the ingredients on the counter, then he took out a blender. "What soup flavor do you want to eat later?"

"Anything, I want a heavy taste."

Michael's answer only received an understanding nod from Vincent, who then put the berries in the blender before pouring in the milk and honey. "Are you alright, Mike?"

That made Michael raised his head and look in surprise at Vincent who was moving his hand in the air, as if making a box around the blender with his power, not a single sound came out when Vincent turned on the blender. Michael didn't expect the question, he pursed his lips together and glanced sideways slowly.

His mind drifted again to the issue between his stepfather and his biological mother. Michael really didn't want to make her sound like a bad mother, but there had been a lot of things that made him feel empty around Jane.

"Papa, do you think I'm a good child?"

Vincent stopped pouring the contents of the blender into the glass after hearing Michael's question, he looked at the eldest Afton in not understanding. "Of course, Mike. Why do you ask that?"

Michael seemed to grumble under his breath, he buried his face on the dining table. "After all, Mother didn't want to take custody of me when Father and she were processing their divorce." Michael's voice was a little muffled. "I know I was—too much, am I really that bad? Every time she meets me, she only asks how Elizabeth and Chris are doing but never me. It was never me." Michael paused for a moment, he sounded as if his words were stuck in his throat. "I didn't mean to feel this way to both of them, I don't want—you like Lizzy and Chris, I don't know anymore." For several times Michael banged his forehead lightly on the table before Vincent held his shoulder to stop him from doing it.

Vincent pulled Michael up from his seat and immediately hugged Michael tightly, he let Michael begin to cry on his shoulder as he stroked his son's brown hair. Michael sobbed. "I don't know anymore, Papa ... I feel like trash, I just want her to see me but I'm as if I don't exist to her. Am I really not worth it for her? Would you also consider me a mere air? Please ... please don't ...."

"Of course not, darling," Vincent replied earnestly, he hugged Michael who was still sobbing tighter. "I do love your siblings, but that doesn't mean you aren't as important as them. I love you so much, Michael. You don't deserve to be treated like that." Vincent's smile was warm, he stroked Michael's trembling back. "What happened in the past, just leave it there. You've changed for the better and I'm so proud of you, always," Vincent whispered softly, he hummed a little. "You are my beloved son, Mike."

Michael tightened their hug and buried his face into the cross of his stepfather's shoulder, he felt warmer, he felt lighter, he felt better, he felt safer. "Papa ... would you fight for my custody?"

Vincent's laughter erupts. "What for? I'm not going to divorce your dad, Michael," he chuckled and ruffled Michael's hair. "Never. You don't need to worry, son." Vincent stared at Michael steadily, causing Michael to be momentarily astonished before nodding brokenly. Vincent's thumb moved to wipe away his tears. "Don't dwell too much on my issue with your mother, it's not your problem Mike. Everything will be fine, do you trust me?"

Michael nodded again.

Vincent smiled warmly. "Thank you for trusting me," he said softly, then he kissed Michael's forehead before hugging him again. "You don't have to worry, I don't want you to feel stressed and think about things like that. I won't change, I love you too much, Michael."

"I love you too, Papa ...." Michael smiled in their hug.

"And good morning, Ennard."

Michael looked back quickly to find his husband walking towards them, his face slightly doubtful. They broke their embrace, Vincent placed the smoothie near Michael while Michael jumped over to Ennard to hug him.

Ennard ran a hand through Michael's brown hair and looked at Michael and Vincent in turn. "I didn't find you in bed so I ... you guys were talking and I didn't mean to—but ... uhm ...."

Vincent chuckled amusedly, Ennard sounded nervous—seems like he felt that he was interrupting their time. "It's okay, Ennard." He patted Ennard's shoulder briefly. "Would you like tea and honey? I think we still have a few slices of bread left if you want some toast." Vincent opened the upper kitchen cabinet.

"Oh—no need I don't want to trouble you—"

"I'll make you an omelette, sit down."

Vincent couldn't be rejected, Ennard gave up and sat down at the dinner table with Michael who was now busy with his smoothie.

Michael silently glared at Vincent for a while, then smiled again, he felt grateful to have this man as a parent, even though not biological. Michael let Ennard sip his smoothie and still looked at Vincent. Then he remembered of something.

"Papa, where is Father? The last time I saw him was an hour ago, he was heading towards the basement. I thought he would be with you."

Vincent stopped whatever he was doing and his piercing glances made Michael flinched. "He was—what?"

They both knew that tone of voice.

It seemed their father would be scolded all day by this man.

Michael felt he should've not said anything about it, but did he feel guilty?


His smoothie was more important.

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