Alive AU: Wound

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[Mark Halberg x Daniel McGarden [Warning cursing words!]]


"Thanks for bothering to accompany me to the bookstore," Daniel said guiltily to the man beside him.

"No problem, you helped me pick a flat after all."

Daniel smiled gently and held his paper bag tightly in his arms, feeling his cheeks warm as the man ruffled his beige hair fondly and Daniel lowered his eyes in nervousness.

Although after that he tripped over his own feet and fell.

"Ah—Daniel—are you alright?"

This is embarrassing.

"My knee is fine but my mental isn't, thanks for asking."

Daniel felt his face burn when the sound of laughter rang out. He was led to a nearby park bench and it was only then that he realized that his knee was bleeding.

"Hold on a moment." Mark flashed a smile as he looked at Daniel, then he slowly cleaned the wound on the older man's knee carefully with a handkerchief.

"Your handkerchief is getting dirty." Daniel's words sounded more regretful than before. "I'll wash it."

Mark gave a small snort. "Sure," Mark replied casually. "But I won't bother going to your flat to get my handkerchief again."

Daniel smiled widely. "You don't need to come to my place, I'll meet you later."


Daniel's eyebrows rose at Mark's rejection. "Why?" Only incoherent muttering could be heard, Mark didn't look at Daniel at all. Daniel frowned, "Can you repeat that?"

Mark was still muttering incoherently.


"Live with me!"

As Mark answered loudly, Daniel screamed in pain because Mark was pressing the wound on his knee firmly. Mark panicked as soon as he realized what he had done, on the other hand Daniel grimaced in pain.

"I-I'm sorry," Mark said—still panicking.

"Geez, Mark," Daniel groaned, before he finally fell silent. "What ... did you say just now?"

Mark fell silent, then took a deep breath before lifting his face to meet Daniel's. "Live with me," Mark said quietly, this time clearly. A blush started to spread across his face, creeping up to his ears. "I want to always be with you."

That statement silenced Daniel for minutes, his cheeks no less flushed hearing that.

The two of them fell silent with each other, completely silent.

Very nervous.

"He asked you to marry him, you fool."

The two of them turned their heads at the same time, and their expressions turned sour at the same time—though after that their faces were like ripe tomatoes.

"Noah—you damn it! Why are you here?!" Mark exclaimed in exasperation, pointing at the blonde-haired man. "Michael you are just the same!"

Michael shrugged. "Noah and I happened to be passing by," he replied, trying to keep his laughter from swelling up, while Daniel looked down awkwardly. "Let's go, maybe they're embarrassed," Michael teased as he hooked his hand on Noah's arm, not caring at all that Mark looked like he was going to kill him.

"Assholes," Mark cursed in annoyance as he watched Noah and Michael leave. Then he turned to Daniel, "Daniel I—"

"I want to."

Mark blinked his eyes. "Want to ...?"

Daniel nodded slowly and nervously, though his smile was wide. "I want ... to be with you too," he said earnestly.

Mark could feel his heart beating fast, really fast. Happy to hear Daniel's answer.

"Great! Now it's just a matter of when you two will get married!"


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