Fantasy AU: Fire

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"There's a very strong magic flare from the south." Chris dangled upside down from a tree branch to face Michael and Elizabeth who were waiting patiently below. "And fire."

"Fire?" Michaek said quietly, he had a bad feeling about this.

Elizabeth crossed her arms. "We have to check it out, who knows if it's dad. We can't let him free, not after he burned my country down."

A small snort was heard, Chris jumped down and his wings flapped slightly so he wouldn't get hurt when he landed. "You can serve us instead, Miss Warrior." Chris smiled widely.

"Serving the dark creatures like you is a choice I would never choose even if it was my last option."

Michael swung his wand between Elizabeth and Chris, a transparent wall shrouded in a blue aura formed between them. "Don't start a fight," he warned. "We have to check it out right away." Michael waved his hand at the transparent wall to get rid of it, then without waiting long immediately dashed towards the south.

His two brothers followed behind him. Even so Chris overtook him, Michael didn't really mind it and let Chris guide them because Chris was the most skilled at finding the coordinates of the magic turmoil accurately. Even so, an explosion from a distance took the three of them by surprise. Michael immediately threw the wand before jumping up to ride it, while Elizabeth shifted the center of her magic strength in her soles feet so she could speed up her run, Chris flapped his wings faster.

The heat began to be felt by them from hundreds of meters away, the red color of the smoldering fire began to be clearly seen as they drew closer. Michael had this ominous premonition just as he had feared. He was worried that the village they had just visited was the origin of the magic turmoil and the fire.

Then they stopped at the same time, their eyes widening at the sight of a huge fire devouring the settlement, the village they passed a few hours ago. The bodies of the folks were on fire, one or two were still alive and screaming in pain before falling to the hot ground.

However, their attention was focused on the man with his back to them, watching the scene quietly. The man they know.

"Father ...."

William glanced, the corners of his lips pulled up to find the three of them standing not far from him. He turned to face them, his brow furrowed but his smile not fading at all.

"Oh hello, children! Nice to meet you. May I ask who you are?"


Fantasy AU: Coming Soon!

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