Alive AU: First Night

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[Noah x Michael]


They (finally) got married.

Noah thought back to how hard Michael had tried to melt his heart. Michael often calls him the cold from the north pole. In the end, Michael managed to win Noah's heart and attention.

Although Noah decided to take Michael's last name, Afton.

(Noah doesn't want to have the same last name as his family anyway)

It was a lot of pressure in the few weeks before they decided to get married. Years of just dating apparently made those around them very excited to get them married faster—even Michael's fathers.

And now they have made a sacred promise on the altar to care for and love each other for the rest of their lives.


Of course. Very.

But now Noah was feeling anxious.

While it wasn't about his insecurities of being a good husband, Michael—surprisingly and a little bit of coercion—had overcome his overthinking about it.

Then about what?

The first night.

Noah is nervous. He didn't know what the short man was thinking about this. Noah wasn't expecting much more—but if Michael thought differently, Noah didn't think he could do it that fast. Really.

He had been living at his husband's house for two or three years, right after graduating from college. They are also roommates. Every night they sleep together. But now their status is different, they are on a higher level and Noah sometimes gets panic attacks thinking about it (either happy or still not appreciating himself as a good partner).

The bedroom door opened, Noah jumped in surprise.

Michael looked at him confusedly with a raised eyebrow. "Why so surprised?" he asked amusedly, making Noah blush. "Anyways, it was really tiring," Michael said then, throwing himself onto the bed.

He could smell Michael's shampoo from afar; sweet, just like the wearer. Noah felt his cheeks heat up even more from the thought. "It is tiring meeting so many people." Noah cleared his throat.

"Noah is apathetic anyway."


"What?" Michael laughed at Noah's rebuke—Noah seemed offended. "It is true."


"Not wrong."

Michael's laughter grew louder, the corners of Noah's eyes twitched in annoyance.

A few minutes later, it was quiet.

Nobody spoke. Michael was busy staring at the ceiling, Noah was busy with his own thoughts. Silence, and for some reason instead of being awkward it felt comforting.

But, damn it, Noah went back to thinking about the first night.

That made him accidentally hit his knee under the table with a loud bang.

Michael turned to him in confusion. "What's the matter, Noah?" he asked, but Noah just stifled a pained groan and shook his head slowly. "You thought of something?"

Noah didn't answer the question.

He heard the bed creaking, he could feel Michael stepping closer, he panicked as the arms wrapped around his neck from behind, he panicked even more as Michael's breath touched his nape, he wanted to bury himself in embarrassment.

"Noah ... thought about that, huh?"

The blond man's face turned red in an instant, as red as his own eyes. Michael's chuckle was clear in his ears, and Noah felt his whole body stiff and tense. Michael was teasing him.

"Adorable," laughs Michael seeing his husband really flustered. "I thought of that too," he said casually, an eyebrow raised at the sound of Noah choking on his own spit.

"What ...?"

"That," Michael repeated and smirked. "I know Noah wants it too!"

Noah almost banged his forehead against the table. "I—not really—actually—I—"

"Noah wants to count the money we get from people, right? We got a lot from them!"

Noah sweat dropped.

Michael showed an innocent face.

Noah should have known Michael wasn't going that far. He smiled awkwardly and ruffled Michael's brown hair with amusement, at the same time Noah was relieved that Michael didn't think the same way he did. Although now he feels himself a pervert.

Finally Noah sighed and chuckled, Michael looking at him excitedly. As he brought his face closer to Michael, Noah said. "Yes I want—"

Someone slammed the door.

"Mike! You left your phone—"

The three of them froze.

Noah was horrified, Michael blinked, Elizabeth gaped.

Elizabeth's face slowly turned red. "S-sorry I should have knocked first I didn't know you guys would be doing your first night I'm really sorry please continue!"

Elizabeth's panicked screams before the girl left seemed to wake Michael up.

He looked at Noah.

Noah looked at him.

They were both silent in the same position.

Then Michael's cheeks turned bright red, realizing what had been making Noah so nervous. And Noah, knowing Michael had noticed that, immediately covered his reddened face with his palms.

They slept in different rooms that night.

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