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Katey's p.o.v

My nanny brushed my hair as she sung to me making me smile happily "you have a beautiful voice" my tiny voice whispers and she smiles softly humming "I hear you have a big cheer competition coming up?" She asks and I grin at the woman who had slowly become my maternal figure "yes down in Colorado, Dad is flying the whole squad on the private jet I asked if mum could come but she's busy as always" I roll my eyes and look at my hands "she doesn't love me like she loves Andrew" I look up at her in the reflection of my mirror "so you think you could come? I can ask daddy I'm sure he will let me, I'm his little princess!" before the nanny could say anything my mother walked over making me shut my mouth instantly... she has a rule .. the maids and nanny's are here to work not to be a part of our family

"there's a spill in the kitchen that needs attending too" she states briefly and i frown seeing my nanny quickly place the brush down nodding before looking at me "goodnight Miss Katey" leaving me with my mother I shrink in my chair "now Katey you aren't showing sympathy to poor people are you?" She asks and I quickly shake my head sitting up straight knowing I would get in trouble for slouching

"No mother of course not..." she raises an eyebrow "sounds like to me your offerings free holiday? Are you not?" I shake my head she slowly grabs my hair brush "you see Katey your brother well .. his a boy, now one day he is expected to inherit the family business now you on the other hand... you are to go to school find a nice husband marry him and be a good wife and a good wife does not mingle with poor people" she starts brushing my hair as I go quiet "what if I don't want to marry a rich man and be controlled?" I ask and she stops brushing my hair and glares at me "no daughter of mine will live in poverty"

End flash back

I sigh and look at Tara "you're about to meet my parents and I'm just going to apologise in advance my mum ...well to put it lightly is abit of a bitch" Tara giggles and grabs my hand squeezing it "where's my confident bestfriend from an hour ago" I laugh softly looking down "lost in a plane from Charming to L.A" she rolls her eyes and smiles "oh stop it, what could be so bad in there?" I grimace "my fiancé proposed here" her mouth makes an 'O' shape before it snaps shut and she shakes her head "you made us both look hot so cmon let's go in and whatever is waiting for us in there" she grabs my hand and grins "we will face it together"

We enter the restaurant and my stomach falls into my ass as I see him "Ah my darling girl" my Father gets out of his chair greeting me as we enter making my brother spin around in his chair as my mom fusses over HIM.

My dad hugs me "how are you my beautiful baby girl" he beams and I smile warmly "I'm good daddy, this is my friend Tara" my father turns to her and smiles "Ah yes the beautiful Tara my daughters new bestfriend welcome to L.A" he says and Tara smiles "it's nice to meet you Mr Nars" before he could speak my mother walked over "Katey have you seen who's here" she sounded so proud of herself I turned and looked at him finally making eye contact
"Hello Robert" he smiles stepping forward"Katey" he goes to hug me and I take a step back as my mother scoffs and my father awkwardly chuckles "shall we sit" Tara and I make eye contact and I sigh.
It was going to be a long dinner.

As u get to the table Robert pulls a chair out and motions for me to sit and my mother gushes over how much of a gentleman he was being as I thank him quietly sitting with Tara she frowns and when no one's looking leans near me asking "who's that" I sigh "you remeber my ex that I left L.A over" her eyes widen and I nod

After listening to two hours of my mum gush over Robert I was pretty much done with dinner.
Tara was an angel she politely listened to everything my mother said while my brother kept a close eye on the building tension and my father was completely unaware of the situation at hand.

"So Katey when are you moving back?" Robert's voice broke my train of thought as I look across the table at him I grab my glass of wine taking a sip before placing the glass down smirking before looking my mother dead in the eyes "actually I'm not" her face dropped and an instant sour look replaced her once happy smile "oh I um.. your mother mentioned you weren't staying there permanently" I look at my brother who raised his eyebrows and sipped his drink I look back at my ex and smile "no I'm staying in Charming I've been offered a promotion and I've actually been seeing this guy-" my mother slammed her hands on the table "that's it I've had enough!" People at other tables started looking at us "no daughter of mine will live in poverty!" I glare at her "mother im a successful doctor and I have a nice home that I bought in a nice neighbourhood I don't live in poverty" she scoffs "don't lie to me missy" I stand up "I'm not doing this, Tara come on" I start walking out

I N N O C E N T - A Sons Of Anarchy Fanfic Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz