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4:45 PM

"Bruh she don't want all this-" Jordan said and I just shushed him
I haven't seen Devyn in like FOREVER (I've only seen her in school) and I wanted to get her all her favorite snacks and things to surprise her with for today
"Shush, ima get her Takis and A snickers and that's the rest I'm getting" I said honestly.. maybe

I had a stuffed animal in my car along with some flowers and two heart shaped balloons, I wanted to leave it in her room, and if Melik asked ima just say it was Taniyah gay ass

"You spoil the hell outta her" he told me and I rolled my eyes " like youn spoil Violet" I said shaking my head and he shrugged "I don't care, she the mother of my child and my wife" he said honestly shrugging and I looked at him proudly
My homeboy really finna be a dad "that's wild ash" I said to myself

"Get Violet some shit you know she gon be hungry " I said and he laughed "that ain't her that's our lil baby" he said making me laugh "how she doing anyway, I haven't heard from her in a bit" I asked him honestly and he sighed

Honestly, she says she's fine, and she seems fine when she with me, but when she's alone she really thinks about the fact that this is really happening which is fair, that's how'd I'd feel if this happened to
Me to
What really scares us is the fact that our kid could've Been hurt because of Aaliyah he said sighing and putting his head down

I bit the inside of my lip feeling bad for him, I put my hand on his shoulder "it's okay, good thing is your kid is still okay, and you two are gonna be great parents " I said honestly giving him a smile and he returned that smile nodding

"Ight get yo snacks so we can finish this shit up" he said making me laugh



Devyn hasn't been home in hours like bae come home to see the shit on yo bed Ian buy this for nun

I heard her door begin opening then seeing her figure walking in, she looked as if she'd been crying, her eyes were puffy and her nose was a bit red
She looked up to see me really and gave me a shocked look

I've never seen her look at me this way "k-kookie!" She said sniffing
She looked.. guilty
"What's wrong?" I asked her walking up to me and putting my hand under her chin. She bit the inside of her lip and sighed before pulling back "can we.. sit and talk about it kookie, please?" She asked me making me nervous

I gave her a small nod as she looked at the stuff on her bed giving me a small smile before frowning again
"Mamas what wrong?" I asked slowly grabbing her hand, she looked at me before crying again, I pulled her in confused hugging her
Whatever it is CANT be that bad right??

"Kookie I'm s-sorry" she cried out sniffling, I scrunched my brows before pulling back "what's wrong ma, what happened?" I said genuinely concerned

She breathed in letting a really deep breath out "you promise- you-you won't be mad?" She asked looking down at her fingers, now honestly it depended on what she was gon tell me

"Yes Devyn I promise" I said holding her trembling hands as she breathed deeply "I-" she began saying

"Someone- someone kissed me" she said crying and I scrunched my brows, did she cheat on me??
"What do you mean someone KISSED you??"I said trying not to sound angry
"When-when I wasn't home- I was hanging out with my friends-" she began saying wiping her tears
"And-and Jaymar" she mentioned making me clench my jaw

"He was really drunk and I was helping him get to his room cause he's one of my best friends" she said sniffling "and I helped him" she said and I rolled my eyes

I already knew where this was going, I didn't wanna hear the rest of it "you cheated on me. " I said mugging her picking the flowers and shit up that I got for her

"What?! " she said shockingly "no?! Not at all?!" She tried to deny but I wasn't hearing any of it
She knew what she was doing
This on me, I knew damn well I shouldn't have given her a chance after that shit she pulled on me

I just stopped listening to her and left her house, something telling me to go back, but I just couldn't
I didn't notice there were tears going down my eyes until I was wiping them

I started my car and started driving, not knowing where and just started zooming

Next thing I knew I was outside Jordan house texting him to come outside

Soon after he walked out his door seeing me on his door step my head hanging low with tears rolling down my face
"Nigga what is you- yo you good what happened?" He said changing his tone completely sitting next to me

No words could form out my mouth, just complete tears
He put his hand on my back, patting it "it'll be okay kook, what happened?" He asked me making me try to explain

"She... she cheated on me man " I said finally shaking my head and licking my lips wiping the final tears off my face
Jordan looked at me with complete shock, like he couldn't believe  what I just said

"That's not- Devyn? Devyn cheated on you?" He asked me and I looked at him with a serious face while nodding "kookie I'm sorry- what completely happened?" He said  facing me completely

Why he taking her side on this

"Well I got to her house" I started explaining and he started nodding understanding
"And she wasn't home so I was dead waiting for sum hours"  I said making him chuckle nodding but I was serious

"And she get home, and she crying and shit.. so I'm like 'who the fuck upset my girl' " I said and he nodded laughing
"And then I ask her to explain she all scared so I'm really thinking the worst, and it happened to be the worst, her first sentence was "somebody kissed me" now I was taken aback cause.. HUH??" I said honestly, I wasn't even crying anymore

I was mad ash

"Jungkook ... did she say someone kissed her or she kissed someone...?" He asked me and I though about what I just said before my eyes widened

Oh I fucked up




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