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'One more class Devyn than you can go home' I thought to myself before walking into my study period

It was a okay amount of kids in the class when I walked in

Jay. Was in there, that made me roll my eyes right then as he smirked at me

"Ms Devyn you just gonna stand or are you gonna sit"my teacher Mrs Ferrari said, every other table was full so I sat into an empty one scrolling onto my phone

"Alright class ion play and I don't like any of you, my rules are you don't bother me I don't bother you, now there were supposed to be 13 of you I don't know where the other one is-"

Then he walked in


Ouuu he made my puthy throb-


"I'm sorry I'm late Mrs I had locker trouble" he said rubbing the back of his neck smiling

He was so cute when he smiled

The teacher rolled his eyes "yea yea Kook, take a seat"


The only open seat was the one right next to me- okay keep yo cool Devyn, don't say anything weird, don't even speak to him, I mean it's not like he wants to speak to you so- or does he

Shit he's coming

He sat down across from me, that alone made me nervous

He looked at me for a second and I smiled

He didn't smile back.


He put his headphones in and started doing his homework


I just put my head down and took a nap

Jungkook pov

I rushed in late to class- get high in the bathroom my friends said- it'll be fun they said

I don't even smoke like that for them to be doing this bullshit, anyway lemme act like I care about being late to study hall

"Mrs I'm really sorry- I had locker trouble" she looked me up and down and bit her lip

Ight now.

"Yea yea Kook take a seat" weirdo ass teacher

Anyway as I'm looking around for a seat to sit down, I notice all the tables was full, until I saw one.. but with HER in it

'Oh shit, shit shit shit shit shit FUCK WHY ME'  i thought to myself I'm mad at the fact that I still go to this damn school after what happened now I gotta sit next to her

Maybe if I just don't talk to her

I sat down and felt her staring at me, I looked at her just to make sure I wasn't goin crazy and she was in fact staring at me


She smiled at me, god her smile is beautiful, everything about her is, I just wish she didn't joke like that last year, I've had a crush on her for a while

But nah.

I can't let her know that shit after what had happened

I put my headphones in to drown her out

I felt so bad for not smiling back

I was currently on the phone with Taniyah discussing what happened

"Niyah it was so bad, I looked like a goofyyy" I dragged out and she just laughed "I mean can u blame him for not smiling back, you kinda broke his heart?" "I DIDN'T DO SHIT, it was fucking Jay ouuu I hate that nigga, if he didn't do that shit I'd be cuddled up with Kookie right now and shit like this is so UGHH" I began getting annoyed all over again about this situation

"Dev give it some time, maybe you two could become close friends or somethin? Idk I got to go, I gotta feed my siblings before they snitch on me to my momma again" I laughed at her comment a bit "Ight by Niyah, love you" "love you" she said before hanging up

I sighed

"Maybe I could try again with Kookie?"

"Yooo sis" my brother Melik came walkin in sayin "Watchu want nigga?" I asked slightly annoyed "my homeboys comin over so don't come out this room ion need them staring at you"

"Bro you mad yo frens like meee" I dragged out giggling "Just Jay do, but you know I'ca send him in here if you want" my smile dropped

"You betta not ima beat yo ass" I said mugging him "what I thought, also I got a new fren today, his name JK yk him?"

"Ion think I kno no JK" I said tryna think

"Oh Ighh he comin ova anyway, by bitch"
He said before flipping me off and walking out

Dumbass bitch


Opinions ? 😭

Whole cast fine asl tho😋

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