Cedric Diggory... Request

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Guess who's free from the clutches of exams? This gal right here! I've been buried under a pile of papers, but now I'm back and ready to roll. You've all kept my inbox lively with requests while I was away—thank you! I'm tackling them one by one, starting with a fluffy Cedric adventure. Don't worry, the steamier stuff is on the horizon. Thanks for sticking around and fueling this magical journey!

As you delved your hand into the soft, velvet bag filled with objects, each piece felt enigmatic, a tangible representation of the boys who filled the room. The objects brushed against your skin—cool metal, smooth wood, textured fabrics—each adding to the tapestry of mystery and expectation that the evening held. Your fingertips danced hesitantly over the items, the air thick with suspense. Your heart fluttered with the gravity of the choice, each object a potential link to one of the students. Then, your fingers grazed something distinctly cooler, a smooth, hard metal that felt deliberate and significant. You wrapped your fingers around it and gently pulled it from the bag. As the object emerged into the dim light, a sleek, silver Prefect badge gleamed back at you, catching the soft candlelight and casting playful reflections around the room.

The whispering buzz of anticipation crescendoed as Cedric Diggory, Hogwarts' renowned heartthrob, stepped forward. His eyes locked onto yours, carrying a playful yet confident gleam that made your pulse race. His smile was knowing, almost as if he had orchestrated this very moment. The air seemed to shift, the atmosphere charged with a new electricity as he approached.

Cedric's hand found the small of your back with an assuring, gentle touch as he led you toward the closet. His fingers barely grazed your skin, yet the contact sent a shiver up your spine. The door closed softly behind you, sealing you both in a cocoon of intimacy. The space was lit only by a single wand-light, casting a warm, amber glow that enveloped you both in a private world away from the buzzing party outside. Cedric leaned back against the door, his posture relaxed yet deliberately positioned to face you, his gaze unyielding and deeply inviting.

He broke the silence with a voice so low it was almost a caress, "I was hoping you'd pick my badge." His words hung in the air, heavy with implication and a seductive undertone. "It seems fate has a way of bringing people together, doesn't it?" The smooth timbre of his voice seemed to vibrate through the confined space, wrapping around you like a warm blanket. His eyes never left yours, communicating more than words could, promising that this encounter might just be the beginning of something magical.

As the soft glow of the wand-light enveloped you both in the closet, Cedric leaned back against the door, the warmth of his presence a comforting contrast to the cool wood behind him. The closeness of the space seemed to amplify every detail, from the subtle scent of his cologne to the intensity of his gaze. The atmosphere was charged with an electric anticipation, the air thick with the unspoken promise of what the game of seven minutes in heaven was all about.

Cedric's eyes, a deep and expressive shade, flickered with a mischievous glint as he watched you, his gaze never wavering. His voice dropped to a husky whisper, breaking the tension like a soft murmur in the quiet room. "You know, traditionally what happens during seven minutes in heaven isn't just talking," he said, his tone teasing yet sincere. The implication hung in the air, a tantalizing invitation.

There was a brief, charged silence as you processed his words, the meaning clear and thrilling. The space between you seemed to diminish as he leaned in closer, his movements deliberate and full of intention. His hand reached up, gently brushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. His face was now mere inches from yours, his breath warm on your skin.

Without another word, Cedric closed the remaining distance, his lips meeting yours with a confident urgency. The kiss was deep and explorative, his lips moving against yours passionately, as if he had been waiting to do this. His hands were gentle yet firm on your back, pulling you closer, deepening the kiss into something fervent and stirring.

The world outside the closet faded away as you returned his kiss, your hands tentatively touching his chest, then curling into the fabric of his robe. Cedric responded with a soft groan that vibrated against your lips, encouraging you, igniting a heat that felt as though it could light up the entire room.

As the kiss deepened, you felt enveloped by a sense of completeness, the magical surroundings of the Room of Requirement fading into a distant blur. The only reality that mattered was the feeling of Cedric's lips on yours, the steady beat of his heart against your chest, and the unspoken promise of a connection that this game had fortuitously sparked.

All too soon, the chime that marked the end of the seven minutes rang softly, a gentle reminder of the world waiting outside. As you both pulled away, there was a shared look of reluctance, a silent agreement that neither of you wanted this moment to end. Cedric's smile was tender as he brushed his thumb across your lip, fixing the moment in your memory.

"Let's not let this be the end," Cedric whispered, his voice low and hopeful as he opened the door to lead you back into the room, his hand finding yours, holding it firmly. The game was over, but something new, something thrillingly real, had just begun.

Stepping back into the party, the noise and the crowd felt overwhelming after the quiet intimacy you had shared. Yet, the smile you wore was bright, hopeful, carrying with it the thrilling possibility of new beginnings with Cedric Diggory. The electric feel of his lips lingered on yours, a sweet and intoxicating reminder of the closeness you'd just experienced.

As you moved through the crowd, your fingers intertwined, you could feel the curious glances from your classmates. But in that moment, the world seemed to revolve only around you and Cedric, the connection you had formed in the privacy of the closet now a vivid, undeniable spark.

Later, as the night wound down, Cedric pulled you aside. Under the starlit sky outside the castle, he looked into your eyes with a sincerity that made your heart flutter anew. "I meant what I said in there," he murmured, his gaze intense, "I don't want this to just be a game. I feel something real here, something worth exploring." The earnestness in his voice, coupled with the gentle hold of his hand, made the possibilities of what lay ahead seem limitless.

You nodded, your voice barely a whisper as you replied, "I feel it too." The promise of tomorrow, of more stolen moments and deepening bonds, filled you with an exhilarating anticipation.

Under the glow of the moon, Cedric leaned in once more, his kiss a seal on the promises made, a tender yet powerful affirmation of the magic that had sparked between you, promising that this was indeed just the beginning.

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⏰ Última atualização: May 15 ⏰

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