✨Lucius Malfoy✨

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I am excited to present to you the latest chapter of my work, which I must confess is a bit lengthier than usual. So, I invite you to take a moment to settle in, get comfortable, and enjoy the ride. I assure you that every word is worth it.

However, I also want to give a fair warning that this chapter includes explicit content and heavy smut as well as an age gap. I want to emphasize that all scenes depicted in this chapter are consensual. If you feel uncomfortable reading such content, I strongly suggest selecting another chapter to read. Your comfort and safety while reading my work are of utmost importance to me, so please do not hesitate to skip this chapter if it is not to your liking. But if you do decide to stay... enjoy! :)

With closed eyes, you reached into the bag, feeling the various textures of the objects inside. After a few moments of exploration, your fingers brushed against a smooth, round shape. You instinctively knew that it was the Snitch, and your heart skipped a beat with excitement. You pulled it out of the bag, feeling the cool metal in your hand and admiring its shiny golden exterior. As you looked up, Harry was smiling at you, and you couldn't resist smiling back.

Walking to the closet, Harry trailed closely behind, and with each step, your heart pounded faster. You wondered what would happen during the next seven minutes. Once inside, you closed the door and surveyed the small space, noticing cobwebs in the corners and the musty smell of old books.

Breaking the silence, Harry chuckled, and you joined in, feeling the tension dissipate slightly. "This isn't the most romantic spot, is it?" Harry joked. "No, it's not fancy, but at least it's cosy," you replied, still chuckling.

As you chatted about your classes and experiences in the new semester, you felt comfortable and at ease with Harry. Although there was no romantic chemistry between the two of you, you enjoyed each other's company.

As the final moments of the seven minutes ticked away, you could hear the muffled sounds of your fellow students outside the closet growing louder. It was a clear sign that it was time to leave the confined space and rejoin the rest of the group.

You took a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves as you prepared to face the curious looks and playful teasing that you knew awaited you. As you opened the door, you stepped out of the closet and back into the bustling common room.

Despite the excitement of the game and the thrill of being in such close proximity to Harry, you couldn't shake off the feeling of disappointment that lingered in your chest. Maybe it was because you had hoped to be paired with someone else, or maybe it was because you had secretly harboured a crush on someone outside the group entirely.

Either way, the feeling of deflation weighed heavily on you as you tried to put on a brave face and join in with the others. You couldn't help but feel a tinge of envy as you watched some of your friends leave the closet with smiles on their faces, clearly having enjoyed the experience more than you did.

As the night wore on, the sounds of laughter and lively chatter filled the air, and you found yourself swept up in the excitement of the party. You chatted with various students, sharing stories and jokes, and feeling a sense of camaraderie with your peers.

Despite your initial disappointment after the game of Seven Minutes in Heaven, you were able to shake it off and enjoy the rest of the evening. You realized that even though nothing romantic had happened with Harry, you were still happy to have him as a friend.

As the party began to wind down, you found yourself walking out of the door with Harry by your side. You both walked in silence, feeling the cool night air on your skin and the peaceful atmosphere of the campus around you. As you reached the end of the hallway, you exchanged a small smile and parted ways. Harry headed towards the Gryffindor dorms, while you felt a sudden urge to go for a walk to clear your head.

Seven Minutes in Heaven (with the Harry Potter Boys)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz