Fred and George Weasley

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I couldn't resist the temptation to write a Fred and George Weasley fanfiction, and I am excited to share it with you. However this story is a bit smuttier than my usual works, and I understand that this may not be everyone's cup of tea. If you are not comfortable with somewhat explicit content, I encourage you to skip this part and check out some of my other works. I respect and value all of my readers and understand that everyone has different preferences when it comes to the content they consume. But if you do decide to stay, two are always better than one. Enjoy :)

Your fingers brushed over the various objects inside the bag, your heart racing as you tried to pick the perfect one. Finally, your hand closed around something smooth and round, and you pulled it out. It was a small, red rubber ball with "F&G" written on it in gold lettering. You looked up, realizing that it belonged to both Fred and George Weasley, and a wave of nervous excitement washed over you.

Fred and George grinned mischievously at each other before beckoning you over to a closet in the corner of the room. You hesitated for a moment, wondering if this was really a good idea, but then you reminded yourself that it was just a game and nothing serious would happen. You stepped into the closet, the twins following behind you, and the door shut behind you with a soft click.

As your eyes adjusted to the dim lighting inside the closet, you realized that it was surprisingly spacious. The walls were lined with shelves filled with dusty boxes and forgotten trinkets, giving the space a mysterious, abandoned feel. The air was thick with the scent of old wood and musty fabric, and the sound of your own breathing seemed to echo loudly in the confined space.

You turned to face the twins, feeling a sudden rush of nerves as they closed in around you. Fred and George were both grinning, their eyes sparkling with playful mischief. They seemed completely at ease, as if they had done this a hundred times before, and you couldn't help but wonder if this was a regular occurrence for them.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Fred asked, leaning back against the shelves and crossing his arms over his chest.

George chimed in, "Or do you want to skip the talking and just get straight to the fun part?" He waggled his eyebrows suggestively, causing you to laugh nervously.

You laughed at George's suggestion, but as you looked at the mischievous expressions on the twins' faces, you couldn't help feeling a bit adventurous. You decided to play along and replied, "I think I'd like to skip the talking for now."

The twins smirked in response, and Fred reached over to grab your hand, pulling you towards him. He pressed his lips to yours in a fiery kiss, his hands tangling in your hair as he deepened the kiss. You moaned into his mouth, the sensation of his tongue exploring your mouth sending shivers down your spine.

George watched the two of you with a grin on his face, his eyes flicking back and forth between you and his twin. After a moment, he stepped forward and pressed his body against yours from behind, his hands sliding down your sides to cup your breasts through your shirt.

You gasped in surprise, the sensation of being touched by two boys at once making your head spin. But as their hands continued to roam over your body, you found yourself melting into their touch, a deep throbbing sensation building between your legs.

You leaned back against George again, and felt the heat from his skin seep into your clothes. You wrapped your arms around his waist, your hands slipping under his turtleneck shirt to caress his abs. Your fingers danced over the hard muscles, and you couldn' help moaning softly when you accidentally grazed against a sensitive patch of flesh. George let out a low growl that vibrated through your ear, and you shivered, goose bumps running all over your skin. A blush spread across your cheeks, your stomach tightening with butterflies.

The twins seemed to take notice of your reaction to their touches. Fred trailed his fingertips along your jawline, teasing your bottom lip with the tips of his fingers, before pressing his mouth against yours again. You responded eagerly this time, parting your lips and allowing his tongue access. Your hands wandered beneath his shirt as well, and you could feel his nipples press against your palms.

The boys broke apart long enough to pull off their shirts. They tossed them onto the shelf beside you. Their bare chests pressed up against you, their chests flush against your own. Their lips met again, tongues swirling together hungrily. You felt a strange sense of euphoria wash over you as you felt their hands roaming all over your body, their lips brushing over your exposed skin. Your heart pounded wildly in your chest, and you knew you should probably be worried about getting caught or having someone walk in on you...but you weren't worried at all. In fact, you welcomed the attention as your hips began to move on their own accord.

George took advantage of your lack of inhibition and slid his hands underneath your skirt. Your breath quickened slightly as your skirt slipped down, your underwear showing. George smirked at you, his thumbs rubbing across your inner thighs. You moaned quietly, unable to hold back any longer. 

His hands slid lower, skimming over your ass and stroking your clit. A soft moan escaped your lips, and you felt a wave of arousal run down your body. You couldn't stop yourself from grinding against George's hand as he continued to stroke you with practised ease. George pushed you against the wall, pressing his body against your own. You moaned quietly into his neck, and he let out a ragged groan. 

The boys pulled away suddenly, their faces flushed and bright red. You could hardly believe your eyes. How were the two of them able to have such an effect on you?

"Are we going to play or not?" George asked breathlessly, still clutching your hips as if afraid you might disappear. You could see the lust in his eyes as he watched your face, and he gently rubbed his thumbs over your hips, causing you to arch into him slightly. 

His face grew closer to yours, your breaths mingling as he kissed you deeply, his lips moving slowly over yours. He pulled away suddenly, and you opened your eyes in shock. There were so many things happening all at once. One moment there was nothing except you, Fred, and George in the closet, and the next there was the sound of someone knocking loudly at the door. Fred and George jumped away from each other instantly, and you saw fear flash across their faces. The knocking persisted, growing louder.

"Is somebody in here?" said a voice, which sounded suspiciously like Professor McGonagall.

Fred grabbed your wrist and began tugging you toward the broom cupboard. He pushed you ahead of him, and you scrambled to keep up with him as he shoved you in the broom closet, shutting the door and pushing himself against the wall, blocking it with his body.

You froze in terror, realizing that you and the Weasley twins were about to get caught. Fred and George exchanged a panicked glance, but then George's face brightened as an idea struck him. 

"Quick, this way!" he whispered, motioning for you and Fred to follow him. 

He hurriedly led you to a hidden door at the back of the closet, which you hadn't noticed before. Fred and George pushed it open, revealing a narrow passageway that seemed to wind through the walls of Hogwarts. 

"Come on!" Fred urged, and you followed them through the passageway, your heart racing with excitement and fear. You had heard about these secret tunnels from the older students, but you had never actually seen one before. You were amazed by how intricate and well-hidden it was. 

As you ran through the winding passageway, Fred and George explained that the tunnel led to a secret room in Hogsmeade, which was often used for student parties and gatherings. They had discovered it during their third year at Hogwarts and had been using it to their advantage ever since. 

"We'll be safe there," George said confidently as you hurried through the tunnel, "And we'll have plenty of time to finish our game."You nodded in agreement, feeling a mix of excitement and relief as you ran through the passageway. You were grateful to the Weasley twins for showing you this secret escape route, and you couldn't wait to see where it and the night led.

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