Percy Weasley

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As your fingers delicately navigated through the various objects in the bag, each item seemed to whisper secrets of its owner. Your hand eventually closed around something small and hard, with a distinct, intricate texture. Drawing it out, you revealed a tiny charm intricately carved with the initial "R". A wave of excited murmurs swept through the room as all eyes turned towards Ron Weasley, whose face bloomed with a bright shade of red to match his hair. With a shy yet hopeful look, he stood, bolstered by the sudden spotlight.

Before you could even take a step toward the closet, Fred and George Weasley, ever the orchestrators of chaos and camaraderie, appeared at Ron's sides. With wide grins, they clapped him on the back, a mix of encouragement and playful coercion in their gestures. "Go on, Ronnie! Your moment of glory awaits!" Fred teased, nudging him forward. George added with a chuckle, "Don't keep the lady waiting, brother dear." Their brotherly enthusiasm and the gentle push from the twins infused the moment with a light-hearted energy, guiding both you and a somewhat reluctant Ron towards the closet.

Just as you and Ron, propelled by the twins' encouraging antics, made your way towards the closet, the door to the Room of Requirement burst open with a commanding force that instantly hushed the room.

In strode Percy Weasley, his prefect badge catching the dim light, casting a stern, authoritative aura around him. Despite his rigid demeanour, there was no denying the striking presence he commanded. "This meeting is unauthorized and against Hogwarts rules," he announced, his voice resonating with a confidence that sent a shiver down your spine. The festive atmosphere dimmed under the weight of his words, whispers and sighs of disappointment weaving through the room. Percy's gaze, intense and unwavering, swept over the crowd, finally resting on you and Ron with a sharp disapproval. For a moment, your heart raced, not just from the surprise of his arrival but from a long-held fascination. Percy, with his impeccable posture and the serious look in his eyes, had always struck you as undeniably compelling, his aloofness adding to his allure.

"I expect better from you, Ronald," he said, his voice tinged with a disappointment that somehow made him even more imposing. He then turned to address the room at large, his gaze briefly locking with yours, sparking an unexpected flutter in your chest. "This party is over. Everyone needs to return to their dormitories immediately."

His commanding presence filled the room, and despite the sudden interruption of the evening's excitement, you couldn't help but feel a surge of adrenaline at the sight of him. Percy, in his element as a prefect, exuded a sense of responsibility and power that you found irresistibly attractive. Even as he enforced the rules, part of you admired him more for it, the complexity of your feelings adding a thrilling edge to the unexpected turn of the evening.

As Percy's declaration took effect, the room began to empty, the guests' initial resistance melting into resignation. The lively chatter and laughter that had filled the air moments ago were replaced by the subdued murmur of departure, the excitement of the evening quenched by the cold splash of authority. Ron, his face still a vivid shade of embarrassment, opened his mouth to argue, his frustration palpable in the tight set of his shoulders. However, a single, piercing glance from Percy was enough to close whatever protest he had planned. The authority in Percy's eyes, a testament to his role and responsibility within Hogwarts, commanded respect and obedience, even from his own brother.

As the last of the guests trickled out, leaving the once vibrant room echoing with the ghost of festivities past, Percy's attention shifted towards you. The intensity that had so defined his arrival softened, his stance relaxing as the door closed behind the last departing student. "I'm sorry you had to be a part of this," he began, his voice losing some of its earlier firmness, now laced with a hint of something akin to regret. The room, now dimly lit and silent, seemed to hold its breath, waiting for your response.

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