Harry Potter

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As the hat was passed around, you closed your eyes and reached inside, feeling the rush of excitement course through your veins. When you pulled out a chocolate frog card of Godric Gryffindor, your heart skipped a beat, knowing that it belonged to Harry.

Looking up from the card in your hand, you found Harry's eyes fixed on you, a mixture of curiosity and amusement shining in them. The intensity of his gaze caused a blush to creep up your neck, and you quickly looked away, feeling a bit self-conscious. But when you dared to glance back at him, you saw that he was smiling at you, and you felt your nerves begin to calm.

His green eyes sparkled in the soft lighting of the room, and a slight dimple deepened on his left cheek as he grinned. It was a warm and inviting smile that immediately put you at ease. When he approached you, his gaze held a familiar intensity, but this time it was comforting rather than intimidating. It was as though he was silently assuring you that everything would be alright.

"Looks like we're up," he said, taking your hand and leading you to the closet. You could hear Harry's breathing next to you. You were so close that you could feel the warmth of his body radiating off him, and your heart started to race.

As you both stood in front of the door, Harry's hand on the doorknob, your heart was racing with anticipation. You followed him inside, and as the door clicked shut behind you, the air between you was charged with electricity. You could feel the intensity of Harry's gaze on you, and as you turned to face him, the excitement and nerves between you continued to build.

The door shut behind you, enveloping you in a deafening silence, with only the sound of your own breathing filling your ears. You and Harry stood frozen in the cramped space, as if the weight of the situation had finally sunk in. You both were too nervous to make the first move, and so you waited, the anticipation building between you.

Then, Harry took a step forward, and the warmth of his body radiated off him, washing over you like a wave. Your senses were heightened, and you could smell the intoxicating scent of his cologne. You knew in that moment that you were in too deep.

The world seemed to disappear, and it was just the two of you in that tiny space. Harry's eyes locked onto yours, and you felt a jolt of electricity shoot through you, sending shivers down your spine.

In a soft and low voice, Harry finally spoke, his hand reaching up to touch your cheek. "You know, Y/n, I've been wanting to do this for a long time," he said, and you felt yourself getting lost in the sound of his voice. You leaned into his touch, feeling the electricity spark between you.

Without another word, Harry leaned in and pressed his lips to yours, causing a wave of pleasure to course through your body. The kiss was soft and gentle at first, but it quickly deepened as you both lost yourselves in the moment. Harry's hands roamed over your body, pulling you closer to him as you explored each other's mouths.

You found yourself wrapping your arms around Harry's neck, pulling him even closer to you as the kiss deepened. His body was warm against yours, and you could feel his heart beating fast with excitement. You let out a soft moan as Harry's tongue traced over your lips, asking for entrance, which you eagerly granted.

The kiss was intense, and you felt your body respond to Harry's touch. You ran your hands over his back, feeling the muscles ripple beneath his shirt, and he let out a low growl in response. It was as if you were the only two people in the world, and nothing else mattered except this moment.

Eventually, the need for air became too great, and you both pulled away, panting and looking into each other's eyes. There was a moment of silence as you caught your breath, and then Harry spoke, his voice low and husky.

As Harry pulled away, he looked at you with a small smile on his face. "Wow," he said softly, "that was incredible."

You blushed, feeling your heart race as you looked back at him. "Yeah," you replied, "it really was."

For a few moments, you just stood there, holding each other, lost in your thoughts. The sound of the party outside was muffled, and it felt like it was just the two of you in the room.

Eventually, Harry spoke up. "I've been wanting to do that for a long time," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

You looked up at him, surprised. "Really?"

He nodded, his eyes locked on yours. "Yeah. I've always felt something between us, but I never knew if you felt the same way."

"I do," you said, without hesitation.

Harry's face lit up with a smile, and he leaned in to kiss you again. This time, the kiss was more passionate, with a sense of urgency that neither of you could ignore. You wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss, and he pulled you closer pushing your chest into his.

But all too soon, the sound of someone clearing their throat brought you both back to reality. You opened your eyes to see your friends standing around you, smirking and winking, and you couldn't help but blush. You and Harry exchanged a look, and you knew that the moment had come to an end.

Resting his forehead against yours, Harry caught his breath while looking deeply into your eyes. You felt a sense of connection between you, and you knew this moment would be etched in your memory for a long time. When the two of you finally pulled away, both a bit breathless and blushing, Harry took your hand and led you back to the party, leaving you with the unmistakable feeling that this was only the start of something extraordinary.

As you walked back into the party, the buzz of excitement seemed to die down as people turned their attention to you and Harry. But you were too caught up in the aftermath of the kiss to care about their stares. You could still feel the heat of Harry's lips on yours and the sensation sent a shiver down your spine. Looking over at him, he gave you a reassuring smile and reached out to hold your hand. You both sat down, still lost in the moment still feeling the electric energy that remained between you.

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