Day 3

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"I..." Nico says after a day full of kissing and cuddling, schooching away.

"What is it, baby?" Will asks, concerned. Before he can say anything more, Nico gets up, throwing on his trousers and pants, completely forgetting about his shirts.

"I don't know why I did that. I'm sorry." Nico said, in a rush with the buttons on his pants.

"Did what? You mean...?" Will asked, confused.

"Yes! How are you not more freaked out?! That was weird! I'm going to get completely shunned now! If I knew any better, I'd say Bianca and Mama are both disappointed in me! If they were still alive..."

"Nico," Will said, walking up, still completely naked, to his boyfriend, lifting a hand up for support. He tried to pull him into a hug, but Nico shrugged him off.

"I'm sorry, Will. I can't do this anymore." He said, teary eyed. Will had never seen Nico cry, not entirely.

"No, Nico, wait--!" he said, but it was too late. Nico, his boyfr--well, ex-boyfriend, now,--had just ran away. And, Will was pretty sure, dumped him in the process.

Will tried to run after him, then remembered that he was still naked. "Shit!" he cursed, throwing on a pair of pants. Guess I'm going commando today! he thought, and chuckled slightly to himself. Just as he was about to tell Nico the joke, he remembered, saying, "Oh."

He stood there in the doorway for a solid ten minutes before regaining composure. "I have to find my boyfriend."

~~~Time Skippity-Skip Because I Fucking Felt Like It~~~

He stood in the roads of Venice, not knowing where to start. Time to put those lessons to use! he thought. "This is going to be a lot harder than I thought." he said, looking among the crowds of people in the streets.

He started with an elderly couple a few feet away, racking his brain for the right words. Finally, he came up with, "emo, simile alla morte, molto piccolo, molto corto...? Si?"

The couple looked confused, at the least, and replied, "No si, scusa."

Will looked upset, but understood, nodded. "I guess I really do have a lot more to learn then I thought." he mumbled to himself once the couple was gone. Despite this, he continued asking around the square until it was dark, then kept searching even then until the first peaks of light started rising above the horizon.

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