chapter 122

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Chapter 122: Chapter 122: Combine Harvester (Part 2)

After several meetings and discussions, the Village Head and village cadres all agreed that it was more appropriate for the village to establish a company.

After all, with shared interests and risks, it would better reflect the cohesion and unity of a village, rather than fostering selfish individuals who only want to enjoy the benefits without taking on any risk.

After the village cadres’ meeting, a village-wide meeting took place.

However, it was difficult to reach a consensus at the village-wide meeting.

Especially for those women who had married into Xiao Family Village within the past few years.

They believed that using land as capital to join the company was too risky, and if the company didn’t make any money after joining, they would suffer a great loss if they couldn’t get the land back.

Having some land at home, the older family members could rely on farming, growing rice and vegetables, so as to reduce the burden on the younger generation.

After the land shares, if the company didn’t make any money and the elderly could do nothing but farm and take care of the children, wouldn’t that increase the burden on the younger people?

Moreover, they don’t think planting vegetables can actually make everyone money.

If planting vegetables could make money, people would have started doing it already.

Instead, the whole village has to follow a child’s proposal to grow vegetables and become busy, and everyone’s land has to be invested in as well.

Are they playing house?

The people of Xiao Family Village are not so childish, are they?

The new daughters-in-law of Xiao Family Village have many opinions.

However, they don’t know that their opinions are not important anymore.

“Fine, since my opinion doesn’t matter, let’s get a divorce. I’ll take the children and leave. After that, you can listen to whatever Xiao Jinli says; I won’t interfere.”

“Divorce, divorce! I can’t make decisions on such a big matter at home. I’ve been married into your family for so many years, and you still treat me as an outsider. If that’s the case, let’s just be outsiders completely. Also, I gave birth to the child, and I have to take them with me.”

Such quarrels started one after another since the decision of establishing the company and using household land as capital input.

If they use their land as shares, the young wives want a divorce.

But if they don’t join the company, they might miss out on any profits if the company starts making money in the future.

Finally, many families followed the Village Head and Village Committee’s advice, dividing their land in half, with one part as capital and the other part left for personal cultivation.

Out of the more than 100 households in Xiao Family Village, at least 30 of them made such a choice.

Xiao Jinli had anticipated this outcome.

With the information handed over by the Village Head, Xiao Jinli began preparing to establish a company.

Of course, all the related procedures and paperwork for setting up the company were handed over to his father and elder brother.

After all, they are the ones who have experience running a company and are very familiar with the process.

Of course, establishing a company isn’t something that happens overnight.

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