chapter 53

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Chapter 53: Chapter 53: Follow-up to the Xiao Chunhua Incident 1

Since Xiao Siqian got his motorcycle driver’s license, as long as the weather was clear and it wasn’t raining, he would usually pick up and drop off Xiao Jinli for school.

First, Xiao Wanshan and his son had to go to work in the county town, and second, Xiao’s mother had to prepare meals for the whole family and manage the family’s fields.

So, Xiao Siqian took up the task of shuttling around.

In the afternoon, when Xiao Siqian came to pick up Xiao Jinli, he heard from the chattering of her classmates that she had been awarded 500 yuan by the principal for winning a special prize in the county competition.

But Xiao Jinli took out fifty yuan to treat her entire class.

This matter was being discussed by all the students in the school.

Xiao Siqian, who was waiting by the roadside, listened with one ear and raised his eyebrows again.

He knew that Xiao Jinli had won first place in the County Mathematics Olympiad.

Back when he went to the Principal’s Office, he knew from the conversation between Principal Chen and Xiao’s mother that Xiao Jinli was a genius.

However, this genius was too lazy to show off, and always performed very mediocre at school, with average grades.

This time, Chen Principal invited Xiao Jinli to participate in the competition, actually gambling on her.

However, Xiao Jinli’s performance really surprised everyone.

They thought she would just bring back an award, but she took home a big prize instead.

Of course, for Xiao Siqian, who had received an elite education since childhood, such a small-scale competition was not even worth his attention.

However, he also knew that different regional economies and education levels varied.

Xiao Jinli winning such a big prize was really a great talent.

The more he interacted with Xiao Jinli, the more he could not understand her.

This child brought more and more surprises to people.

After waiting for a while, Xiao Jinli came leisurely with three female classmates.

When Hu Hongmei and the others saw Xiao Siqian, they immediately greeted him politely, “Brother Little Quan!”

Everyone followed Xiao Jinli and called him the same way.

Although the classmates were curious about why Xiao Jinli called her brother this way.

Xiao Siqian also kindly said, “Hello, classmates! Do you want Brother Little Quan to take you home?”

“No need, no need. It’s still early, and we can just walk back!” Hu Hongmei and the others immediately shook their heads.

Sometimes, when they are off from school late or on rainy days, Xiao Jinli’s two older brothers would give them a ride home, which was already a trouble for them.

So on normal days when they could avoid bothering them, they tried their best not to.

Xiao Siqian didn’t insist, but just nodded, then gave Xiao Jinli the little helmet, and said, “Sister, get in the car!”

Xiao Jinli said goodbye to her classmates and got on the motorcycle.

After getting in the car, as they walked, Xiao Siqian said to Xiao Jinli, “Sister, you’re really amazing. I just stood at the school gate for a while, and I heard everyone saying that you won a big prize in the county competition, and the principal gave you a cash prize. You even took out some part of the money to treat all your classmates. It made the other classmates so envious.”

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