Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: Chapter 26: How He Survived

Xiao Siqian settled down at the Xiao Family’s residence.

“Little Quan, don’t feel restrained,” Xiao’s mother said, “Consider this place home from now on! If you want to eat or buy anything, just tell me.” nodded, “Thank you Auntie, I understand.”

“Anything particular you’d like to eat today?” Xiao’s mother asked, “I’ll make it for you. You just got discharged from the hospital. Your health hasn’t fully recovered yet, so you need to take care of your nutrition. And make sure to rest well, don’t worry too much for now. Health comes first, understand?”

His mother said these words because she was worried that the kid wouldn’t feel comfortable living in the house.

Xiao Siqian nodded, “Yes, I understood Auntie, I’ll treat this place as home.”

This home seemed so warm and blissful. He also wanted to fit in and feel it too.

Xiao’s mother patted him on the shoulder, laughing, “Haha, that’s the right attitude. Alright, you should rest. I’m going to cook now. Little Bao will eat at school, so it’ll just be the two of us for lunch.”

Speaking about Jinli, Xiao Siqian asked, “Auntie, won’t Jinli come home for lunch?”

Xiao’s mother shook her head, “No, she’ll eat lunch at school. There’s not enough time. Either her father or brother will pick her up after school in the afternoon.’

Xiao Siqian thought and then suggested, “Auntie, how about I pick her up this afternoon? If Uncle and Brother are busy with work, it’ll be less urgent if I go.”

Xiao’s mother, with a smile, said, “It’s okay, let them pick her up today. You should rest and recover first, then you can pick her up.”

But suddenly, she recalled something, and asked doubtfully, “It’s a dozen miles distance from here to the school, can you ride an electric scooter or drive a car?”

Then she realized something was not right, “Wait, but you’ve lost your memory. Even though you might remember how to ride a scooter or drive, you don’t have a driver license. How are you going to pick up Little Li?”

Xiao Siqian,

That’s indeed a problem.

He knows how to drive.

But he doesn’t know how to ride an electric scooter.

He was born in a wealthy family, where he had chauffeurs wherever he went, so there was no need for him to ride bikes or scooters.

After Xiao’s mother left for cooking, he laid on the bed, arms and legs spread out, staring at the white ceiling above, sinking into deep thought.

Since waking up in the hospital to now, he had been thinking about one issue.

How did he survive?

He remembered, he was chased by the kidnappers to the edge of a cliff. Just when he was about to commit suicide by jumping off the cliff out of despair, he felt a sharp pain in his back and then he passed out.

When he woke up again, he was already in the hospital.

According to what Xiao Qingshan and the others said, it was Jinli who carried him down the mountain.

Here comes the question.

Firstly, who knocked him out? It’s certain that it wasn’t the kidnappers.

The kidnappers might have wanted to capture him alive, but under that situation, without firearms or any weapons, they didn’t have the ability to knock him out.

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