chapter 63

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Chapter 63: Chapter 63: Good Son Xiao Junxuan – First Update

At this lunch at the Xiao family’s, everyone ate to their heart’s content.

More than a dozen dishes, all of them were eaten clean, even the soup was all gone.

If someone didn’t know, they’d think that the host did not make enough food.

It was the first time Xiao Siqian saw rural people so happy at the dining table, drinking and chatting, talking about everything, and not having to worry about their image at all.

Even if they got drunk and collapsed on the table, they would be sent home in a while.

There were none of those strict and old-fashioned rules like “not speaking while eating or sleeping” at his old house, and when it came to eating, they had to follow various dining etiquette, mainly focused on nutritional balance, avoiding overly spicy or oily food, and taking care of the digestive system.

Now Xiao Siqian understood that it’s not about the so-called nutritional balance, but rather about mixing meat and vegetables, eating well, and regular exercise for good health.

Is there any data to show that the physical quality of people who eat scientifically and are wealthy is better than that of rural people?

Centenarians are common in the countryside.

But those who are over ninety years old and wealthy actually hang onto life with money.

There was a gambling tycoon who spent several hundred million just to live one more year.

However, centenarians in rural areas can still run swiftly with heavy burdens on their shoulders.

Xiao Siqian thought about this and felt that the rich people’s scientific health regimen was like a joke.

Although rural people don’t have much money, they live happily and eat with peace of mind.

After the villagers left one by one, Xiao Jinli suddenly asked Xiao Siqian,

“Brother Little Quan, did you get enough to eat?”

Every time people came to eat at their house, no matter how much food they prepared, all the dishes would be cleaned up.

Because if you eat at his house, you have to act fast, otherwise, it will end up in someone else’s mouth.

Xiao Siqian’s table manners were excellent, he was well-cultured and polite, and his family never fought over food.

But when people came over, it was different.

With Xiao Siqian’s previous dining etiquette, it would have been a wonder if he could even grab a bite to eat.

Xiao Siqian was slightly startled, then smiled, “Sister, I’m full.”

It’s not like he’s inflexible and can’t adapt.

Seeing everyone grabbing food, he definitely wouldn’t be slow to join in.

Nothing is more important than filling one’s own stomach.

If you don’t eat enough, how can you work in the afternoon?

Xiao Siqian had already deeply understood this truth in these past days.

Xiao Jinli nodded without asking anything more.

She just helped clean up the bowls on the dining table.

Except for Xiao Jinli who was too young to drink, everyone else had had some drinks, especially Xiao Wanshan, whose voice grew louder and he kept hugging Xiao’s mother and shouting, “Wife, I love you, wife, I love you.”

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