Chapter 1'944

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Sarah opened the door, poking her head in first to make sure it was safe. Once Sarah was sure she let us into Maya and jakes room.

As we walked in, we could see Abby in her mess of toys having a grand old time. Looks like someone is having fun mom said chuckling.

She's very occupied stacking her blocks, aren't you Abby Jake said. Yeah Abby squealed from her spot on the floor.

Are you guys ready for the day dad asked. Yep, all ready Maya said. Did you give any medicine to Abby or are you waiting it out Sarah asked.

We gave her some, just to keep her little fever at bay Jake said. Probably a smart idea Paris said.

If her fever stays down hopefully either tonight or tomorrow she won't really need any mom said.

Let's hope so Maya said. As she said that we heard a crash. Are you having fun there little lady Joey said chuckling.

Uh huh Abby said with a big smile on her face. Building a tower just to knock it down, apparently that's very fun Lucas said chuckling.

Because it is, even I do it with Auggie's blocks I said chuckling. Me too, theres just something about building blocks that can entertain any age dad said chuckling.

I think it's the excitement of it falling over a making a mess, but knowing you can do it over and over Kelli said chuckling.

Wouldn't be surprising I said chuckling. Ok, how about we clean up our toys now princess Maya said to Abby. Ok mama Abby said, doing exactly as she was asked.

She cleaned up all her blocks, and Jake tided up the rest of her toys so nobody tripped over them.

All done Abby said when she finished. Good job Abby Maya said. Now that everything is cleaned up, let's go see if who else is ready for the day dad said.

Ok, let's go Jake said, scooping up Abby off the floor. We all started walking out of the room and they followed behind us.

When we made it out, Sarah walked over to the next room which was Shannon and Demi's.

She opened the door, poking her head in first to make sure it was appropriate. Once Sarah was sure, she let us in. We walked in and both girls were just finishing up making the bed.

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