Chapter 1'936

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It took me a few minutes to completely clean up Abby, but I got there. All done mama she asked. All done baby I said putting her down on the ground.

The second she was down, Abby ran right over to her dada. When Abby made it to Jake, she wiped her wet hands on him.

Oi you cheeky little monkey, come here he said chuckling playfully chasing her a bit before scooping her up. Dada she squealed giggling as he tickled her.

As usual Shannon said chuckling. Yep I said chuckling, drying my hands. I see someone is still little miss cheeky Paris said chuckling. Of course she is I said chuckling.

Ok, is everything cleaned up Dianna asked. It definitely looks like it dad said. In that case, why don't we all go get ready for the day mom said.

That sounds like a good idea, let's go Dallas said and we all started walking back into our bedrooms.

Once me and Jake were back in our bedroom, he's passed Abby over to me and shut the door, locking it behind us.

While he was doing that Abby got my attention. Mama Abby said. Yes baby I said looking at her. Ouchie she said pointing at her nose.

I see, we need to blow this nose huh I said. Uh huh she said as I grabbed a tissue. I helped Abby blow her nose, and could tell she felt better when it was all out. How's that baby I asked her.

Better mama she said happy. That's good I said kissing her cheek, as I threw away the dirty tissue. Once Jake was finished locking the door, he came over to us.

How's my girls doing he asked, wrapping his arms around my waist. We're good aren't we Abby I said. Yes mama she said giggling. Uh oh, I think someone has a case of the giggles Jake said chuckling.

I think you're right I said chuckling, and we both kissed either side of her face. Which resulted in a lot more giggles coming out of her.

Mama, dada she squealed after a moment. We both stopped and let Abby catch her breath. She had a little cough attack but was fine after a second.

You ok Abby Jake asked her. I good dada she said back. How about we give you some medicine and then you can go play for a bit I said. Ok mama she said agreeing.

Mayas secret life part 10 Where stories live. Discover now