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NOTE: You can see all my collage artwork and other graphic designs on Instagram at


I made most of these around a mad rush of other illustrations I was making for Excavations.

"Look to the blowing Rose about us - Lo,
Laughing," she says, "into the world I blow,
At once the silken tassel of my Purse
Tear, and its Treasure on the Garden throw." - Omar Khayyam (possibly - the authenticity of the _Rubaiyat_ is very much a matter of debate)

I'm starting to incorporate white roses more into the illustrations. I've used mostly red, because red is for passion, for fire, for blood, and (at least in "Magister's" eyes) for "ancilla." White has a strong significance in the BDSM community, though, especially in the D/s subset of it. In that subculture, white represents purity, loyalty, and submission. White roses often get incorporated into collaring ceremonies - the sub will present their Dom(me) with a white rose, or a white rose will sit on a table next to the collar and the key... Details vary. They're always poetic and beautiful. 

I can't resist poetry or beauty.

I can't resist poetry or beauty

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A collage I made that emphasized The Lovers (a tarot trump card). 


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One for "Magister." For those of you who are wondering if he ever holds back: Yes. He holds back quite a lot, actually. 


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Wild Is the Wind: The Art of AncillaWhere stories live. Discover now