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It had been a couple of months since the accident happened.

Her leg had healed and they were able to remove the cast.

Her arm was getting better but she still needed a brace.

She wasn't cleared to go back to work yet but she was allowed to do things on her own at home.

Derek still dropped by every day, or every other day if he was busy to check on her and make sure everything was okay.

In the months he had spent taking care of her she had developed some kind of feelings for him.

She didn't know how deep the feelings were or what kind of feelings they even were.

They could both sense that they had feelings for each other but she figured he had feelings for her before they started spending time with her since that could be the only reason a man she barely knew would offer to take care of her after an accident.

They hadn't spoken about their feelings to each other. Meredith had mentioned it to Addison.

Meredith said she wouldn't pursue anything since she wasn't really interested in being in another relationship while she was fighting a custody battle.

Meredith had asked Addison to watch Aurora while she was in court for the custody battle.

When she got back she noticed Derek and Addison were there.

"Hey, how was court?" Derek said. He asked as she walked through the door.

"It was fine, he showed up drunk and they made him use a breathalyzer in court, it was five times over," she said as he hugged her.

She held her for a second before releasing her. Addison's eyes lingered but turned her attention back to Aurora before they could notice.

"How many more of these do you have to go to before they decide on the custody?" He asked.

"I don't know, but at least one or two more. My lawyer says we have a good case and it's almost impossible that we'd lose," she said.

"That's good then, once you get full custody you won't have to deal with him anymore," he said rubbing her arms.

"That's not true, Nathan doesn't like being told no, if the court tells him no he won't be happy," she said.

"Then you'll get a restraining order," he said.

"That's another thing, if a judge tells him not to come here it'll make him want to come here even more," she said.

"Then you call the cops, or you call me, I live next door if you tell me he came over I'll be there in a second," he said.

"I know, but we don't even know what's going to happen yet. I don't want to think about it until it happens. Aurora doesn't even know what's happening," she sighed.

"And she doesn't need to, not yet, she's used to not seeing him all the time," he said.

"I've already told her he's not a very nice person sometimes. I'll just tell her he got into some trouble or something," she said before going into the kitchen.

"That was a steamy hug," Addison said once Meredith was out of sight.

"She just came back from court, it's not easy, it was just a hug," he said sitting down on the couch.

"Yeah, and the way you look at her, that's nothing too?" She asked.

"What's it to you, what's the worst you think I'm gonna do?" He said.

"Meredith is my best friend, I've known her since medical school, she doesn't have a good history with relationships and by that I mean she's never been in an actual relationship. She and Nathan were barely together with Meredith got pregnant," she said.

"And you think I'm going to make her lose all hope in men?" He said.

"No, she already has lost hope in men, I just don't want you to hurt her. She doesn't have time to be depressed or cause more drama in her life. If you want to make her life easier then I don't care, but if you're just looking for someone to mess around with, Meredith isn't the one to do that with," she said.

"You know that's not what I'm looking for," he said. "No, I don't. I work with you, I haven't seen you take an interest in anyone until now," she said.

"Meredith is different. I don't know what it is but there's something about her," he said.

"That's what intrigues you, but will it make you stay? Are you still going to show up when out of nowhere she shuts you out and won't tell you what's wrong? Meredith isn't an easy person to have in your life. There's always something, her life has never been easy and it probably never will be," she said.

"Okay, no one's life is perfect," he said. "No, but Meredith's life isn't even close to normal. Meredith getting attacked by a patient having a seizure, that's her normal," she said.

"Okay, so how do you do it?" He said.

"You just do, you have to care enough to stay. If you don't love her then you're not going to see a point in staying. That's why she and Nathan didn't work out, she was too 'dramatic'" she said.

"From what I know about Meredith she's not dramatic," he said.

"I'm just warning you, it won't be easy," she said.

"That's a very nice thing to say another your best friend," he said.

"I'm telling you to save her a lot of pain in the future," she said.

"So you think I'm going to destroy her?" He said.

"No, I don't know what you're intentions are but if you're lying, I'm going to kill you," she said.

"Wow, I leave you two alone for five minutes and you're already threatening to kill each other. Do I need to testify for you in court too now?" Meredith said as she walked into the living room.

"No, Dr. Montgomery and I were just talking," he said.

"Dr. Montgomery? Wow, so the rumours are true, you two do hate each other," she said sitting down next to Derek.

"I don't hate him, just don't like him either," Addison said.

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