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Meredith was sitting on the couch watching TV. Derek had taken Aurora to school and in that time Meredith managed to get out of her spot and take a quick shower without Derek's help.

When he came back and saw her hair was wet, she was in different clothes and was in a different spot he scolded her for waiting until he wasn't there to take a shower. The bathroom was upstairs.

So as her punishment he put her on the couch and sat next to her for over an hour, she felt like a toddler in time out.

Now she sat on the couch pouting like a young child while Derek was in the kitchen making her something to eat.

He handed her the remote so she had something to do in the meantime but nothing good was on.

Her life felt boring without patients and a child to take care of, if she wasn't with Aurora then she would be at work with patients, but if she wasn't at work she was at home with her daughter.

But now she had neither, she had Derek but she hardly knew Derek. She told him about her crazy ex-boyfriend and how he should not be around her daughter but that was out of panic.

Derek was the only person she had now and even that felt weird. It felt weird to have a stranger in her house taking care of her.

If it was Addison it'd be a bit different but she didn't know him well enough to be entirely comfortable and he was also a little weird that he was a man.

She wasn't used to having a man in the house, taking care of her and doing things around her house.

She knew she was attracted to him but she didn't want anything from him or with him. He was her type, she always had a type but he was a better version of her type.

Usually, she'd fall for the worst type of men, that's how she ended up with Aurora. She loved her daughter more than anything which is why she refused to start anything with another man until Aurora was old enough to take care of herself.

She didn't want a relationship with him or even to sleep with him. She had to work with him every day, it was nothing but physical attraction.

"Alright, you need to eat before you can take your pain medication," Derek came into the room with a plate of food he had prepared.

He wasn't a chef or anything but he knew how to do the basics, he cooked all of his meals unless he was at work. His mother had taught him most of what he knew but fishing and how to cook a fish the proper way his father taught him.

"So in order for me to take my pain meds you're going to force me to eat?" She has been like this all day, she was grumpy and upset that she couldn't do anything on her own.

She didn't know how much Derek enjoyed taking care of her, she felt like a burden, stealing one of the best neurosurgeons from saving patients.

"Yes, if you don't want to be in pain then you need to eat or else I'll hide your meds where you can't reach them," he smiled placing the plate on the coffee table in front of her and sat down next to her on the couch.

"You're cruel. Will you feed me too?" She says. "Sure," he nodded. "I was kidding, just move the table a little closer,"

He pulled the table closer in front of her. He leaned back and waited for her to start eating.

"Can I take the meds and then eat? the pills will give me motivation to eat so they'll work faster," she sighed.

"No, if you want the meds then you have to eat at least a quarter of it and then after your meds, you have to eat half,"

"You're very mean to someone who's already gone through a lot. I got the crap beaten out of me and now you're going to torture me with my pain. You're horrible," tears filled her eyes before looking away to the right.

"Fine, you can take your medication first but you have to you have to eat half of that plate or else you're stomach is going to hurt for the rest of the day," he said as he started to feel bad as she did have a point.

"Okay," she smiled. "You're crazy," he chuckled before standing up and going to get her medication from the kitchen.

While he was gone she took a couple of bites of the food. Surprisingly the food was actually pretty good.

"You can only take two of these a day," he came back with her prescribed pain meds.

"So four a day, two every twelve hours?" She took the bottle out of his hand.

"If I said you could take four you would say to take eight, wouldn't you?" He sat down next to her. "Yes,"

She opened the bottle and took two before she started eating. Once she finished he took her dishes into the sink.

"Don't you have to get going soon? I wouldn't want to keep you here for too long, you must have other things to do. You have a life don't you?" She said as he sat down next to her.

"Mer, I live right next door to you," that was the first time he had called her that.

"I'm only taking care of you, if I'm bothering you just say that," he said. "No, you're not bothering me, I just don't want you to spend all your time here when you actually want to do other things. I can be on my own for a bit. You don't have to babysit me," she said.

"Meredith, I offered to do this. Nobody asked me, nobody paid me to. I wanted to do this, you're not a burden," he said.

"Alright," she sighed before turning the TV on.


Words: 1025


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