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When she left the on-call room she took an elevator to the tenth floor when the daycare.

when she got to the tenth floor she made her way to the daycare and usually when she walked into the room Aurora would already be at the door waiting for her because she always came to visit at this time, but today was different. Aurora was nowhere to be seen.

"Hi, I'm looking for Aurora Grey," she said to one of the nurses. since Meredith was alone when she gave birth to Aurora she had to be the one to sign the birth certificate, and since his daughter's birth wasn't important enough to him his daughter's last name shouldn't be very important to him either so she gave Aurora her last name.

"She was actually picked up almost an hour ago," the nurse says.

"By who?" she asked.

"her father," she answered. Meredith's heart sank to her stomach.

"how do you know it was her father?" she asked. "well, because-" she started before Meredith cut her off.

"because he said he was her father? you know who also does that, pedophiles!" she yelled before she stormed out of the room.

she took her phone out of her pocket and dialed Nathan's number. the phone rang multiples time but he never picked up. she tried calling him multiple times but he still never picked up.

"Damn it!" she said frustrated before she threw her phone on the floor in front of her, but someone caught it.

"what's gotten you so mad?" a male voice asked by the time she looked at him she saw it was Derek.

"I can't find my damn kid and the stupid nurses up in daycare let her go with my ex, well at least I think it's my ex, I don't know who else it would be. why would they even let that? he's never been there so they don't have his name on the paper and they don't share a surname. I have to go," I say.

"wait, do you know where they might be?" he asks, stopping her with a gentle hand on the arm.

"No, he doesn't live anywhere, he used to live in an old boat but he pissed someone off and they sank it so now he just stays at his friends' house, and he doesn't have money so I don't know what he would do with her, all I know is it's nothing good," she said as she held back a sob before walking away.

she went back up to the attendings lounge and got changed back into her day clothes, grabbed her things and left to go find Aurora.

"Meredith, where are you going?" Derek asked as he saw Meredith was about to leave.

"I have to go find Aurora,"

"Meredith, wait," he said putting both his hands on her arms and turning her to face him.

"fine, but make it quick. I have to go before Nathan crosses the border with her,"

"Nathan has been with her before right?" he asked, she nodded in response.

"Then you know he won't doing anything to her because he hasn't done it before, are you really so worried about this?"

"Yes, I don't trust him. he was gone first two weeks on a business trip and then the one week he was supposed to see her he didn't show up because he met someone, and now that he's not aloud to see her that's when he wants her," she said before pulling away and leaving the hospital.

the first place she decided to go check for Nathan and Aurora was the place Nathan used to live at. he was crashing at an old friends place.

she found the apartment number and knocked twice. the door opened a gust of cannabis blew in her face and she only hoped Aurora wasn't in there.

"By any chance is Nathan here?" I ask. "No, he left last week," the guy replied.

"Thank you," she said before turning to leave.

"but you could stay if you liked?" he smirked looking her up and down.

"I'm good," she said before leaving.

she checked a few other places that he could've been but they weren't in any of those places either. the last place that she could think of Nathan being at was the bar.

so she walked to the nearest bar and went inside. she sat down at the bar and ordered a drink from the bartender before she turned around and scanned the room.

she didn't see anything so instead she took her phone out of her purse and found a phone of Aurora from the other day.

"Have you seen this child anywhere?" she asked the bartender while showing him the photo.

"yea, they were here earlier," he said as he placed her drink down in front of her.

"they were here, where are they now?" she asked. "I don't know, they went out the back," he said before walking away.

she lifted the glass and down the entire thing before grabbing her bag and putting some money on the counter before grabbing her coat and went to the back. she was met with the dark alley behind the bar.

she walked for a bit before she found Nathan sitting against the building. he didn't notice her because he was too high to focus on anything. she took out her phone and used the flash to take a photo for court before continuing to look for Aurora.

she eventually found Aurora sitting around the corner of the alley, crying against the wall. she didn't know what to tell her so she only lifted her into her arms.

Aurora jumped a bit and she was about kick and scream before she noticed to was Meredith and cuddled into her.

she took Aurora and got her situated before getting into the front and driving away. on the way back she called her boss and asked for the day off and explained the situation and he agreed.

Aurora stayed quiet the entire drive home. when they arrived home Meredith brought Aurora inside and made sure to look the door behind her.

she took Aurora into her room and got changed into some sweats and getting in bed and turning on the tv.

"We can talk about this when you're ready," she whispered in her ear before kissing the side of her head.

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