Mysterious Story Of A Girl Who Found Herself In A Local Newspaper [Part- 1]

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Melissa:* Mom, Dad, you have to see this!

*Melissa's Mom:* What's it, Mel?

*Melissa:* Look at this newspaper clipping. It's me, but with a different name. It says this girl went missing 10 years ago...What's going on?

*Melissa's Dad:* Oh dear Mel, that's probably just a coincidence. There must be someone who looks like you.

*Melissa:* But why would they use my picture? And the name is completely different.

*Melissa's mom:* Sweetheart, sometimes these things happen. It's nothing to worry about. Have you heard of doppelgangers? Looks like she's just you doppelganger sweetie!

..Melissa was convinced with her parents opinion because her parents were very honest, kind and loving..there was nothing they hid from her, or atleast-
that's what she thought.

Plus She has read enough mystery novels by now to know when she was being lied to. So, she should probably just trust them this time too, right?

She went back to her room and thought about it for quite some time. She knew that if Her parents- If they were liars,they would have restricted her access to the outer world and would be secretive about her whereabouts and probably hit her or something when being questioned... But her parents were far from that. Not only they answered the question calmly but also assured Melissa that nothing was wrong.
They were in fact the most supportive parents any child could ever dream of. They always encouraged their daughter,Melissa to try out new hobbies, took her on various trips and so on.. Yes, Melissa has had some arguments with her mother over some trivial matters in the past, just like the other kids-
Moreover,their conversation would always end up in a calm discussion.
So overall, Melissa was content and happy with her life. There was no way her parents would lie to her. She trusted her parents a solid hundred percent.

"There's literally no way why they'd lie to me."- She reassured her again and again.

But again, her mind drifted to that missing girl from the newspaper. She felt guilty for doubting her parents before but there was this little gut feeling, that wanted to know more about this little girl who wemt missing ages ago.

She thought to herself, "Even though she looks similar to me ,the girl in the photo- she was just a child, maybe a young teen when she was kidnapped..!"

Maybe her the adult version would look different from that of Melissa if she was still alive after all these 10 years...Maybe she was just overthinking it- but the resemblance between Melissa's features and that of the little girl was still uncanny. The girl had a big mole on her left cheek, same as Melissa...her eyes twinkled the same way Melissa's does..and her nose, eye structure..even the skin tone..everything was wayy too similar.

Maybe it was just a unfortunate coincidence that Melissa's face resembles the face of a girl who got kidnapped years ago.. or maybe, there's more to it..
Nobody knew..

Maya didn't want to confront her parents, it was a bold move to question her very own parents...The one who brought you up about stuff like these.She felt guilty to the core.

But still, She wanted to know more about this missing girl...Maybe she could help her out if she was in some sort of danger

Maybe, if it was just another girl or boy,she would have just ignored it. But this girl caught her attention and she wanted to meet her,in flesh.

She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she didn't know it was past midnight. She looked up at the wall clock hanging in front of her. It was 1:00 am.
Pitch dark outside.

She decided to find that newspaper clipping first.

If she remembers it correctly, it must be in the drawing room in the 2nd cupboard from left where her mother always keeps it-
The old newspapers..
She tiptoed downstairs. Looking left and right cautiously ..looked through her parents room..they were still sleeping-

She let out a relieved sigh and wiped her sweat and then silently went to the living room area and lit up the small torch she carried with her in her hand.

She Looked through all the newspapers piled up in the cupboard..She searched them thoroughly-
the newspapers... still nothing
Which was strange- cause her mom always kept everything in a particular order.

Then suddenly, she heard some noise from her parents' bedroom..someone was definitely awake..she could hear the sound- the sound of footsteps.And someone talking. She moved closer to the door trying to hear their conversation..she heard her father's voice.....

Dad: "Do you think she'll doubt us?"

Mom: "Nah..she's too gullible...don't worry,she won't be able to find out.
As long as we don't make it obvious, she couldn't find out.
She"ll forget about it too.. ..and if she dosen't, we'll do what we did earlier. ..."

As soon as Melissa heard those words...she was shocked. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She wanted to confront her parents- ask her mom what's going on!But again,it was too risky. One thing's for sure, they were not the sweet parents she ones thought they were..

Melissa was afraid at this point...hearing their conversation..she was sure that there is something that her parents know which she dosen't...she was also afraid of getting caught hearing their conversation in the middle of the night. Hell, even living in this household was too Dangerous now!

She wiped her tears and rushed back to her room ...that too,very quietly and quickly..

She went back to her room, closed the doors and cried a river. After a solid 30 minutes of weeping and wailing in the corner of her room, her eyes puffed up....
Who am I? - she thought to herself.. this overwhelming feeling of identity crisis made her heart sank.

Even then,she thought about That girl..
"Poor girl...what must have happened to her" she thought to herself.

Curiosity got better of her and she decided to search up her name online.
She wiped away her tears, hopped on her bed,opened her laptop and searched whatever she remembered from today's morning article.. "a 10 year old girl named Ruby Clemonthe went missing ...blah blahh...

.R u b y ..C l e m o n t h e...

There came a list of search results that shocked Melissa to the core. This missing girl Ruby was a multi millionaire-or atleast, a heir to a multi million dollar company. The family had been frantically looking up for her for the last 10 years- even posting her pictures online and on the newspaper. Still- even after 10 years, they have not lost their hope..

She read further.."The news of her missing cane out in public in the year of 2015." Almost 10 years from now. Melissa looked through her photos. If this Ruby girl was still alive, she would be 19 years old.

Sure, this doppelganger girl does look like Melissa but that was not it. Not only Melissa had no pictures of herself when she was 10 but also this girl- this girl got kidnapped around the same age Melissa couldn't find her pics in their family photo album. Like, there are no pictures of Melissa in her photo album before she was 11.
Her parents told her that they were often busy on business trips while Melissa was still young. Melissa used to live with the nanny 24/7. There was hardly anytime when her parents could spend some quality time together with her, that's why- no photos...They were just too busy. " Earlier Melissa used to believe their story but now, this story does not seem appealing anymore. She was lied..lied bitterly by the ones she once held closer than life. This must be a lie too..

It was fine. Everything was fine, or atleast, that's what she wanted to believe . But deep down she knew that some pieces of the puzzle were still missing. No matter how hard she tried not to believe it but what if her parents were the real kidnappers...what else are they hiding?

Whatever was the case, she knew that if her parents were the real criminals then it was not safe for her to inform them about her next step. It was too risky. So everything that has to be done,has to be done by Melissa herself..first she'll go to the Clemonthe's home address...ask for a dna check to see if she's indeed their bloodline or not...whatever be it..she just can't stay here. Not after what she has heard just now-

🕯𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝑴𝒊𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓🕯Where stories live. Discover now