12. Face off!!

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After three Years.

I will face Every Fucking One who has back stabbed me. It would be enjoyable to see their faces when I walk up the stage.

Especially Arvind Chachu and Suhana.

Oh god it would be so funny that even after being in the business, he was never recognised for it and I, from whom every thing was snatched away, every dreams were shattered will be the one up there receiving the award.

Don't worry Chachu, it's just a matter of time, after that you won't even have a business to talk about.

I smirked at myself while looking in the mirror.

So Fucking proud of myself.

If anyone would have told me that I would be this kind of woman three years back, I would have laughed at them. Because this was never my plan.

I had always just wanted to have a family with Ibrahim.

I wanted to be the housewife. The home maker.

Damn, now I want to laugh at that. But still I have a family now. I have a daughter now.

Yesterday's little play came to my mind. I laughed remembering it. Oh god encrypting things is a better thing to do.
Gotta thank Ibrahim for that.


"What are you doing cupcake?" Ibrahim asked as he entered the study room and saw Anaisha on the computer. He came and kissed her.

"Bubs, you had taught me to copy files from other system but it's too hard and time consuming. Does it have any alternative?" She asked while focusing on the computer.

"Baby, if you find that hard then the alrenative of it is more harder. It's encryption. You can simply lock their files and by that only you will have its access even though if it will be present in their system."

With that he started teaching her that.

And that's what I did. The student has to test that skill on its teacher right?!

Just thinking about the chaos it would have made at the company.
I should have been there.
But I am ready to see his enraged face in 2 hours.

Anyways he was always a sore loser.

I picked up the red satin evening gown.
(The outfit is posted above.)


I entered the hall with Arjun. It was cliche but yes I was holding his arm. I wanna see everyone's faces when they see me. I got a little emotional thinking about what all had I been through but I shook my head and looked at Arjun, he gave me comforting smile and a nod.

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