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The command center was busy laying out the attack plan to stop Gigan and the MUTOs at full speed.

Only problem was that Shiryu was damaged, meaning it could not fare well against the enemy titans. Its current weaponry wasn't meant for combat, but intended for non-lethal purposes. Thankfully, the outpost had one optional weapon that was meant to be used if the situation needed. That weapon was a chain sword used for close quarters combat. Akane piloted Shiryu to the large container and opened, picking up the weapon and installing it on the mechagodzilla's right arm. ["Nice! Now you will have one more potion once we finish repairs on Shiryu."] Rick complimented Akane on the radio. "Thanks. Thought I am still with few options. We need all sorts of them if we are to beat Gigan and his MUTOs."] she said, kneeling Shiryu down in order for the drones to start the repair process. ["It's still something. Once you get the full weaponry loadout back here, you will be near unstoppable."] Rick said, trying to encourage Akane. And it did help her, making Akane smile a bit seeing one of her close friends supporting her. Though, there were still some more important repairs to be done. Once the repairs were done in Hollow Earth, Colonel Togashi had ordered for Akane to pilot Shiryu back to the base in the surface. There they could do the overhaul and weapons installment before being sent out.

Which brought up another concern that worried Akane greatly.

If this Gigan monster and its MUTO followers were still alive on the other side, which Akane had a disturbing feeling that they were, then they would find a way to break out and go to the surface. Gojirin couldn't defeat them on her own, including with Godzilla, due to her having a hatchling to nurse and take care of. Akane didn't know if Godzilla would round up the other titans like he and his kind did long ago. Which meant that if they couldn't, Monarch and the military were the only ones that knew of this and could stop this threat. Another problem was the whereabouts of the bird monster and its followers, Shiryu Kai included, which Akane hoped Monarch could monitor in order to track them. All of these thoughts made her head start to hurt, so she chose to think of another thing. Unfortunately, it was about Shiryu moving and fighting on its own, which was in the same concerning level as what everyone was dealing about.

While everyone was discussing about the subject and waiting for the orders to be given, Akane patched into the video section where Simon was connected to currently. "Umm... excuse me, Dr. Simon. May I ask something pertaining Shiryu's AI?" Akane asked, making the engineer look up from where he was starting back at the command center. ["It's about the sudden berserk mode that Shiryu went into not long ago...right?"] Simon asked, guessing what Akane was about to ask. "Yes...that. I want to know what exactly happened and if...there is something that I haven't been told of about this mechagodzilla. Please. I need to know, even if it is classified. Sooner or later the truth will come out." she said, doing her best not to sound demanding to him. Simon nodded in accordance to her request and started to type in the keyboard of his computer. ["I've been studying the data that the unit has been transmitting...and found this."] he said, sending a screen image to Shiryu's screen panel.

"] he said, sending a screen image to Shiryu's screen panel

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Akane looked at the screen, examining what it was about. ["This is the AI system of Shiryu. At first it started out normal like a complete sphere, but now...it's like this, erratic and unpredictable. This comes to show that the AI is evolving in a more organical manner. Which was thought to be impossible...except when something was placed as it's base"] Simon explained. "What was used as its base? Don't tell me..." Akane said, starting to realize what this meant. ["Before you jump to conclusions, no, we did not use any of the bones from a Godzilla species."] Simon said, raising up his hand quickly to stop Akane from overthinking. She slowly let out a breath and let the engineer continue with his explanation. Simon looked to the sides, to ensure that he wasn't going to speak aloud to anyone, before facing the screen again. ["Shiryu's processing unit, its "brain", is programmed with special DNA computers, designed to make the machine operate like an organic creature. Its base DNA that it withholds is that of Godzilla's, enabling the system to have unique learning capabilities."] Simon explained with the best of his ability. "So what you are saying is...that you made a mechanical clone of Godzilla?" Akane asked, rubbing the side of her head with a hand. "["No. Not a clone. There is a difference between a clone and a genetic copy. All we engineered Shiryu's system to be similar to Godzilla, not to be his equal or replacement."] Simon said to Akane. She let out a long sigh as she calmed herself down and thought everything through. "Alright then. I trust you and your team aren't up to some nefarious plan on using Shiryu like Apex did with their machine." Akane said, rubbing her eyes. Simon sighed and hung his head, but Akane saw that he couldn't help but smile and chuckle. ["Nah. We are in Monarch. And our mission stays the same, regardless of what those from the outside say. We won't change."] Simon said, looking up as he was seen wearing a genuine smile.

This gave Akane a sense of temporary relief. If it were something that went against the natural order, like they did with the other mechagodzilla, then her conscience would have been deeply troubled with what she was taught. Which then the thoughts brought her back to the main focus. "If this machine is supposed to have a program that allows it to fight like Godzilla...then it would make it part sentient. Kind of like a living being fighting for self preservation." Akane assumed, looking down at the control panel in front of her. ["In a way. The data shows us that the thought processing is similar to Godzilla's, meaning that it will fight on its own, but, as time went on...I couldn't help but notice that it responded to something. And it wasn't just the AI's logical thinking. There was an exterior input...from the cockpit."] Simon explained, showing the data and a video feed from Shiryu's cockpit.

There, it showed Akane flinching and covering her arms as she braced for something, only for the screens around to turn red. Right at the same time, the AI sphere began to flicker red and spike aggressively, and that's when Akane remembered; this was when  Gigan was about to attack, and Shiryu moved on its own will. "Could this mean that Shiryu was...protecting me?" Akane said, starting to see the evidence more clearly. ["We will have to make some more tests to determine. But for the time being, yes, it did respond to you."] Simon said in response. "That's...comforting to know. Weird but comforting." Akane said, letting out a relieved breath, though still had some other concerns inside of her mind. ["I kind of know what you are thinking. 'Will I be able to pilot Shiryu like before? Will it stall and go berserk?' Maybe. But I believe that it will begin working with you."] Simon said, making Akane give him a questioning look. ["I have a feeling that it will only answer to you, and no one else. Since it has become a sentient AI system, it will continue to aid you, and will step in if necessary."] he explained to her in a confident manner. Akane let out a long breath and laid back on her seat, trying to process all that she could. "This is going to take me a whole while to get around to. Things like these...I'm still trying to adapt." Akane said to herself, and then realizing that she had spoken out loud when Simon said "What was that?". "Oh. That I'm still not sure about this. At first I thought that Shiryu was created at the expense of using something that was once alive. Not just because of what happened at Apex, but what it would mean for the natural order. I...was taught by my mentor to always stay focused and not loose sight of what we are meant to do, as humans, in this large world. I admired him, and want to be like him. The truth is...it's easy to get scared in this world, no matter how hard you try to be brave." Akane said, looking down at her hand as she let go of a control handle. She then took out the copy of her mentor's notes and opened it. "I'm willing to try. But I will need help." Akane said, closing the book and looking up at the screens again. ["You can count on us all, Ms. Akane. You have been the greatest pilot to handle Shiryu so far. And I believe you will do admirably. Not just because others say so."] Simon said with a slight chuckle. "Thank you. Still...I have strange suspicion that perhaps Chen was the one who told you to say that." Akane said with a small giggle, making Simon give out a slight scoff of disbelief. ["Oh, please. I'm all the way up here on the control room and you would have seen me do and say anything suspicious."] Simon said, almost in an offended way but understanding the humor from Akane.

Both of them continued to chat with each other while they waited for further orders.

Mechagodzilla: Shiryuजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें