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Two hours have passed, more or less, before Odo Island was spotted at the horizon.

The Argo airships continued to carry the two Shiryu units with the cables, slow and steady without pulling brusquely. Moments later they neared onto island, now in front of them big enough to not miss. ["Alright, I got some good news and bad news for today. The good news is that Anguirus is on the far side of the island, far from our reach. The bad news is that if he manages to sense us approaching his territory, he will most likely charge his way towards us on land or tunnel underground. Which is bad for us since this titan has a fierce temper."] Rick said on the radio as they slowly approached the shore of the island. "A good thing we aren't going directly to him. Rather than that, we are going directly to the portal here in Odo Island." Akane said in response as she was prepared to detach from the cables once ordered. ["It's true. Anguirus only attacks if it feels threatened or is provoked. For most of the time, he sleeps like a large spiked and unhumored ball. With any luck, we will not have any confrontations with him."] Chen said on the radio, supporting Akane as she had given a fact she has read from the notes.

When they were about to near the border edge of the island, the Argo airships slowly veered to the left in order to change direction. Based on the information provided by the command center, the portal to Hollow earth on Odo Island was on the far north side of it. To get there, the ships needed to follow a river path that would lead straight to the target. Monarch had already begun preparations on creating a perimeter around such portal, but were not able to fully complete it due to the presence Anguirus and his territorial behavior. Monarch was still learning how to use these portals and establish outposts in few Hollow Earth locations. So it was a relief that the two of them will have a place to stay momentarily when out of the mechagodzillas, Akane especially due to her being the only one present. Besides all that it was nice to see a new place never before visited, with nature surrounding all of Odo island while they traveled over the air. It filled Akane with a sense of inner peace and tranquility, reminding herself of how much she liked the natural world. She was getting lost in some good memories when someone on the radio spoke.

["Target in sight, portal is open and running. Begin detachment procedures"] the one in the radio said, possibly one of the Argo pilots. Akane nearly fumbled on the controls before beginning the procedures. She activated the AI as well, in order to be prepared just in case. When it was activated, the computer screen did something unexpected: it typed [GREETINGS, Lt. AKANE. ALL SYSTEMS ARE READY]. This confused Akane greatly, seeing that before it hasn't done such, and immediately contacted the command center. "Excuse me, command. May I speak to Dr. Simon for a moment?" Akane asked on the radio. A moment passed before a screen popped up with Simon seen in his desk. ["Lieutenant Akane. Is there something the matter?"] Simon asked. "The AI system, it...greeted me. Is it supposed to do that?" Akane asked. ["Well...it is an advanced learning system. So think of it like a newborn learning to walk with you"] Simon said in response. Akane looked back at the screen where the system was, and then got an idea. Typing some keys into the board, Akane wrote "Thank you for your help. I look forwards to working with you, Shiryu" on the system. The AI began to process the response from Akane before doing something unexpected. In place of its original name, designated R-17, it was replaced by the name Shiryu. Seeing this made Akane let out an amused breath, smiling by witnessing how smart the AI was.

Afterwards Rick was heard clearing his throat on the radio. ["Greetings ladies and gentlemen. This is Hollow Earth Airlines speaking. Please fasten your seatbelts, move your trays in the upright position, and follow Monarch standard procedures for portal travel. If you don't have anything to hold on, please hang on to your stomachs."] Rick said on the radio, imitating a flight attendant making the departure announcement. Akane couldn't help letting a chuckle escape her, imagining how Chen must look like as she heard another one of Rick's childish jokes. ["Please be advised that all passengers should fasten your seatbelts and brace for insane turbulence when entering the portal. With that said, thank you for choosing Hollow Earth Airlines."] Rick concluded as the Argos neared the portal site, descending slowly as they reached a few meters above the surface. From their view, it was just in the middle of a large lake, the portal under the water creating a whirlpool as eerie blue lights shone from beneath.

Mechagodzilla: ShiryuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora