Chapter 25

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I miss your reactions, chimes

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I miss your reactions, chimes. Do spam me in the comments.

Jungkook met with a punch as soon as the couple landed in Jiah's bedroom. Luckily he dodged at the perfect moment but that didn't save him from Yoongi's wrath. He kicked his crotch and the poor boy rolled on the floor in pain.

"Where the hell did you take her?!" he raised his fist for another punch but Jiah's held him back.

"Stop it, Yoongi! He didn't do anything!"

"You!" he pointed at her, "Stay away from this. I was worried sick of you for the past three hours. I knew something was wrong when I came into this room earlier. I should have expected this brat." He punched upon the younger male and tried to tackle him but Jiah pulled him away.

"What is wrong with you?!" she rebuked.

"What is wrong with me?!" he scoffed, "don't try to fool me Jiah. I saw you crying tonight and the next moment he kidnaps you." He turned towards Jungkook, "I have told you not to try anything with her. You're not even a human. Stupid creature."

Jungkook overcame his pain and stood up. "Hyung! I might have super powers, but I am as much flesh and blood as you." His challenging gaze was locked on the older. "As for Jiah, I am not less concerned about her than you."

"Oh really?!" he took another step ignoring Jiah's restrain.

"Jungkook, I apologize on his behalf. Please leave, I'll see you tomorrow at school."

He flared his nose and was about to leave when Yoongi spat, "Fucking asshole."

"I don't know why are you poking your nose in our matter. As far as I know, you're not her guardian. Friends don't take things this personally unless you have feelings for her."

"I-" Yoongi's words got caught in his mouth. Did Jungkook spit a fact? Did he really have feelings for her? He looked at Jiah and felt even more judged by her gaze of disappointment. She might never be comfortable with him again. He ruined their friendship.

"Kook, please leave. I beg you." She croaked. She wanted Yoongi to deny all the accusations but his silence hurt her more. Was he always in love with her?

Jungkook knew staying would only increase their complication. He felt sorry for the older but he was not someone who would allow himself to get insulted. Jiah was mature enough to handle the situation. He nodded and flew away.

"Yoongi, was he correct? Do you have feelings for me?" Jiah asked once Jungkook was out of sight. She tried her best to hold back her tears. She needed clearance. "Your silence is not helping. Please, say something!" She threw her hands in air in frustration.

"I-I don't know!" Yoongi stuttered and ran away from the apartment ignoring her calls.


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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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