Brainiac-1.0 Strikes Back!

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~{Chapter 87}~*This chapter is about when Brainy's ancestor "Brainiac-1.0" escapes *Argus* the high-tech prison he's been in since Superman defeated him "years" ago. So, it's up to Kara and her friends to stop him before anyone gets hurt. Which made Brainy have bad memories of his family! I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*In Star City, at Argus*
*8:00 p.m.*
Brainiac-1.0 was in his cell chamber in the alien wing... a cell with no tech to prevent escape. But nowadays technology is everywhere and he hacked into the main frame motherboard. As his cell door opened dramatically and he walked out sighing in relief to be out! "Now, let's see what my great-great-great. grandson from the future "Brainiac-5" is up to these days." Brainiac-1 said wickedly hacking into the internet to gain access to the files📁of "Querl Dox" where he is now. "In love❤️with a Naltorian💙Woman "hero" aka Dreamer🌀. Pathetic. His emotions are making him "weak" wasting his intellect on being a hero and the nerve of him teaming up with Superman's cousin? And their friends? Ugh, that makes me sick. I should have known better. I suppose I can change his mind by taking her away." Brainiac-1.0 said searching on the web for info about Brainy. A "CatCo" newspaper📰article image popped up on the screen🖥announcing that Brainiac-5 and Dreamer are an official *power💥couple❤️* of the "superfriends". He made his way toward where his Coluan spacecraft was being held up in another secret room near the exit... as alarms in the building started going off! Argus agents showed up surrounding Brainiac-1 while pointing guns directly at him. "Stop right there! Brainiac-1, put your hands in the air!" Agent Smith said ordering him to stand down and go back to his cell or else. "If you say so. Your words... not mine." Brainiac-1 said wickedly raising his hands in the air and using his powers on the agents knocking him out cold while beating up some of them violently. Then, he walked over to the unconscious agents and grabbed the keys🔑to the wing chamber where his Ship was. "Now, time to get out of here... and next stop "National🏙City". He added dramatically on his ship starting it up and flew out of the *vehicle wing* and out of the "city" heading to where his grandson was located.

*An hour later, at night🌃, in National🏙City at Nia's apartment*
*9:38 p.m.*
Nia fell asleep😴on the couch🛋️for a split second when writing📝an article on her laptop💻for work at *CatCo* while Brainy was in their bedroom getting ready for bed. In her dream✨, she was inside the dream🌀realm in the forest walking around wondering why she was there until at the sight of Brainy but it turned out to be his Ancestor "Brainiac-1" and saw him beating up Argus agents violently
And then got onto his ship making his way to *National🏙City* for revenge! Nia gasped awake from her dream as her eyes moved back and forth in fear. Brainy heard her screaming fearfully as he came out of the bedroom immediately going to check on his girlfriend to see if everything was "alright". "Nia! What is it? What happened?..." Brainy asked her as a concerned boyfriend about what she dreamt about thinking💭that it was something "serious" and held her hand dearly comforting Nia Nal. She sighed looking into his eyes panting in fear but that moment passed as she said💬. "I had a vision🌌. It's about your ancestor. The evil one "Brainiac-1" has escaped from *Argus🏢* and he's on his way here to get revenge on "Kara" for what Superman did locking him up years ago." Nia explained. Brainy gasped. "What? No, that's impossible! Are you sure?" He said in shock getting up and pacing back and forth in fear fiddling with his legion ring nervously scared out of his mind. "Well, yeah. I mean my dreams never failed me. So, it has to be "true." but hey, look I know how hard this is. Just know that I'm here for you, "Always." And don't worry, we'll find him and stop him!" Nia said comforting him in hugging Brainy letting her boyfriend that no matter what happens she'll "always" be by his side. But Brainy thought otherwise. "I know, Nia, but you don't know my ancestor like I do. He'll stop at nothing to get what he wants! No matter who gets hurt in the process... besides, I know the real reason why he's coming to "National City" it's to get me to embrace my darkness👁‍🗨for "worse" to be like him. And that's by hurting you, Nia, But I refuse to let that happen! I won't." Brainy said breaking the hug short stating the facts of how his ancestor wanted to break him in hurting the people he loves. "Brainy, I-I," Nia said softly but he didn't hear her as he spoke out. "Let's just get to the Tower and focus on finding him and stopping him," He💚added pushing her away to focus on finding🔎Brainiac-1 before anyone gets hurt in the process. As he walked out the door🚪headed to the *Tower* by himself. Nia sighed sadly wishing that there was something that she could do to help him... but there wasn't! However, all Nia could do was just be there for him when they face Brainiac-1 face-to-face with the team.

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