Dreamer🌀is Pregnant?!

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~{Chapter 80}~*This chapter is about when Nia found out that she is "Pregnant" and Brainy is the Father! So, she decided to tell him tonight... but sadly😔, he ended their relationship at dinner to distance himself from her to work with Lex for the sake of the futureand save the world🌎 from total chaos💥! before she could tell him that she was pregnant with his child. Well, their children😅! How will this end?! I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

Nia woke up *in the morning* throwing up and feeling "nauseous" as she took a pregnancy test just to be *100%* sure if it "true" based on her dream🌌✨last🌃night... and it was true because she went to the hospital to get an Sonogram of the baby earlier today. As it turns out, she is 3 months pregnant! "I can't wait to tell Brainy tonight on our date... He's going to be so happy! At least I hope he will be and won't freak out like "always," She thought💭to herself excitedly to tell Brainy, her boyfriend💚that he's going to be a "Father" and hoping that everything goes well when she tells him at dinner😅.

(Time skipped to the nighttime)

*At Night🌃, in National🏙City*
*9:00 p.m.*
"Thank you for meeting me here today for our date. There's something important that I have to tell you..." Nia said softly sitting down in her chair🪑at the table in the *waterfront restaurant* looking directly into Brainy's eyes having essential news to tell him. "I have something to tell you too," Brainy said softly for dramatic effect have some news to tell Nia as well. And they weren't good news... only a bad one. Meaning a breakup😰🫣! He spoke first and said. "Nia, I can't be with you anymore. Sorry, this relationship between us is over! And with my inhibitors off I am seeing things clearly. I'm finally myself. So, please understand..." Brainy declared out harshly breaking up with "Nia Nal" for her own safety. Her eyes widened in shock at What he had just said and Nia felt like her heart broke💔feeling like crying😭but decided not to. Instead, She gave him a sad look looking down at her picture sonogram of their baby, and replied acting like this breakup didn't upset her at all. When it obviously did but with all of the hormones going on inside her body... it was hard to hide or think without crying. "Okay, yeah. That's what I was going to say too." She said softly whimpering acting like everything was "okay" when it was not and crumbled up the picture into her purse👛. He nodded. "Thank you for understanding... have a good night. Nia Nal," Brainy said logically because he turned off his emotions🖤& all feelings he had for her the moment ending their relationship but he still felt them. Then, Brainy left the table not looking back at her because he knew if he did then he wouldn't be able to stop himself from running back to Nia. BeCause His feelings✨for "Dreamer" are real and stronger than ever before with his personality inhibitors off! It shows how much he truly loves her💙with all of his heart💚. Even if it meant ruining the one romantic relationship with the woman of his dreams✨... and it pained him to break Nia's heart💔like that. The "truth" is that broke his heart💔in half too. But it had to be done for the sake of the future✨and the world🌎... based on what the other Brainiac-5s told him to do to save his world from *Leviathan* by working with "Lex Luthor" Otherwise, it would trigger the end💥☄️of the world🌍! Nia sat alone at the table as her eyes moved back and forth in tears💦of sadness🥺and knew she would be raising her baby alone as a "Single mom". Then, she left the restaurant immediately wanting to talk💬to the "one person" who would help her get through this emotional pain. This means her best friend "Kara Danvers".

*An hour later, at Kara's place*
*10:00 p.m.*
"Nia? What are you doing here?..." Kara questioned confused why Nia was here and she'd be on her date with Brainy tonight. "Kara, Brainy broke up with me at dinner and what's worse than that I'm 3 months pregnant with his Child! And I didn't even have a chance to tell him that... and I could really use a friend right now for some support." Nia said in tears hugging her friend that Brainy broke up with her tonight at dinner. Which was bad timing since she's pregnant with his child who is half-Naltorian🌀and half-Coluan💚. So, of course, she let Nia come inside to talk about it. "I'm sorry, to hear that Nia. I am "always" here for you... but as your best friend, I must say this~ Even though, he broke up with you. Don't you think that he deserves to know you're pregnant with his child?" Kara suggested wisely sitting by her bestie on the couch for comfort. Nia sighed sadly and said. "Yeah, I don't think that's a good idea... Kara, because when Brainy broke up with me tonight he sounded a bit off. Not himself Like his emotions were turned off and only runs on Logic now." Nia said softly with a sad look in her eyes🥺stating the facts that even if she told Brainy about her "pregnancy" he probably would want nothing to do with her. "So, telling him isn't an option. He'll probably just tell me that he wouldn't want to be involved and that I should just raise the baby alone." She added sadly thinking that Brainy would be heartless and reject her. Kara nodded and then hugged her friend close to help Nia get through this...

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