Chapter 14

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Reyansh's pov
I woke up. I saw her sleeping on the couch. She used wake up late. I went to the gym.

After some time I came back to my room. She already went downstairs. I don't know what happened to me yesterday. I held her waist and looking  in her eyes. She is really beautiful. Her waist is tiny. In fact she is too small to hold. Her height is also short.

She is cute...

I wanted to slide my hand through her long hairs. I wanted to get close to her.  I wanted to hold her more tightly.  But I don't have that permission.

Is it only attraction or something else! I am feeling too much attracted towards her. If I could love her, if I could tell her about my feelings. 

I think she is not that bad. What I was thinking about her is little  bit wrong. She is very talented why she would marry me for money. I don't know why she married me. But I don't think she did it for money. My perception changed because I saw her behavior.  She is not like other girls. Girls tried to get close to me. They tried to impress me by their beauty.  But she just wants to escape from me whenever she is with me. She never talk to except when it's necessary. Although she is beautiful and also sexy but she never tried to seduce me. She is different

She is Interesting...

Then what she wants to do. What she really  wants...

I went downstairs.  I ate my breakfast and went outside. I was getting late. She came there. When we were in the car I talked to her.

Reyansh: we will go to Paris the day after tomorrow. Start your packing.

Mahika: It's too early. We were going there next month na?

Reyansh: dadu wants us to go there as soon as possible.

Mahika: Okay.

Reyansh: we will stay there for one week.

Mahika: Hm.

We reached office. She went to her room and I went to mine.

She doesn't even want to go there with me. I felt bad. What's her problem with me? I am her husband.  She is just ignoring me. Wifes take care of their husbands. Here she can't even look at me for once.

Ekansh came to my room at evening.

Ekansh: It's evening bro. Let's go home.

Reyansh: I will go home later.

Ekansh: What happened? Why are looking so angry?

Reyansh: I am not angry.

Ekansh: Something happened between you and bhabi?

Reyansh: There is nothing to be happened between me and her.

Ekansh: It means something happened between you and bhabi. What's the matter? You can tell your brother.

Reyansh: Nothing I am just pissed off by her behavior.

Ekansh: why?

Reyansh: She never cares for me. She doesn't even look at me. Why?

Ekansh: But you were used to hate her then why are seeking for her attention?

Reyansh: I thought that she is with me for money.  But I think I was wrong.

Ekansh: Finally you realized it. She is not with you for money. If she was behind money then why she is doing so much hard work? She could easily spend a luxurious lifestyle with your money.

Reyansh: Yeah you are right. Then why she is with me?

Ekansh: You are going on a trip. This is a good chance for you to talk to her. Ask her why she is doing all this.

Reyansh: But she doesn't want to talk to me. She ignores me.

Ekansh started laughing at my answer.

Reyansh: why are you laughing?

Ekansh: The great business man Reyansh Singh Rathore is ignored by girl and that girl is his own wife. It's so funny.

Reyansh: what's so funny.  It's just she... you are still laughing.

Ekansh: You had so much attitude that every girls like you not me. Now you can't even handle your own wife.

Reyansh: Shut up..

Ekansh: okay fine. I will not make fun of you anymore.

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