Chapter 10

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Mahika's pov
Next morning I woke up. He was not in the room. Obviously he was in the gym.  I went downstairs. I cooked food for everyone. Everyone came downstairs and started eating.  I served the food. He also came to eat breakfast. After that everyone went to their work.

It's boring to stay alone all day in this big mansion.  I was reading books and scrolling on my phone. I don't have any work. I need dadu's permission to work in their office. I don't want to be alone anymore in this house.

At evening I made dinner for them.  When everyone came I served the food.
They started eating.

Mahika: Dadu I want to tell you something

Abhiraj: don't hesitate to tell me anything. 

Mahika: I want to work. It's boring to stay alone in this house.

Abhiraj: Sure. You can work with us. You can go to the office from tomorrow.

Mahika: thank you dadu

Abhiraj: Reyansh will help you

Reyansh: I will not help anyone.  I have a lot of work.  Tell Ekansh to help her.

Abhiraj: Reyansh, do you forget your manners! How can you talk like this!

Reyansh: I just told that I have work. I can't help anyone.

Mahika: It's okay dadu. I will manage.

I went to my room. I placed my pillow on the couch and slept because I have to wake up early next morning.

Reyansh's pov
I went to my room after dinner.  She already slept. I was angry. She already married a rich man. She is living in such a big mansion. She can get anything whatever she wants. Now she also wants to work in our company. She wants everything.  What actually her plan! If she wants money or some of our property I can give her that. Does she want this house or our company? Such a gold-digger! I should keep an eye on her. She can do anything.  We can't trust her.

Mahika's pov
I woke up in the morning.  I wear formal for today.

  I wear formal for today

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I went downstairs.  I was having breakfast when he came.

Abhiraj: Reyansh take her to the office with you

Reyansh: Why I have to do everything! you can also drop her to the office.

Abhiraj: I have other works to do.  And she is your wife, your responsibility. 

Reyansh: Okay she can come with me.

Divya: All the best for your first day in office.

Mahika: Thank you choti maa.

Reyansh: let's go.  I don't like to be late for office.

I went to the office with him. I didn't talk with him. When  we reached I saw the huge office building.

 The staffs greeted me

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

The staffs greeted me. I was going with him. He took me in a office room.

Reyansh: This is your work place. You can work here and if you need something you can call other staffs.

Mahika: Okay

He went to a room beside this room. His room is beside my room. My room is very big. It's made of expensive materials. I sit on my chair and started working.

After some time someone knocked at the door

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

After some time someone knocked at the door. I said "come in". A young and tall man came inside.  He was looking familiar to me. I saw him in my wedding day.

??: hi bhabi, do you remember me? I am Ekansh.  Your husband's bestfriend.

Mahika: Ekansh...I heard about you before.

Ekansh: I heard that you joined our company from today. If you need anything  you can call me. I send the files already. You  can check it.

Mahika: Thank you so much Ekansh.

Ekansh: Bye bhabi...

He went from there.  I think he is very sweet.  Why he can't put some sweetness in his friend's behavior!
Then I started working again.  I have to work hard from now on.

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