Feminine Harry -Larry-

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Ok- I know this is like the 3rd Larry story I've written in a row- but I just felt like Larry was the right ship for this particular story- SORRY!!!

this is kinda short sryyy****


***just because a man wears makeup, paints their nails, or wears a dress/skirt/'feminine clothing', DOES NOT MAKE THEM ANY LESS OF A MAN!!!!! If this topic makes you uncomfortable, or you have something negative to say about this certain topic; please do not read this. thank you.***

Louis' POV-

We're on our way back to the hotel, and I notice Harry can't stop staring at his freshly painted nails. I smile a bit, and pull him a bit closer to me. "You like it?" I whisper in his ear. He seems to know what I'm talking about because he looks back down at his nails, and blushes a deep shade of red. "I-I don't k-k-know," he mumbles in response, seemingly embarrassed. "Hazza, it's alright of you like it," I whisper in his ear again. He shakes his head slightly. I frown a bit. 

Just as I'm about to say something else, Paul announces that we've arrived at the hotel.

Harry's POV- 

I can't stop staring at my nails. I hate to admit that I love the way the polish looks on my nails. 

Paul announces that we've arrived at the hotel, and Louis grabs my hand. 

"Lou!" I whisper shout, giving Louis a panicked glance. He replies with a confused look. "The paps Lou! They're going to see us," I whisper again, trying not to draw even more attention to us. If they picture Louis and I holding hands, management is going to kill us. "Come on boys!" Paul shouts. Louis sighs in annoyance, lets go of my hand, and walks inside. I follow close behind him. 

As soon as we enter the elevator, I grab Louis hand again. He makes eye contact with me, and then looks at my lips, while licking his. I lean in to kiss him. The kiss is slow, and sweet. I moan softly into the kiss. "Oi! Can't you guys wait 2 minutes, for fucks sake!" Zayn says with a slightly raised voice. Louis and I break apart and start giggling. 

The elevator doors open, and we walk to our rooms. 

I'm mesmerized by the glittery polish on my nails once again. I run my thumb across the smooth surface. I've always wondered what I would look like with painted nails. I've also thought about what I would look like wearing makeup, or a dress. Would Louis like that? Or would he think I'm a freak because I'm a man, wanting to dress like a girl? Wha- 

"Haz, love?" Louis says patting my shoulder gently, causing me to snap out of my thoughts. "Oh sorry Lou," I say quietly, looking down. "What were you thinking about, baby?" he asks furrowing his brows. "Uh, n-n-nothing Lou," I reply stuttering, then I look back down at my painted nails. Louis kneels down in front of me, and takes my hands in his. "Baby, it's ok if you like your nails painted," Louis says softly, while kissing my knuckles. "But it's weird Lou, I'm supposed to be masculine, not feminine." I mumble.  

Louis' POV- 

"But it's weird Lou, I'm supposed to be masculine, not feminine." Harry mumbles. I frown. "Hazza, babes, there's nothing wrong with being feminine. Especially if it makes you happy baby," I explain. Harry shakes his head, then stands up, and starts pacing the room, obviously overwhelmed. "Harry, love, it's ok," I try and soothe. Harry continues pacing, and starts pulling at his curls in frustration. "Hazza, baby, talk to me please. Help me understand what's going through your mind," I say calmly, trying not to stress him out any further. Harry stops pacing, and sits down across from me.

"It's not really the painted nails, that's not 'ok' per say; it's the fact that I want to wear makeup, and wear dresses, and skirts, and that's weird Lou! I'm a man. I'm not supposed to wear dresses, or makeup, or paint my nails! Again, I'm supposed to be MASCULINE!" Harry says, tearing up. My expression softens. "Baby, it's ok if you want to wear dresses, and makeup, and paint your nails. That's ok. It doesn't make you any less of a man love," I explain, and add, "I love you so much Harry." He looks up at me with tear streaming down his face. "Oh love come here," I breathe, and pull him into my chest. "I love you too Louis," Harry says sadly. I smile. 

I few moments later, I hear a knock on the door. "Haz, I gotta get up to answer the door love," I explain. "No! Don't leave me Lou." Harry says sadly. "Ok, ok, then come with me, ok?" I suggest. He nods, and we both stand up, wiping our tears. 

We open the door to see Liam standing in the doorway. "Hey, is everything ok in here? Zayn and I heard yelling, and It looks like you guys have been crying. What's going on?" Liam asks concerned. I look at Harry, and he just looks away. "We're good mate, we'll, uh, talk to ya later, alright?" I say awkwardly, trying to get Liam to leave. "Uh, yea, alright," he replies, confused, and walks away. I shut the door, and walk towards the bed, pulling Harry behind me. 

Harry sits down on the bed, and I sit on his lap. I grab his hands, and look at his nails intensely. "You're so pretty baby," I state. Harry groans, as if he's aroused. I smirk, and straddle him. "Oh you like that," I whisper in his ear seductively. "L-L-Lou, call me pretty again," he says, moaning softly. "You're so pretty. So beautiful. You're my pretty boy," I say while grinding down on Harry. He moans loudly at my actions.

Zayn's POV-

Liam enters our room, with a confused look on his face. 

"Did you find out what was going on?" I ask. "No, but they looked like they had been crying. I wonder if they were arguing?" Liam responds. "Eh, I don't know, there would be more yelling if they were arguing," I explain. Liam opens his mouth to say something, but is cut off by Harry's obscenely loud moan. "Well, whatever it was, I'm sure they're fine now." I say sighing in annoyance. I pull out my phone, and call Louis. 

He picks up, and I hear panting on the other side of the phone. "Can you guys be any louder?" Louis laughs breathlessly. "Oh yea, definitely," Louis replies, and hangs up. Immediately, we hear Harry moan even louder. Liam and I both groan in annoyance. 

"They're gonna get a noise complaint." 



I didn't know how to end this lol- 

But I hope you enjoyed!!!! :)

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