Louis ⚠️self-harm⚠️- Larry

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*TW: ⚠️- self harm, swearing-* (i'm sorry)

Please don't read if it will trigger you!!! 


Louis' POV-

"Here's your schedule for the next few weeks," one of our managers says as he hands us some papers. "This is... a lot," I say as I let my eyes scan over the sheets. "You all with start rehearsals for your upcoming tour on Tuesday, you have an interview, a couple photoshoots, and unless you want to make most of the album on the road, I suggest we start working on it ASAP." the same manager states. 

"This is ridiculous! We have one free day every three weeks!" Niall basically shouts. "Honestly, I don't care. I expect to see all of you at the studio at 9:30 on Tuesday!" our manager says on his way out of the room. 

*3 weeks later*

Harry's POV- 

We are in South America for our "Where We are Tour," and Louis and I decided to check out the stadium before the concert. Louis seems a bit distant, and tense. I keep asking him if he's ok, and he always says he's fine. I just leave it at that, but I can tell something is wrong.

 I suddenly realize that Louis is no longer beside me. "Lou?" I shout, no response. I look around the stage. I see him sitting all alone, at the end of the stage. I jog up to him, and sit down beside him. "Baby, you ok?" I ask. Again, no response. I rub my hand on his thigh to get his attention. He looks up at me. "Hey Hazza," he says. "Lou, are you ok baby?" I ask, my voice laced with concern. "M'fine Harry." He says, then adds, "Just a bit tired." I nod. "Ok let's go back to the hotel, and we can take a nap before the concert." I say. He smiles, and we make our way back to the hotel.

*after concert*

Louis' POV- 

I fucking messed up at the concert. I forgot a lot of lyrics, I messed up my timing on most of my solos, and management is pissed at me because I was too 'touchy feely' with Harry. 

We're backstage, and I'm sitting in the bathroom. I feel like crying. I fuck up everything. I fuck up concerts, interviews, photoshoots, just everything. 

I open my phone, and go to twitter. 

"@Louis_Tomlinson wtf is wrong with you! do you have to mess up everything!"

"@Louis_Tomlinson The other boys don't need you, you're just holding them back!"

I feel tears fall down my face as I keep reading my mentions. Suddenly the urge to cut comes back. 

I used to cut myself before, and during X-Factor. I promised myself, that if we won, I'd stop. While we didn't win, we got a contract, so I stopped. And, I've been clean ever since. But, with all the stress we're under, and the tweets, the urge is back. 

I rummaged through my toiletry bag to find a razor. Once I found one, I pulled up my sleeves, and pressed the blade to my wrist. I did this again, and again, and again. 




Fuck up

I rinse off the cuts, and pull my sleeve back down. I splash my face with cold water, and exit the bathroom.

*back at hotel*

Harry's POV- 

"Hey Lou, wanna shower with me?" I ask, the answer is always yes. "Uh-uhm n-not right now Haz, sorry." He says stuttering. "Lou? What's wrong?" I ask softly. "Nothing H, I'm just tired, sorry," he says looking down. I lift his chin with my finger, and pull him in for a kiss. "Nothing to be sorry for love." I say with a smile. 

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