Harry anorexic ⚠️ larry-ish

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**⚠️TW: eating disorder, swearing**

please do not read this if it will trigger you <3

-kind of long-

Harry's POV- 

We finished the Take Me Home tour a couple days ago. I haven't really looked at my phone since the last show. I grab my phone and open twitter. I notice I have a ton of mentions, most of them reading " @Harry_Styles have you gained a few? looking a bit chubby next to the other boys," or something along those lines. I read a few more comments as tears start to stream down my face. 

I get up and go to the mirror. "I have gained weight," I thought as I examined myself. I start crying harder as I continue to look at my disgustingly fat reflection. I slowly walk over to my bed and lay down. I pull the covers over me, and cry as quietly as possible.                                                                      

*2 hours later -he fell asleep- (i'm lazy and suck at writing lmao)*

I wake up to a knock on my door. I stay quiet, in hope they will go away. Instead, I hear them knock louder. I groan and get up to open the door. I open the door to see Louis in the doorway. "Hey mate, sorry to wa-. You ok?" Louis asks. I give him a confused look, " m'fine," I say. He flashes me a concerned face, "You look like you've been crying Haz," he says softly. "Why did you wake me?" I ask to change the subject. "Oh right, we were going to get some pizza and then have a movie night if you were interested?" Louis asks. I'm conflicted, as much as I want to spend time with the boys, food is the last thing I need right now. I don't kn- "Hazza!" Louis says snapping in my face. "Sorry Lou, uh, I'm n-not h-h-hungry right now. Sorry." Fuck why did I stutter. Ugh. Louis gives me a worried glance. "Oh ok, well you can still watch a movie with us. Come on." he says. I follow him out of my room, and into the living room/kitchen area. 

Louis POV- 

I'm a little worried about Harry. When I woke him up he look like he had cried himself to sleep, and he just seems... off. I'm going to talk to him more later. 

I walked into the kitchen, while Harry went to sit on the couch. I saw Niall, Liam, and Zayn sitting around the kitchen table, so I went to join them. "Where's Haz?" Zayn asked. "He's on the couch," I replied. Zayn hummed in response. "Is he ok? I haven't really seem him all day." Liam added. "I don't know, he looked like he had been crying when I went to get him." I said sighing. "Should we talk to him?" Niall asked. "I'm going to talk to him later, maybe he's just tired." I stated. They nodded and continued their conversation.

After a couple minutes the doorbell rang. Niall jumped out of his chair to get it. He paid the pizza guy, and closed the door. "Pizza's here!!!" Niall screamed. "We're right here Nialler," Zayn laughed. 

We all started to eat the pizza. I remembered that Harry was on the couch and decided to ask if he was hungry again. I got up and walked over to the couch. "Harry?" I asked, no response. "Haz?" I asked again, still nothing. "Hazza?" I asked again, and tapped his shoulder. "mhm," he hummed and looked at me sadly. "You ok Haz?" I asked quietly and genuinely concerned.

Harry's POV- 

"You ok Haz?" Louis asked quietly with a worried expression. I want to tell him no. "I'm fine Lou," I say instead. He gives me an uneasy look. "Alright mate. I just wanted to see if you're sure you don't want any food." Louis says. "I'm sure Louis," I state and give him a fake smile. He turns around and goes back to the rest of the boys. I feel bad for lying to him. 

I've decided to go on a diet, and start working out more. I'll only eat when I 'have' to, and work out immediately afterwards. Hopefully I'll start to loose weight, then maybe the fans will like me better. Maybe. 

One Direction One-Shots (Book 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن