Nightmare -Larry-

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this is actually terrible lol- 

and it's rly short- SORRY- 

ALSO- louis just casually dropped a live album like— AHHHHHH-


TW: mentions of bullying, descriptions of nightmares, mentions of threatening

The whole thing is in Louis' POV-

I'm awoken by Harry thrashing around, and sobbing in his sleep. 

"Harry, babe, wake up! You're having a nightmare." I say, raising my voice slightly. I gently touch his shoulder. He jumps, and pulls his knees to his chest. "D-D-Don't k-kill m-me," Harry sobs, his whole body shaking. 

"Hazza, love, I'm not going to kill you. It's just a dream. I'm here, I got you," I explain calmly. I engulf him in a hug. H flinches, but after a moment, melts into the hug. 

I hear him gasp for air. "Haz?" I say, concerned. I pull away from the hug, to see Harry's panic expression, tears streaming down his face. "Hazza, try and breathe love. You're ok baby, I promise. Try and take a deep breath babe." I say softly, trying not to panic myself. 

Harry's still gasping for air.

"It's ok babe. Follow my breathing, c'mon Haz," I say while taking an exaggerated breath. I feel Harry grab my hand, and squeeze it tightly. I squeeze tighter back, to make sure he knows I'm here.

"You're doing so well my love. I love you so much. You're ok," I reassure as I see Harry's breathing gradually become more regular. I pull him into my chest, and whisper more sweet nothings into his ear, still trying to calm him down completely. 

"You're alright Haz. It's safe here, you're safe. It was just a dream." I try and comfort, while gently playing with his hair. 

"It was just a dream," Harry repeats, reassuring himself. Harry cuddles into me, realizing that he is safe, and that it was just a dream. I see Harry's eyes start to droop. 'Poor baby. The nightmare must've worn him out,' I think to myself. I wrap my arms tighter around him, and eventually fall asleep. 

**in the morning**

"Good morning love," I say groggily. " 'morning," Harry replies, while rubbing his tired eyes. 

"Do you want to talk about last night?" I ask as I sit up. He nods, and takes a deep breath before talking.

"So, uhm, remember when I told you about what happened when I was.. uh.. younger. Like about the bullies and crap?" I nod, remembering that Harry had told me that he was severely bullied when he was younger. One example he gave me was that they would threaten to kill him with knifes, or they would threaten to drown him. 

"Well, I keep having nightmares about them. They always chase me through some corridor until I end up in a dark room with no way out. And they attack me with, something, but it's different every time. Last night it was a knife, and he cut my throat, but the other times were guns, or they would drown me, or set me on fire," Harry explains, now crying.

"I a-always end u-up d-d-dying," he finishes, voice cracking. He glances at me. I'm shocked, he always gave me a brief explanation as to what his nightmares were about. I never expected it to be that bad. I now understand why Harry always has a panic attack afterwards. 

I wipe the tears from Harry's face with my thumbs. 

"I-I-I'm so sorry that you keep having these terrible nightmares, it sounds a-awful," I say, not really knowing what to say. Harry remains silent, crying softly.

"I'm going to help you get through this Haz. I think we should call a doctor, and talk to them about this," I suggest. He nods, agreeing with me. 

"I love you Harry, so, so, much. I will look after you, and keep you safe, always," I promise, kissing his forehead. 

"I love you too Louis," He whispers.


ok- this sucks- 

and it rly short- SORRY-

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