Louis insecure -Larry-

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- request from @sarahsmiley28 -  thank you for your request!!!!

idk if this is the ship you wanted, but I hope you like it!

also- i'm sorry that this sucks-

Louis' POV-

"Alright boys, that it's. We'll see you tomorrow," our manager says to us. We all stood up from our chairs, and start walking towards the door. 

"Oh, Louis, could you stay for a minute? I need to talk to you," he says. I nod, and sit back down as the rest of the boys leave the room. 

"What's up?" I ask. I have a strange feeling that something is going to happen. 

"Well, it's about your body. You've gained weight. Your shirts look tight around your stomach. So you will start working out more, and decrease your food intake. You need to look perfect." 

My jaw drops. Was he implying that I am fat? 

"Y-Y-You can't force me t-t-to do that!" I say, my voice shaking. 

"You know we can Tomlinson. I will give you a choice though. Do what I say, or leave the fucking band." he growls, getting closer to me. I move back in my seat a bit. "Do you want to leave the band Lewis?" I snarl at his pronunciation of my name. "No," I reply simply. "Ok, well then, I hope to see you loosing weight soon," he says, raising his voice. I nod. "Ok, you can leave now." 

I quickly get up and exit the room. I feel my breathing become quicker. I start walking to the bathroom. 

As I'm walking, I feel someone's hand on my shoulder. I jump, and turn around, panicked. 

Harry's POV-

I wonder why our manager wanted to talk to Louis alone?

He's been in there a while, and I'm a little worried. 

I decided to wait for him, while Paul drove the rest of the lads back to their flats.  

Finally, I see Louis open the door. But instead of heading towards the door, where I was standing, I see him practically run towards the bathroom. 

I jog after him and touch his shoulder. He jumps and turns around, facing me. 

"Hey, love, is everything ok?" I ask worried. He nods, but I see tears in his eyes, and his hands are shaking. "Let's go home, yea?" I suggest. "Y-Y-Yea, ok," he whispers. 

**time skip**

I decided to Louis favorite dinner tonight. Chicken, stuffed with mozzarella cheese, wrapped in Parma ham, with some mashed potatoes (iykyk) He's kind of been avoiding me all day. Every time I get close to him, he tenses up, or backs away from me. 

Hopefully he'll talk to me over dinner. 

I finish up, and walk up stairs to notify Louis that dinner is ready. 

Louis' POV- 

I'm standing in front of the mirror, and just staring at my body. 

My protruding stomach, my fat ass, my dull eyes, my un- toned muscles. 

I'm so fucking ugly. I don't understand why Harry even bothers talking to me, let alone dating me. 

I hear Harry's footsteps coming up the stairs, and throw my sweats back on. 

"Hey love, dinners ready, come on," He says with a warm smile. I give him a small smile in response, and follow him downstairs. 

Harry's POV- 

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