V1 - Epilogue: Dancing

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Dancing. He's dancing. He's always dancing. Like an actor on a stage, he dances to the flow of the play. He plays the role, dancing. Always dancing. On this stage he dances.

However, he is not alone. They all dance. They all fly across the stage dancing to the flow of the story, playing out their roles to reach the climax.

This was the board of the boss. The board had them all dancing to the beat of the game. The rooms had their cast, they all danced, and they all played toward the major purpose of the game.

The boss was holding a knight and looking at it with a smile. What a lovely piece. The way it shines above the others. The way it hid among the mass of the pieces. The way it maneuvered through the board. It was truly spectacular.

The phone on the desk rang and the boss answered it. "Hello? Who is this?"

"It's me," Chairman Sakayanagi's voice answered.

"Ah, I see. Do you have what I asked for?"

"Yes. Naoe sensei has some doubts like you said he would."

"Naturally. It isn't a difficult prediction to make. Naoe has always been a cautious person."

"Is that so?"

"Of course. How about the other thing?"

"Ah, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka?"

"Yes, him."

"Well, he's certainly playing an active role in the school, even if it is under anonymity."

"That's nice and all, but how is he doing?"

"Oh...well, it's not like I can get a read on him."

"I swear, you're so useless sometimes."

The other end remained silent.

"I need you to investigate him more. Your current information is less than worthless. I could've guessed all of that."

"I understand."

"Good. Also, how is Ayanokoji Atsuomi doing?"

"Him? Well, he's currently staying quiet."

"He is? Keep your eyes on him because he may cause problems in the future."


"Good. I would've had to get more involved otherwise."

"No worries there, I can handle Ayanokoji sensei."

"Can you? For some reason I doubt you could handle him."

"I suppose, but I can still keep an eye on him."

"Good. If any hindrance with monitoring him shows up, contact me immediately."

"Of course. I wouldn't dream of doing otherwise."

"Keep your excess comments to yourself."


"If that's all, I have one last thing."

"What is it?"

"We're going through with it."

Chairman Sakayanagi was silent for a moment before saying "understood."

"Good, now I'm hanging up if that's all."

"It is."

The boss ended the phone call. Ayanokoji Atsuomi was still silent. That was unpleasant. For now, the boss simply took a piece off the massive board and threw it in the trash. A key player will be eliminated this upcoming month.

* * *

I entered my room and locked the door behind me. My plain room greeted me and I laid on the bed. April 30th. After today, I will have officially been in ANHS for a month. I was in a real school for a month. If I was told that years ago I would've been convinced I was being lied to.

This real school has been interesting so far, but after this month, chaos will ensue. Ryuen would be actively chasing me, Nagumo would begin trying to garner influence in the first years, and my class would be sunk to the depths of this school. It appears I will be quite the busy person from now on.

Being a busy person was different. I suppose I was used to pattern as opposed to uncertainty. Strangely enough, I was kind of excited for that uncertainty. Maybe within the midst of the chaos I will find my answer. Maybe I will find someone to answer it for me.

Right now, all I can do is wonder and hope for the future. I'm stuck in my present state wishing for a future that is a long way off. It's strange. Right now, my mind wishes to be in the future, my heart wishes it were in the past, and my body is stuck in the present. What a dilemma. Why are we as humans like this? All actions have a fundamental reason behind them. Therefore all I have to do is search within myself for the answer. Despite this, I cannot find the reason why my heart longs for the past. The past is the past. It's gone forever. It will never come back. So why do I long for it so much?

It's like I've lost control of myself. That place was supposed to drill in self-control. But here I am now, struggling. Furthermore, my abilities are dulling. It doesn't make sense. That place did it perfectly. In fact, why do I even wish for revenge against that man? Logically, that desire should be gone. Despite this, I feel the burning desire to crush him. I will never forgive him for what he did. That is why I need to find my answer now rather than later.

A/n: Prologues and Epilogues will always be rather short, so you know, it is what it is.

Please give your overall thoughts/impressions of volume 1 along with predictions. I'm curious to hear your opinions.

As always, feel free to give any suggestions.

796 words

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