V1 - Chapter 4: Deafening Silence

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Nagumo Miyabi sat in the student council room with his legs crossed and placed on the desk. After this morning he had come to a realization about this person called "X." The first important thing to note about him was his involvement with a student named Sudo Ken in Class 1-D. Sudo was blackmailed by "X" on the first day of school, meaning that "X" was someone who could get his contact information on the first day. Since it is the first day, the likelihood of the culprit being from a different grade level was unlikely. The same was true for the student being outside of Class 1-D. A reason for exchanging contact information had to exist, and since the club fair hadn't happened up to that point, it was safe to say the reason didn't pertain to basketball.

Earlier, Nagumo had attempted to get his hands on the footage of Sudo on the first day of school to find out that it had been wiped. Of course, this wasn't all bad. He could trace Sudo's movements based on where the camera footage didn't exist. Because of that, he was able to determine his schedule. Another key detail he had gained was that Sudo left the class early on the first day. Furthermore, Sudo caused other students to leave based on the information he gleaned from Hirata at the soccer club. Not only that, students stayed behind and introduced themselves and only after contact information got exchanged. This means that the likelihood of Sudo exchanging contact information with a student that stayed behind on the first day dropped dramatically. Therefore, Nagumo lists the people who left the classroom early as the highest suspects on his list.

The next key point of information is on the club fair day. During that time a power outage occurred and several shoplifting incidents happened at those times. All the items that were stolen were: two boxes of condoms, a can of beer, a box of disposable gloves, a chicken mask, a theater mask, a black hoodie, a knife, a box of ball bearings, a container of toothpicks, a box of matches, three disposable cameras, a ladder, a hundred meters of rope, thirteen different wigs, five different colors of contact lenses, a can of black spray paint, a package of batteries, a hammer, a screwdriver, and seven circuit boards.

At first, many people would likely assume that a majority of them were disconnected from one another. However, during the attack of his henchmen, disposable gloves, a chicken mask, the rope, possibly one of the wigs, possibly one of the colored contacts lenses, and a knife were seen. When Nagumo investigated the brand of the knife that disappeared, it matched the knife left at the crime scene. The rope also matched the type that was stolen. This meant that "X" must have been behind the shoplifting. The wig may have been used to disguise himself as Ike, or the student simply styled their hair. The lens may have also been used if the eye color did not match. Another thing is he probably included some of the other items to throw people off his trail or is planning on using them for the future. Therefore, if "X" was behind the shoplifting he never went to the club fair. This meant Nagumo could further narrow down the pool of possible suspects if he could find out who didn't attend the club fair. Combine that with his previous list and he could build a list of the most probable suspects and investigate from there. Furthermore, since "X" was responsible for the shoplifting, he had to hit numerous shops in a short period of time and hide the stuff in a place all before the power came back. This would imply great speed, meaning that "X" must also be athletic.

The next move by "X" was exposing the scams that the seniors were committing against the first years. Currently, Nagumo could not find a probable reason for this move. The closest being to gain trust among the first years. However, if he wished that, then why did he blackmail Sudo? To prevent him losing all his points? That would mean he would have later returned the private points to Sudo. Nagumo didn't know what to think. Based on the information he got from others, Sudo has been living off of free cafeteria meals. However, "X" could have easily ordered him to do that through blackmail and saying that it was for his own good. In this move by "X," there were too many unknown variables. Therefore, Nagumo put this on the backburner to keep in mind for later.

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