Chapter 170 - How about we go home now?"

Start from the beginning

"Dragon, I'm wholeheartedly in love with you, and I don't know if I'll ever be able to prove it to you," he whispered sadly, feeling his emotions start to crawl up his throat. He didn't want to hurt Draco, but the way his eyes coiled made his chest tighten. "But I have to protect my son."

"You couldn't leave Chantal for me. You never told me about Judy, even though you promised I was your only lover. And now," he waved his hand, "you're choosing a random kid over me."

Cesar gulped, his lips beginning to quiver. "That boy is my son, Dragon! He has my blood, my lineage continues within him, which I can't continue because you made me infertile."

"Then rescuing Nate at the moment is ultimately my fault?" Draco roared.

Cesar shrugged his shoulders, uncertain how he could ever convey the sorrow and guilt he felt for not being present in Nate's life; Draco would never understand. Draco, evidently, wouldn't hesitate to kill them if needed. "Listen, I've failed him once, but as his father, I can't fail him again."

"You murdered my daughter and I forgave you, I stayed by you." He motioned towards Jules unconscious on the ground as he snarled, "I couldn't bring myself to kill Jules because I knew how much it would hurt you. That's the difference between you and I, Cesar. I've countlessly been choosing you, but I'm done." Cesar inhaled sharply, his fists tightened. "Either you step aside, or we settle it here."

"What?" Cesar gasped, before rapidly shaking his head. "I'm not fighting you Draco, I love you!"

"Then so be it."

Although Draco was weakened and there was no chance that he would win this fight, he still lunged towards Cesar who only blocked his elbow attacks and his side kicks. Even when Draco latched onto him with the hand with the broken wrist and attempted to slam his forehead into Cesar's, Cesar merely let his body drop onto the floor, before lunging between Draco's legs and standing behind him.

"I'm not going to fight you Dragon, I'm not here for that," Cesar screamed as he continued to dodge his hits. However, Draco's attacks were growing slower and slower, which started worrying Cesar since he was covered in blood. It was leaking from his arm, from his abdomen, and he kept needing to spit blood onto the side that had engulfed his mouth. "You're hurting yourself even more," Cesar breathed worriedly, catching Draco's hand in midair and meeting his gaze. "Let my medical team help you."

It was the only time that Draco stopped, pausing for a moment as he stared deeply within the glinting eyes of Cesar. Without any warning though, Cesar took this chance to swiftly crack Draco's wrist, pushing it back into place, to which Draco, although shrieked, felt a sudden relieve of pressure. He stared down at his wrist that no longer curled in a strange angle, moving his fingers which didn't hurt him.

"Dragon, please listen to me." Cesar noticed that, through heavy breaths, Draco didn't seem as enraged as he was moments prior. He swallowed hard before widening his arms. "How about you come live with me too?" Draco was taken aback; this had never been offered to him before. "Your base is destroyed, this is the perfect time for me to show you how much I care for you and I love you."

Draco glanced behind Cesar; the entry of the base was still in flames, which strangely seemed to grow stronger and stronger by each minute. It was true that he didn't have a place to return to anymore, but he was still reluctant in believing Cesar. "You don't mean that."

"I do," he excitedly nodded his head, stepping closer to Draco who seemed to finally relax. "I came to grab Nate, Jules is coming too, but I didn't expect all of this. How about we start a new life together? No more fighting, no more murders, no more crimes; a normal loving life, just you and I, what do you say?"

Draco inhaled a sharp breath. That was all he had ever wanted; to be the only one that mattered in Cesar's life. Being the only one that Cesar loved and adventuring the world together, that had been his dream for years. Eventually, he slowly nodded his head, finally letting his body ease to the point that the adrenaline began to wear off and he could feel every ounce of pain from his injuries. Still, he focused his gaze on Cesar, who rushed forward and wrapped his arms around Draco's waist, giddily smiling up at him.

"Oh Dragon, the sun reflecting upon you illuminates every attribute that I—"

"Stop being weird," Draco groaned before reached for Cesar's chin. He lifted it gently, creating the perfect angle before he leaned downwards and brought their lips together, the same feeling that occurred every time he kissed Cesar running wild in his body. It felt as though hormones danced in his muscles, his stomach leaping with butterflies, his brain starting to spasm from the ecstasy rise; even his heart felt as though it had melted amongst all his other organs.

When they finally pulled apart for some air, a lengthy smile along Cesar's lips, he pressed his palm on Draco's chest as he whispered endearingly, "How about we go home now?"

Draco, would could barely even stand, vigorously nodded his head and brought their noses close to one another, whispering, "I would love th—"

The creak of footsteps behind Cesar made Draco peek towards the entrance. By the time he did, it was too late; he did what he could. One second, Draco finally felt as though he had won over Cesar's heart. He was imagining a life living inside Cesar's base, no longer focused on anything else but how much he could show Cesar he loved him. The next, he forcefully pushed Cesar aside to create enough distance that the bullets from his golden shotgun didn't hit Cesar. Instead, staring at the muzzle of his own shotgun, held in the hands of a person he had never even cared for, he felt each of the scattered bullets pierce through him before collapsing onto the ground.

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