Chapter 8: Meeting a King?!

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I stare at the stage in shock. Isn't that the man I met last year at Raven Square? Dad's old school friend? And he's a king?! This is all news to me and I feel in awe. I can't believe I've met such an amazing person before! His guard Neil is a bit unnerving but James himself looks so approachable! And he's going to help us learn this year?! Oh, I'm like a hyperfangirl!

Professor Sable nods and steps forward. "Welcome back, students. I hope you all take your studies seriously. It only gets harder from here." With that, the welcoming ceremony seems to come to an end as the older students stand and go and mingle with each other. I stand up as well and look around happily. I then see King James walking through the students with ease. His eyes are on mom and dad and I can't help but squeal with excitement.

"Oww..." Ariel says and I look just in time to see him rub his ears. Was that too loud? I flush in embarrassment but grab his arm. "Come on! Let's go and meet the king!" I giggle and drag him along. He stumbles after me and sighs. "But I want to wait Brandon..." he grumbles to himself. That pang returns which makes me yank Ariel along. "You can be with your friends later. Family time first!" I say firmly

Ariel only sighs and falls silent. His bangs are covering his mismatched eyes so I can't see his expression well but I only giggle and walk over to him. "Hello!" I beam up at them. Then I jump back when I hear a low growl. Is that an animal?! "Neil, stop it. Those are Phoenix's children." I hear the king say and look over to see Neil glaring at us. Why does he sound like an animal? His lizard-like eyes make me shudder and I squeeze Ariel's hand. What is he?

Neil grunts and steps back. "I apologize, Your Majesty." He says in a gruff growl-like tone. James nods and then smiles down at us. "Hello there. I believe I met you last year. Alyssa was it?" I relax and giggle a bit. His accent makes my name sound cool. He then looks at Ariel and nods. "I'm glad you were able to return home, kiddo. Being able to see a family all back together again is wonderful, yes?"

Ariel's face pales a bit but he nods quickly. James chuckles. "No need to be afraid. You see I was your knuckled-headed father's classmate back in the day. If I wasn't always so busy in my own country, I'd be a godfather to you all too." Dad lets out a huff and mutters, "I'm not knuckled-headed..." making mom giggle and reach up on his tiptoes to poke his cheek.

"It's nice to see you again!" I say and grin happily. "I didn't know you were a king! This is great!" I beam happily. "I've always wanted to meet royalty." James tilts his head and chuckles. "Well, I don't make it a habit of announcing it to everyone because then I'd have people crowding over me." He points out. After a moment of thought, I realized that's very true.

"James!" I hear a familiar voice squeal and watch my roommate Scar race up and hug the king. I tense thinking Neil will get defensive again but he doesn't. "You didn't tell me you were coming here! You tease!" She puffs out her cheeks. James flashes a charming grin. "Well, it wouldn't be a surprise if I told now, would it?"

Watching their exchange leaves me dazed and confused. How do they know each other? "Oh, Ally! This is the cousin I was talking about!" Wait what?! Scar grins happily. "Yep! This is my cousin James! Spending time with him this summer was amazing! I even..." she trails off as if remembering something then giggles. "Anyway! Maybe one day you can come and see the palace! It's huge!"

I stare at her blankly as I try to process this. One of my best friends is the cousin to the king of France? How could have I foreseen this?! Scar grins sheepishly. "What? I thought you'd be giddy about it." Oh, I am but what can I say?

"I-it's nice to meet you... mister king." Ariel stammers and dips his head nervously. James chuckles and watches him amusement lighting his strangely beautiful purple eyes. "You don't have to call me mister or king. Neither of you do. Just call me James. I forget that I have a name sometimes." He jokes and grins when I giggle. How could he forget his name? If that's true then does that mean he thinks his name is King or Majesty? That's a funny thought for sure!

"Oh, you're so silly, James." Scar hugs him tight and grins. "I can't wait to learn a thing or two from you this year! I don't see you use magic that often." She hops around him and then hugs Neil. "And I'm glad you're here too! You're like a big teddy bear, Neil!" She beams up at him. Neil only nods. "Of course. I must follow and keep your cousin safe." He says. He keeps a stoic look on his face at all times. It makes him look cold and creepy!

"Well, why don't we go and catch up somewhere else," James suggests. "It's rather crowded in here. The kiddos can come too." When I look around, I see that everyone seems to want to approach James. My eyes then fall on the other special guest. He has purple eyes too but they seem creepy to me. I believe he said his name was Moyasu but that's such a mouthful! And he's a demon?

I shudder when I remember what he said. He was going to help the dark arts students with shadow manipulation. Flashbacks of last years comes over me. I had been attacked by the Dark One's shadows and remember how it felt like they were biting and ripping into me. So demons can control them easily? Does that mean the Dark One is a demon then? But if dark arts students can learn how to use them... that doesn't narrow it down at all.

Moyasu is just staring over at us too which makes him even creepier! Ariel follows my gaze. "Oh... Mr. Mo is staring at Phoenix again..." I hear him mumble. I look at him with wide eyes. Has he met this weird demon before?! Dad hears him too and locks eyes with him. His eyes narrow and he pulls us close. "Yeah... let's go somewhere else." He mutters and leads us out without looking back.

"You've met that man before?" I ask Ariel and he nods. "Yeah... he was around town the last two times I went... the last time he called Phoenix... an interesting fellow? Otherwise... he's not mean or anything. A little weird and funny but... that's it." He stammers and looks down. While I am annoyed that he's still calling dad by his name, I'm more concerned about this demon approaching my twin.

"Don't talk to him anymore." Dad suddenly says. His voice is dark and angry. "Nix?" Mom holds his hand and then winces when dad squeezes his hand hard. "No one... talks to him." He grits his teeth. James tilts his head watching his old friend but he only shakes his hand as if deciding again something.

This is the first time I've seen dad this way. He looks scary for once both of his eyes red. What set him off? I'm afraid to ask but I'm sure mom will be able to calm him down. I guess that means that demon is bad news! I look over to Ariel who is looking down with a pale face. I'll protect you! I won't let that weird man hurt you!



The moment I locked eyes with that man, I felt chills go down my spine. I have a sensitive nose, another characteristic of having vampire blood and I can focus it on different scents in the rooms. When I heard he was staring at me, I wanted to know why. He isn't anything special but what caught me off guard was his scent. It sent me back to my dark past, to a time before I was free.

Images of him came to me sending me back to when I was small and helpless. The moment my eyes locked with that demon's... I knew he was involved. I didn't know how or why, but there's one thing for certain. He's related to him... related to the man that abused me. Why else would his scent be so similar?

As I walk with my family, all I feel is rage and disgust. I never wanted to think of him again. I have my lovely family, my husband, my kids... I know I will never be like him at all. I thought I escaped all these feelings but they were resurfacing all over again.

"Nix?" I hear Akana whisper but I can't look at him right now. I don't want him to see me like this. We both share a similar past but I'm supposed to be the strong one.

So why am I feeling this way? Why do I feel so small?

Raven's School of Magic: Year TwoWhere stories live. Discover now