Chapter 3: Meeting a Strange Man

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I'm so excited to go out with my family! Even if it is Brandon's idea and he's coming along, this will be so much fun! I walk next to Ariel and relax though feel a pang of jealousy. I don't know why but I'm jealous of my twin yet again. He's always surrounded by handsome boys even if one of those boys is my... no our godfather.

Brandon just keeps getting more and more handsome. What the girls said last year got to me. Am I going boy-crazy already? Dad says he'll teach any boy I like a lesson if they 'try anything funny'. I'm not sure what that means but still. The way Brandon looks at Ariel reminds me of how dad looks like mom and I want nothing more than for him to look at me instead. It's weird since only a year ago I found boys icky.

I look forward again and sigh softly. I need to keep these thoughts out of my head. Ariel doesn't even see them that way! He's too innocent and timid. "Are you alright?" I looked up at Jason. "Yeah... I'm fine. I just can't wait to have some fun with my twin." I grin making him chuckle. "I'm glad." He pats the top of my head and relaxes. He looks at ease now. I'm glad he takes days off. I'd hate for him to crash hard or get wrinkles.

Soon we make it to town and I beam happily. It's so lively today! I search around curiously to see if Chris is around. It's a long shot but I hope to run into her at some point. "Come on, Ari!" I look back over to Brandon and Ariel. They're both hand in hand while Brandon drags him off. Ariel looks rather pale and overwhelmed but the pair of them... do look well together. Oh, there's that useless jealousy again!

I swallow hard and look around again. Then as if on queue I spot a familiar head of white hair. "Chris!" I call after her and rush over. "There you are!" I grin. Crystal looks at me with wide eyes the color of rubies. "Ally! I was hoping to see you!" She hugs me happily and giggles. "I got word from Scarlet! She's back from France and is going to meet me at the diner! We kept in contact via a magic phone."

I couldn't be any more excited! To be able to hang out with both of my best friends and roommates before school starts up again will be so much fun! "Where are you two supposed to meet? I was only able to exchange letters with her." To have a magic phone means Chris must be from a rich family. We aren't poor or broke... more comfortable and happy but we can't afford something like that.

A magic phone can be used to connect with and talk to anyone who has access to one of their own. Like a cell phone but more useful since it doesn't have any charges for long distances. It's just a luxury that not many people can afford. I guess that means Scar is rich too? I don't know too much about my friends' family life but everyone knows about mine. How strange.

The two of us run off with giggles while mom and dad follow us close behind. We all go in our usual groups: mom, dad, and I and Brandon, Jason, and Ari in the other. I wish we all could be together but maybe I'm being impatient. Right now I just want to enjoy my last days of vacation.



As I walk around with Brandon I notice the Rose's aren't with us anymore. Jason smiles. "Ally's going to see her roommates so your parents went with her. They're very protective of their little girl." I offer a weak smile and look down. I guess they don't see me as someone needing protecting? Jason is strong and level-headed so it makes sense in a way. Why do I feel so disappointed though?

Brandon squeezes my hand. "It's ok to feel sad. They do seem to care about you a lot though, Ari. You're just uncomfortable right now and they can see that. Until you're ready to accept them... they'll mind their manners." I bit my lip. So they're being considerate of me... still, I feel disappointed for some reason. I walk with my two best friends and look to the side at the stores. I pause seeing a toy store. In the window is a big sheep.

I've always loved sheep. The only toy Silas ever got me was Sheepish and she became someone I leaned on even if she was just a toy. I didn't have much growing up but I kept her safe. I know Simon would have ripped her to shred if he ever got his hands on her. Jason chuckles and I blush in embarrassment. "I'll get that for you. Just one moment."

"J-Jason!" I stammer and look down my face still red. Yet another sheep to add to my collection I guess. It makes me happy but I wish he didn't do this in front of Brandon. "You're cute when you get flustered." He winks at me and stands with me holding my hand still. He says he wants to make sure I don't get lost which makes sense... I did get lost the first time we went out into town.

I look around and blink when I spot a man watching us. He looks Asian... his hair is dark black but instead of dark eyes to match, his are purple. He cocks his head to the head meeting my eyes and I shiver looking away. Why is he staring at me? I hear footsteps and soon I'm looking at dark boots. When I look up, I meet those purple eyes again.

Why... is he in front of me now? Brandon frowns. "Who are you?" He asks and moves to stand in front of me. The man continues to stare as if he can see right through me. He then speaks. "... Mo." I blink at what he says. Is that... supposed to be his name? "Yes. Just call me Mo." Eh? My eyes go wide. Can he read my mind?

A look of amusement is on Mr. Mo's face. "Your thoughts are all over your face. I apologize for startling you. I just... sense something from you." He looks around. "... Are you here alone?" He asks. I hesitate. "No um... my friend is here with me. Both of them really... he just went into the store here..." I murmur. Mr Mo nods. "Good... I'm glad you have some friends with you." He looks a little off... maybe disappointed?

Jason comes back out with the big sheep and pauses. "Hello, mister. What are you doing with the children?" He comes forward and tilts his head. Mr. Mo chuckles. "Don't mind me. This little one reminds me of one of my girls when she was young." He smiles fondly as if thinking of good memories. That makes him look less scary which makes me relax.

Jason nods. "Well... it's nice to meet you but we should keep going." He says. He's not trusting Mr. Mo but I think he's just a silly man. The way he grins and talks reminds me of how Phoenix is sometimes. "Bye, Mr. Mo!" I wave then walk off. "Goodbye, little Ariel." I giggle softly. As we leave him alone, I start to think about it. Did I ever tell him my name?



I watch the boys walk off and see the two holding hands. I use my soul vision and pause. How strange... their souls don't react but the other... interesting. I disappear into the shadows again and start to move around. I had wanted to see the boy's father just to feel him out but he must be with his daughter instead.

As I travel through the area, I follow the strongest aura around here. I stop at a park and see the girl playing with her little friends. However, my eyes fall on her father. He does look like her... and his aura is very strong. He keeps his partner close to him but since they're soulmates, his aura doesn't affect him as much.

However, I can tell others are watching him being pulled in by his uncontrolled aura. I'm sure it caused issues in the past... especially with what my brother must have done to him. I'm glad that he has his own life, but I need her to be happy. Nothing is more important than her happiness. She's the one who makes my heart pound in my chest and makes me feel something... my beautiful Baylee.

I continue to watch him and sigh faintly. I need to take things slow. I wish I could just do what I've done with her keeping her to myself with no issues. I know it won't work though as he has his own life and family to take care of. Logically I know it's true... emotionally though I need Baylee to be happy. I turn away before I act out. I can't take him away from his life. I want to do badly... but if I do no one will be happy. I clench my fists then I shadow travel away.

It's not time yet... but I will be seeing them more once this school year begins. Wait for me... I'll see you soon.

Raven's School of Magic: Year Twoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن