Chapter 5: The Road to Raven Square

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"Come on kiddos. We won't need to use any spell this year." Dad tells us and grins. "We can just walk there now." I might just burst with excitement! I won't need to feel sick afterwards and I can just enjoy the streets of the capital a little longer!

Ariel is walking with us for once not with Brandon. Even if he's glued to Jason's side, it's nice to have us all together like the family we should be. "Aren't you excited to be getting back?" I ask him and he jumps like always. I swear he reminds me of a spring-loaded cat. "H-huh? Oh... yes. Honestly, I am. I want to get back into a routine again... and learn more magic. I know... I'll need it in the future." Ariel looks down.

At first, I'm confused but then it clicks. Of course, he feels like he needs to learn more. He is being targeted by the Dark One... how can some big and bad ancient being like them do something like this? Targeting a scared kid who is afraid of his own shadow... how cowardly! I'm getting mad just thinking about it! I make some fists and glare at the ground.

"Are you alright, Ally?" Mom asks after slowing down to walk at my speed. "You look upset now. Why?" I take a deep breath and calm myself. "Just... how things aren't fair I guess." I look down and frown. Why aren't things easier? Why doesn't Ariel just reject the Moonfall's after everything they've done? Why isn't he as mad as I am?! I want to understand him but I just can't.

Mom smiles sadly and nods. "Yeah... I get that." He looks forward. "Things haven't been fair for a long time. I'm just happy to have Ariel back... he may not be with us completely... but I know he's alive. I can see him... get to know him... hold him when he accepts me..." he looks back at me and smiles. "That's enough for me... and I'll do whatever it takes to protect my family. I'm not strong like your father... but I do have my strengths. So do you." He pats the top of his head. "Give him time... space... don't overwhelm him or he'll just shy away from us even more."

I listen and sigh. I know mom is right. I know I need to be patient with him too. It's just hard to do so. "I'll try... thank you for listening to me, mom." He smiles and gives me a side hug. "Of course, sweetheart. You can always talk to me. I'll listen... your dad might get all hotheaded though so don't tell him too much." He winks and lets me go.

Mom always knows how to talk me out of my anger... well, almost always. Last year showed only proof can knock me out of it completely. "There it is! See that statue? We're finally at Raven Square." Dad suddenly calls to us which makes me look up sharply. The raven statue! I remember seeing it last year! I start to run over to it and dad jogs after me to keep up. Yes! Finally, we can our supplies!

I'm hopping up and down as mom, Jason, and Ariel catch up. I love how busy it is because it gives everything so much life! I can tell that Ariel doesn't like it as much since he pales and tries to hide behind Jason. He acts like a little kid... it makes him cute but sometimes it can be so annoying!

"Ready to go, Ari?" I ask happily and Ariel bites his lip. "Y-yeah... I did it last year... I'll be fine... I didn't have anyone to hold onto... now I do." He seems to be talking to himself. Jason smiles down at him. "It's ok. Why don't we head to the broom and glove store first? You can see all the different kinds of brooms and Ally can pick her favorite. You'll need to be fitted for a glove... or two." He hums thoughtfully. "You have two magic hands after all... but we'll have to see."

"So to Jimmy's Sport Shop?" Dad asks and getting several nods from me makes him chuckle. "Then let's go." He says and starts to lead the way. I walk next to mom ready to bounce off in excitement. "Do you think you'll enjoy duels? I'm not sure about racing myself but it's also super awesome!" I say to Ariel. He looks at me with wide eyes. "Oh... I'm not sure... b-but I'm willing to learn. If they think I'll be good at it... w-why not try?" I grin. That's the spirit!

"J-just be careful... I don't think he'll be there... when or if you join b-but... Simon is joining the racing team... a-and he's mean so..." Ariel stammers out and looks down. I tilt my head. Is he worried about me? He's warning me about his fake brother... how sweet of him! I grin and nod. "Will do. Thank you for telling me, Ari." He blushes as if embarrassed. "N-no problem..."

Ariel is just the cutest thing! He is just a dad-looking mom. I giggle to myself and look around as we make it to the sports store. As we step in, I'm filled with dread as I see Simon Moonfall. He's grown much taller and meaner looking. He's checking out some of the higher-priced brooms with a woman next to him. Ariel pales next to me and steps back to stand by Jason. I guess he's like a security blanket to him.

Simon looks over and his dark green eyes narrow. "Oh look who it is! The little Rose boy who stole my real little brother's place!" The woman looks over to see who he is talking to. They both have the same dark green eyes and scowl so I assume she is Silas' wife. If I remember right her name is Trina or something like that. Her hair is strawberry blonde just like Nina who had been Ariel's fake mother so I guess Silas has a type? Whatever that means.

Ariel swallows hard. "I-I didn't..." he then flinches when Simon glares at him. "Don't talk to me, brat! Now everything makes so much sense! You must be a freak like your mother. How revolting." He makes a face making Ariel pale and look down shaking like a leaf. "That must be how you keep seducing people too. You're not a real boy so you can trick people into wanting you." Wait what? Seducing?

Dad frowns at them. "Control your son, Trina. It looks like he hasn't learned any manners." He says and looks over the brooms. Trina frowns. "No... your brat must have learned it from you." She mutters. Her eyes linger on dad for a while then she looks away. Why is she acting like that? How strange...

Dad rolls his eyes. "No way I'd try and seduce someone like you. I don't like women like you. A witch with a b." I pause and try to figure out what he is saying... oh! Now I get it! Trina gets it before me as her face turns red from rage. She looks so silly that way and I have to cover my mouth to stifle a giggle.

"Heh... you don't look like the racer type but you?" I look up and tense seeing Simon pointing his finger at me. "If I ever see you, I'll make sure to welcome you thoroughly." I shudder when he purrs those words. He's so gross! And petty too. "You're useless and wouldn't do well in either store. So know your place and stay in the shadows. Oh! But not those shadows. God forbid the chosen one dies!" Simon snickers.

My blood turns cold. What a selfish little... Ariel speaks up first. "I-I'll be fine, Simon. I don't live with any of you so... I'll be safer where I am now than with you." His hands are shaking but I'm surprised that she's speaking up. "Besides... you started to touch me like Uncle Sebastian did... when I never did anything to make you do! S-so... why don't you explain that to your mother... s-since she hates people like me and... my real mother."

Simon's face turns red while Trina looks at her son. "Is what he said true?" She looks very disgusted. "Of course now!" He grabs the broom and storms out shooting Ariel a dirty look. "I'd never want something like that ever!" The door slams as he leaves. Trina scowls and puts some money down. She then eyes Ariel warily. "... Are you telling the truth?" Ariel tenses but nods. "Y-yeah... said that... that I seduced him... while he did nasty things... like Sebastian." he mumbles.

Trina watches him for a long moment then nods. "I'll make sure he changes his ways. No way my son will turn out liking half-boy freaks... thanks." She mutters and walks out. Ariel stays still and looks at the ground. "... Well... hopefully that fixes things." He mumbles and walks over to the gloves like nothing even happened.

I see dad clench his fists. "... that stupid word... seducing..." he mutters and goes off to the brooms. The awkwardness sets in and my excitement is long gone. They seem to have gone through similar things... but what is it? I wish I could help them but I don't understand. I hesitate then start looking at the brooms. I hate it when the fun is sucked out of everything!

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