Chapter 6: Old, Friendly Faces... Right?

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Akana helps me get fitted for my gloves. I decide to go with some cheap black ones since they match my mood right now. Simon's gaze even with all the hatred was disgusting. It lingered and made my skin crawl as he looked ready to angrily eat a piece of candy. I don't know what happened to him. I would rather have his hatred remain forever than that gross look he gained. He does look like Uncle Sebastian like this.

I sigh and look at Akana. "Thank you for your help." He smiles gently and shakes his head. "Don't mention it kiddo. I'm always happy to help you." He reaches his hand out before hesitating and taking it back. He probably wanted to pat my head like he would with Ally but the last time he did I flinched away in a hurry. Jason and Brandon are the only ones that can do so without me overreacting.

"Still... thank you anyway," I say and look over at Phoenix and Ally. He got triggered by what Simon said and I know why. He told me last year that his abuser would always claim that he seduced him as well. While I don't know all the details, I figure what happened between me and Uncle Sebastian also happened with Phoenix and his abuser... but probably much worse.

Akana follows my gaze. "Your father is a good man who's had a hard life." It still feels weird hearing someone call him what. "He does get scary sometimes even to me but he means well... he'd never hurt any of us. He's just my hotheaded demon." He shrugs and smiles fondly. I can see the love in his honey-colored eyes. I'm sure they'd do anything for each other too. I'm jealous of Ally for that, always having them and being surrounded by love.

"It's nice to see your relationship," I murmur. "I didn't see anything like that... at the Moonfall's. Silas didn't pay attention to Nina anymore... well he did if she went too far. Otherwise, it was all about Simon and Scott... then just Simon." I shrug. That's how it always was. It's so easy to say... should it be though? I stopped expecting anything from them after a while.

Akana frowns. "I don't know how he deals with all his mistresses and having a wife too. Seems like too much work... but I guess if they don't produce strong children then he stops caring huh?" I pass and then nod as I realize it is true. "Yeah... I'm sure he has daughters but I've never heard of them."

Akana makes a face. "Oh... probably. Sounds messy to me. Who has enough time for all that?" He shakes his head. "Silas isn't even that attractive either... I don't understand. Especially since it's obvious he has a type." He runs a hand through his hair. I couldn't agree more though I don't know what all he means about certain things. Adult stuff has always been a mystery to me... unless those gross films have something to do with it but I don't want to think about that.

"Is everyone ready to go?" Both Akana and I jump nearly out of our skin and turn to face Phoenix and Ally. He raises an eyebrow at us. "You're both very cat-like huh?" He chuckles and motions for us to follow. "Let's go and get the books now. I'm sure Trisha's bookstore is very busy... thanks Jimmy!" He calls to a small old man. Did he used to be very sporty? It's difficult to see now.

We leave the sports store and head down the path. Jason is waiting by the door with his supplies. "Got back just a few minutes ago! Record speed." He grins and walks next to me once more. He doesn't seem to have a lot of books this year. I wonder what research project he'll do this year. Last year he did a paper on the twin bond and Soul's Flame.

That reminds me... I'm keeping something from Jason. Looking up at him I decide against it once more. There's no way it's true... that faint glow must have been a trick of the eye. That would be too weird if... then Ally calls out to someone making me lose my train of thought. "Danny! How have you been?" She runs over to him.

Ah... my roommate. The dark-haired and gray-eyed boy looks up and smiles as he greets her. He looks the same as the last time I saw him. Catching his eye makes him smile and nod to me. We weren't always friends.

Back when I had a second roommate named Connor Constance, he stayed on the sidelines and watched as I got heavily bullied. After Connor used a forbidden spell that badly hurt me, he was expelled along with two other students who held me down. It was only after some time that we made amends and became friends. I had a sheep toy that I kept as my only gift from Silas but Connor ripped it to shreds just to be cruel. Danny got all the pieces and put her back together.

I stay back since he and Ally are better friends and look around. It's then I see Mr. Mo standing off to the side watching us... no, he seems to just be watching Phoenix as he stays close to Ally. What is he doing here? And why is he so interested in Phoenix? Our eyes lock and he tilts his head curiously. A puzzled look forms on his face as if he's confused about something. About what? Everyone is walking around him as if to avoid him but... they don't acknowledge his presence.

How odd... I look up at Jason. "Hey... do you see that man?" He asks as I point. "He has black hair and purple eyes." Jason follows my finger and frowns. "Who?" I look back and blink. Where did Mr. Mo go? It's like he vanished into thin air. Did I only imagine him? My face flushes and I lower my finger. "N-Nevermind... I must be seeing things."

Jason looks down at me curiously. "There are a lot of people here. You might just be feeling off." He pats the top of my head looking concerned. I nod and swallow hard. "Y-yeah... maybe..." I murmur and follow him as we go into the bookstore. It's so chaotic and I feel overwhelmed immediately. It seems even more crowded than it was last year. Did I come here at a different time of day with Silas and Simon? No... because Simon was in Raven Square earlier.

Jason rubs my shoulder. "Why don't I get your books and you step outside?" He suggests. "I know this is too much for you... I don't want you to panic." I swallow hard and nod quickly handing him my list of supplies. "T-thank you..." I mumble and quickly go to the door. "Anytime, kiddo." I hear Jason say before I stumble outside.

I lean against a wall and pant softly. I hate feeling this way. I have an anxiety disorder and normally Jason would use the calming spell on me but it also makes me sleepy so I know he didn't want to do it out in public. I take deep breaths and count to a hundred. Soon enough I calm down and close my eyes thinking of good thoughts... I don't think counting my sheep is a good idea.

"Are you feeling better?" I jump out of my skin and snap my eyes open. Next to me is Mr. Mo looking down at me. "Oops, sorry. You saw me earlier so I thought you would sense me too." He raises an eyebrow. "Guess not." I start catching my breath again and he waits patiently. How thoughtful of him. "W-what are you doing here?" I finally manage to ask.

Mr. Mo chuckles and shrugs. "Nothing much. Just exploring the capital... I'm not from around here you see. I'll be staying here for a good while..." he looks around observing everyone. "I'll see you at Raven's too. Everyone should learn how to deal with darkness and shadows." I tense at the mention of shadows and look down. Why would Mr. Mo mention shadows?

I hesitate and then ask. "So um... why were you staring at Phoenix?" I ask. Mr. Mo looks down at me. "Phoenix...?" He mumbles mostly to himself. "Yeah... the big blonde guy I'm with. I saw you staring at him... so why?" He tilts his head. "Curiosity? He seems like a rather... interesting fellow is all." His eyes narrow ever so slightly as he seems deep in thought.

I bite my lip and fall silent. Why is he acting so straight suddenly? "Do you... want to talk to him or...?" Mr. Mo shakes his head. "No... not yet anyway." I look up at him with a frown. "Anyway... it was good seeing you again, kid." He flashes a grin. "Looks like your group is coming out." I look at the door and see Jason and the Rose's come out. "See you later, Ariel." I look back but Mr. Mo is nowhere to be seen.

How... did he do that? It's like he disappeared into thin air! "Ari! Wanna go look at the pet store?" Ally grabs my arm and grins. "Come on! Let's go!" As I'm dragged along, I can't get Mr. Mo out of my head. Why is he so interested in Phoenix and me? What are his goals? I can't find any of the answers myself. Maybe he'll tell me when I see him again.

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