Platonic! Turtles x Reader - Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse pt.1

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Image is by @T00thSugar over on twitter :)

This was requested by Qab12372, I absolutely love the idea! I was a bit scared I wouldn't live up to the expectations that a concept like this offers, but I'm trying my best rn regardless TvT

School + a breakup decided to make my life busier than usual, so srry for going quiet last month :(

My bimestrals (basically like finals but 4 times a year) are rolling around next week so I'll be too busy to write this on the weekend, that's why I'm tackling it rn

(I finished all my exams as I write this actually!! I did well)

Hope you enjoy!

This takes place after the events if the movie btw!! I'm not too familiar with Casey Jr. but I'll try my best to write him regardless <33


Draxum sat down in his living room floor, the dim ceiling light right above him.

Something had leaked onto the floor, which turned out to be a broken chemical bottle in a box he never got to unpack.

It reminded him of how little he was able to retrieve from his lab, it was a bitter feeling.

The second Draxum opened the box, an insect-like creature emerged and began to fly around.

There was no mistaking its dark teal body and purple wings.

He scrambled to find a cup, almost tripping in the process of catching it.

Draxum placed his hand under the cup to keep it trapped. He felt a sting, which annoyed him.

He was a Yokai anyway, so it wouldn't affect him.

Gently placing it on the table, he pondered what to do with it for about 5 minutes.

Letting it free wasn't a possibility, seeing the chaos it could create, yet he strangely didn't want to end its life.

Something about it looked.. strange.

There were strange bumps all around it. It's eyes specifically, there was something about them that made Draxum feel uneasy.

Having made hundreds of the creature, he could tell something was different.

A strange sense of panic suddenly began to alarm him. His fight or flight response was kicking in, but he wasn't entirely sure as to why.

He could feel something twisting and turning beneath his skin, a sickening sensation that made his stomach churn.

Draxum's hand throbbed with a fierce intensity, the pain spreading like wildfire through his veins.

His vision blurred as a wave of dizziness washed over him, which caused his legs to buckle beneath him.

He sank to the ground and clutched his hand as he watched it grow a pale color.

Draxum felt his consciousness slowly slipping away, being swallowed up by a primal, insatiable hunger.

His mind clouded with a fog of confusion and fear, and Draxum's thoughts became disjointed and fragmented.

Was he dying? No, he wished he was dying. Maybe then his body could simply rest, but he could feel that wouldn't be the case.

Fighting whatever was starting to invade his mind was a losing battle.

He mentally hoped the 7 locks on his door were enough to contain whatever he was becoming.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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