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"...We fucked then I left after" Liam says as I walk into the living room. 

"Eww" I whine, contemplating if I should actually sit down or leave before they start talking about worse things.

Liam smirks once he sees my reaction but doesn't do anything. Noah opens his arms and I sit beside him, leaning into his side. 

"Where's Ash?" I ask no-one in particular. "Out" Alex says as he walks in the living room, taking a seat beside Liam.

Noah snickers and Liam looks at me, "that means he's out fucki-"

Alex wraps his arm around Liam's shoulders then covers his mouth. I giggle as Liam tries to pull Alex's hand away but he doesn't budge. 

Obviously. He goes to the gym literally everyday....

"We need to keep her mind innocent for as long as we can" Noah laughs, making Alex exaggeratedly nod his head in agreement. I roll my eyes, "talking about having...sex.." I whisper the small part "-is a little disturbing but you don't have to keep me in the dark, guys. I'm older now, I know more things."

Liam raises his eyebrows and Alex eventually moves down his hand. "What does our little princess know then?" he says amused.

I shrug, "I know about periods, hormones, boys... private parts.., contraception, ..sexual intercourse... and more" I whisper some.

Noah raises his eyebrows from beside me. 

I also know about sexual frustration... God, I literally cannot believe that happened yesterday. What on Earth was I thinking? I shouldn't have let our friendship progress that way. Let alone what we did was in school.

Nobody says anything so I take that as a win, grinning, "see! Now you can include me more."

They all collectively shrug and move the conversation along. "Who's cooking dinner tonight?" I ask.

Alex stands up, "I don't mind doing it, or we can get a takeaway and put Ashton's in the fridge. What do you all want?"

I jump up, "pizza, please!"

Liam and Noah groan, "we had Italian not long ago, Evie."

I roll my eyes, "what suggestions have you got then?"

Noah hides his amused smile as Liam thinks aloud, "can we get a Chinese takeaway?"

My eyes light up, "ooo, that sounds yum."

Alex looks at Noah who shrugs. "Chinese it is then" Alex announces, sitting back on the couch and pulling out his phone.

I lean back into Noah, sitting comfortable as he shrugs his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his comforting arms.

I send Liam a grin as Alex asks us all what we want to order. Like the basic family we are, he orders 4 sweet and sour chickens with steamed white rice and a small bag of prawn crackers. Yum. 

He used to always order 3 since I would never eat a large amount and could take a small portion of each of theirs but once I was throwing a mini tantrum and demanded I get my own plate now. I still don't finish my whole plate but I like to store it in the fridge and eat it the next day.

My phone lights up from beside me on the couch so I pick it up, holding it near to my face as I see a new notification from Tiana.

I open it to find a grinning photo of her and a message underneath, "I heard from a little birdie that Jacob has a BIG FAT CRUSH ON UUU" I read and instantly lower my phone, aware that if Noah wanted to, he could be reading it as well. 

The speed I lower my phone brings Alex and Liam's eyes to stare at me. I move my head up to look at Noah's but his jaw is tense, his teeth grinding subtly together. 

My eyes widen at the strong possibility he read the message and I part my lips to say anything but he beats me to it, "show me your phone" he practically demands.

I sigh, glancing at Alex with a pleading look then looking back up. "Noah..."

He raises his eyebrows sharply and I sigh, passing him the unlocked phone. Liam stands up and comes over, curious as to what we're talking about.

His jaw ticks and he takes the phone from Noah's hand, holding it up to Alex to read. Alex's eyes widen a fraction before he clears his throat and he glances at me, "did you know he had feelings for you?"

I shake my head.

"Which bone should we break first?" Liam asks seriously. I gasp, "Liam! Please don't hurt him. He didn't-"

"Shut up, Evie. We need to teach him a lesson" Noah mumbles.

I stand up, "What? No! Please stop. We don't even know if it's true-"

"Everleigh, he has a crush on you" Liam emphasizes as if I just told him I have a terminal illness. I roll my eyes, "You don't know that and... still, just because he might like me, doesn't mean I like him back."

He rolls his eyes as Noah pulls out his phone, taking a picture of my phone screen and handing my phone back. "You can't be serious" I want to laugh, otherwise I'll cry.

"Why can't I just experience something like a normal teenage girl? You're all so protective. It's just a stupid crush and we don't even know if it's true" I argue with my eyes drowning in tears. 

I don't even know why I suddenly got so defensive. I guess I was feeling overwhelmed with how demanding they were being. 

I hear Alex sigh and stand up. He wraps his arms around me protectively and uses one hand to stroke my hair. "It's okay, baby. They're not going to do anything, okay? You hear me?" He mumbles to me but says the last part louder for my other brothers in the room to hear me.

They grumble incoherently under their breaths but I just nod against Alex's chest. I squeeze my arms around him tightly as he whispers sweet nothings into my hair, efficiently calming me down.

I glance up from his arms and see Liam with a smirk, making more tears form in my eyes. "Alex!" I point at my mischievously smirking older brother. Alex looks over and raises his eyebrows intimidatingly. He sends him a quick 'telling off' and makes him promise to not do anything.

We take promises very seriously in this house.

I feel myself being tugged out of Alex's arms and I notice Noah is now hugging me. "I'm sorry, Lee" he says softly, squeezing me tightly. I sniffle away the last of my crying session and smoosh my head impossibly closer to him. His arms make me feel comforted despite his previous words putting me into this weird emotional state.

Maybe I'm starting my period soon.

Noah slowly releases me from the hug, glancing over at Liam who is now walking forwards. "I won't do anything but I think staying away from him for a while would do you both some good" he mumbles but I hear and stay silent.

He tugs me closer and traps me in his arms, rubbing my back softly.

I don't hug him back but I can't help but feel the protective warmth radiating from him. Liam's always had a shorter temper than my other brothers but that doesn't make him any less thoughtful.

"Maybe" I whisper. Staying away from Jacob could be a good option. I know I kinda have a crush on him too but mine isn't solidified or anything. I can't afford to be getting romantically involved with anyone, especially when my brothers are just as protective as ever.

Liam steps back after we hug but has a small grin on his face. He definitely head my reply.

Everleigh RamirezWhere stories live. Discover now