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"You're sure you're okay?" I ask Tiana for the millionth time

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"You're sure you're okay?" I ask Tiana for the millionth time.

She chuckles, "I'm fine, Leah. If it wasn't for you, I could be dead right now."

"God, don't say that" I wince, my arms immediately wrapping around her. "I know it must be tough for Sienna but I'm glad he was arrested. He can't just go breaking in and threatening people" I say.

She laughs and nods, hugging me back, "Agreed. The police officers yesterday told me that Sienna would be taking time off school to be admitted into some therapy center. I have no idea but it's weird to think she was involved so heavily in this."

I nod, a frown on my face. She rang me from her home telephone last night and explained what the police found out - about Sienna, her father, Mollie being threatened, etc. It sucks how much our friendship group has changed.

"Thank you for everything, Leah" she squeezes me tighter.

"Anytime, Tee" I smile back. 

We pull apart and send our goodbyes before walking in different directions. I'm outside the school, waiting for Jacob. We texted a little at lunchtime and I offered that when Alex comes, he can pick him up me, Noah, and Jacob. Especially considering we're all going to the same place.

I texted the one and only 'Ramirez' group chat and asked whoever could pick us up to drive Jacob too and Alex agreed he would. I'm glad it wasn't Liam because he definitely would try get us into a car crash as some sort of threat to Jacob.

"Hey, love" Jacob smirks as he walks up to me. "Don't call me that" I mumble, making him smirk. 

I spot Noah and subtly elbow Jacob to make him act normally but he just laughs instead. Noah glares at him the second he sees him, remaining silent of course. He doesn't speak much to people he doesn't know well.

"Noah" I try scowl and warn him for his glaring but he just pats my head teasingly. "I'm Jacob" Jacob greets, ignoring Noah's rude behavior. He nods once.

I go to say something but a car honk interrupts. Looking over to find one of Alex's favorite sportscars, I grin. He smiles back, gesturing for us to get in.

I waste no time walking over and getting straight in. I leave the backseat door open as I shuffle to the furthest side, making space for Jacob to sit. Noah sits in the passenger seat and slams the door shut.

Jacob closes it after him and we all buckle up as Alex speaks, "Hi, I'm Alex. You're Jacob, right?"

Jacob replies, "yeah, nice to meet you. Thanks for allowing us to do the project in your home."

Ooo, manners!

"It's no problem" Alex tells him before pulling the car out of the parking lot and beginning the drive home. Jacob glances at me and sends me a small smirk but I just ignore him. 

I watch as Noah sits stiffly in the seat and Alex keeps looking through the rearview mirror. Sometimes, I think they're too overprotective for their own good. 

It's just a project, right? What are they so sacred of? I'm not going to suddenly turn into an emo runaway sex-obsessed girl just because a boy came over for a project one time.

Not long after, we're all getting out the car and walking up to the front door. "Thanks for driving me and letting me come over" Jacob says to Alex.

He doesn't reply but nods in acknowledgment. 

As Alex presses the small iPad we have by the door and types in the front door passcode, I can't help but notice Noah mumble lowly beside Jacob. 

Whatever he says results in Jacob nodding his head. "Come in" Alex says once the front door unlocks. 

We walk in and put our bags down. Noah kept his shoes on but Jacob and I took ours off. I put mine neatly next to his and mumbled a "follow me."

Noah walked upstairs, a small glare resting on his face as Alex shoos him away. I lead Jacob to the dining room and am not surprised when Liam is sitting there on his phone. "Liam, can you go please?"

He looks up with a smirk, "I'm quite comfortable here actually."

I sigh, yelling "Alex!"

Immediately, he walks in and firmly but gently grabs Liam's arm, pushing him out of the dining room. "Door stays open" Liam warns as he's pulled away, making Alex laugh but nod.

"Sorry about that" I mumble, facing Jacob. I round the table and sit in the chair Liam was previously in. "You can sit anywhere" I say as he sits opposite me. "You wanted to be left alone with me, huh?" he teases and I roll my eyes.

"So should we continue where we left off in class?" I ask and he nods. 

"I was doing some research on it and found some more factors we can include" he adds, pulling out his phone and turning it so I can see his most recent google search.

I hum with a smile, "looks interesting. We should definitely include it."

He nods before I remember this is a project presentation. I bounce my leg up and down. I hate presenting with a passion.

"You ok?" Jacob asks, a worried look in his eyes. "We have to present" I say bluntly.

"Yeah. What about it? You don't want to?"

I shake my head with a small frown, "I'm so bad at presenting. I'm sorry if I bring our grade down" I whisper.

"Hey don't say that. I'm sure you'll do great and even not, it's just a small presentation, ok Everleigh? I don't even care about my grades" he laughs at the end.

I try to ignore the flutter in my chest at the way my name rolled of his tongue. 

He grabs my hand that was resting on the table and rubs it gently with the pad of his thumb. I nod to myself, "okay, I'm sorry."

"Don't be" he smiles to comfort me. "Now, how about we go on PowerPoint and start this thing? I can type the information and you can decorate the slides if you want?"

I grin, "sure!"

"Good girl" he mumbles, removing his hand from on top of mine and standing up, "I'll be back in a second, I'm gonna get my computer from my backpack."

"Oh right, I'll get mine from my room" I say. Sometimes I bring it with me to school but today I just brought pens and paper. 

I rush up the stairs and turn the corner when a pair of arms grab me, stopping me form bumping into them. "Sorry" I try not to laugh.

Ash smirks, "you need to stop running in the house, sweetheart."

"I know, sorry". Ash nods with a small smile, "how's the project going with Jacob?"

I try ignore the way he says 'Jacob' and just nod, "it's fine. I'm getting my computer so we can start preparing the presentation."

"Presentation? But you hate presentations..."

"Yeah but I feel like it'll be okay this time. As long as I'm prepared, everything will work out, right?" I ask as I fiddle with my hands and look down. Ashton hums, "everything will work out fine, Everleigh" he says clearly as his fingers tilt my chin up.

I nod and he kisses my cheek before saying he's going to the supermarket. "Want anything?"

"No thanks" I smile, "have fun!"

"Thanks, baby. You have fun with your project too" he smiles, ruffling my hair then walking away. 

I scowl and comb my hair with my hands as I open my bedroom door, noticing the dirty clothes on the floor. I'll pick those up later.

I pick up the computer from the desk and walk back downstairs, meeting Jacob in the dining hall. He smirks as I walk in but I remain silent and sit down, opening up the laptop.

Everleigh RamirezTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang